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Everything posted by lepeep

  1. yeah, I got mine in the post (he he) this morning. It's ace, I think a few instuments on a few tracks could of (but don't need to) "beef it up" a bit... but, it's made me want to go get the Rahzel LP too... peep
  2. in joy ? or tears of pain ?...or laughter ?
  3. should we have a "zombie" stage ? nick drake kurt cobain elliot smith layne staley sid vicious ?
  4. in my back garden, with a special toilet , just for me. main stage : Mainstage : loud as fuck stage A Perfect Circle Fudge Tunnel Shellac Brutal Truth Dillinger Escape Plan stage 2 Electronic ahhhhhh Four Tet Scorn Supercollider pigeonhed mothboy stage 3 Out there Mr Bungle Secret Cheifs 3 (poor old Trey, he'd be knackered!) stretchheads boredoms butthole surfers stage 4 - acoustic Perry farrel (doing an acoustic set of Janes addiction and Porno For Pyros) Chris Cornell (nothing but sound garden tracks!) Jerry cantrell Tom Waits Stone Temple Pilots stage 5 (a-deen rules) The Staccato Set electric tibet Vomitus Fickle Public and...I suppose..I'd have to warm up my own show ! Maple. (boooooo!)
  5. my blues explosion experience, was : Beastie Boys Blues Explosion DJ Hurricane... now that was a fucking great gig... if no one has heard the Hurra's first LP (on Wijja records), try and find it, it's an ace RAP lp, with a distinct flava.
  6. if you have to ask, you shouldn't be alowed to know...he he *wink wink* JudaBauerladiesngentlemen! JudaBauer!
  7. Tom Waits Reveals Details of Next Album Guest spots from Gordon, Maria, Mr. Hooper to round out the cast John Herman reports: The forthcoming new album from Tom Waits, Real Gone, now has a release date: October 4th. But watch out, Rahzel! According to the folks at Waits' label, Anti, the record will replace the legendary songwriter's piano with his own brand of vocal percussion. Oh, sweet Jesus. But don't fret, lovers of actual music-- as we reported in April, a whole bevy of instrument spankers are on board: guitarist Mark Ribot will be collaborating for the first time since 1985's Rain Dogs; Larry Taylor, a veteran of several Waits recordings, will be on bass and guitar, Brain Manita (Primus, Buckethead, the most recent Guns 'N' Roses tour) will man the drums, Waits' son Casey X will handle percussion and turntables, Primus founder Les Claypool will slap the electric bass, and Harry Cody's got the guitar and banjo. Of the album's sound, Anti's website stated that "Real Gone is a place, a time beyond reach: a lost mind, a renegade leader, war love sublime, love lost, death, desire, escape. These are the themes of the record inspired by the giddy lust, high voltage, out of orbit times-- a vertigo of splash and trash popular culture spinning alongside the gun to our head and the knife in our heart political times, or as 'Shake It' says, 'I feel like a preacher waving a gun around.'" We had to check to be sure they weren't referring to Timecop. Speaking to NME, Waits said "Real Gone is an electric pill box... a homogeneous concoction of mood elevators, mind liberators and downers, an alchemical universe of rattling chains, oscillating rhythms and nine-pound hammers." That had to be rehearsed. With tracks like "Circus" and "Trampled Rose" all recorded in an old Mississippi school house with longtime collaborator and wife Kathleen Brennan, it sounds like fans can expect a true Waits album. Please God, let him sing of a one-eyed dwarf. Tracklist: 01 Top of the Hill 02 Hoist That Rag 03 Sins of My Father 04 Shake It 05 Don't Go Into That Barn 06 How's It Gonna End 07 Metropolitan Glide 08 Dead and Lovely 09 Circus 10 Trampled Rose 11 Green Grass 12 Baby Gonna Leave Me 13 Clang Boom Steam 14 Make It Rain 15 Day After Tomorrow http://www.anti.com/artist.php?id=86678 PS, I think ANTI just became my favourite label ! http://www.anti.com/artist.php?id=86741 (elliot smith LP) http://www.anti.com/artist.php?id=86729 (nick cave LP's) AND...tom waits is going to play berlin in november...cheap flights with easy jet again ?...
  8. too late ! I bought mine yesterday, and , spied that the twighlight singers have a new LP out in September too...so I advanced purchased that one too...groooo...my wallet. peep
  9. lepeep


    are you trying to tell us somethng Philip ? he he
  10. ahh, yes, lets note all the good riffs...and they are probably older than you are ! metallica = A.O.R. (now)
  11. lepeep


    yeah, my server company killed the space the other day, so I had to upload everything again, I'll upload "I saw a Fly Die" again for you, if you are still interested... I'll upload it now... here it is : http://www.g-r-a.co.uk/fly.mp3 I've also just got hold of a load of new music software, so I think we should talk about getting this "remix posse" on the go...just a bit of fun like. I remember Keith (frosty) said "you first Phil". I'll try and get 10 samples on the go before the week is out. and then, you add your own 10 samples, or change the samples I provide, and we'll take it from there...
  12. he he , well spotted. I was thinking of the Disposables. Television, the drug of the nation, breeding ignorance and feeding radiation...
  13. they look like lovely , all american regular guys. shame they are all self indulgent greedy cunts.
  14. For all you lovers of electro acoustic fun. http://www.bbc.co.uk/scotland/musicscotland/air/vics_pick.shtml
  15. I've got about 700 CDs now, but keep buying about 2 - 6 a week (second hand, in sales etc when going for "more than 2")... I don't think you could ever own too much music, as for Jakey's mum saying "you'll never listen to them all", does she watch TV all the time ? (she'll never watch all the programmes !)... I've got a 5 CD changer, stick in 5 CD's on a saturday, stick a speaker out the window, hey presto, a fine day, full of music. I work at home at night, listening to music... If anything, Kill your TV.
  16. that didn't take too long did it.
  17. and who would ripple boy "arse lick" ? (no one)... yeah, right...eye's peeled for some "positive messages" from Ripple boy in the future......ho ho.
  18. sounds great from the samples online... quite a departure from the "early Laeto" I've heard. (early mogwai to what sounds like "how Idlewilde should have gone"...) I hope that's not taken the wrong way... peep
  19. and I was just going to say "if they are that evil, what are you doing on their email list..."... never mind, thanks for the heads up...
  20. hear it in ram http://www.avalancheinc.co.uk/jesuheartache.html
  21. yeah, I'd like to hear jesu live (it's JK flesh (justin broadrick) from Godfelsh, Ice, God, Techno Animal blah blah blah...) Jesu wa sone of godflesh's last song titles...(how trainspottery). I'll check out the pellican stuff...sounds great !
  22. excellent news ! thanks for posting that... can't wait for that one.
  23. lepeep


    I can feel a charity shop run coming on... you fuckin knows it ! he he...shinest track suit wins... remember, "you gotta be careful when sniffin glue, cos the last thing you want is a leisure suit stuck to you..."
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