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Everything posted by lepeep

  1. one interesting development over the last 30 years, is the use of the Pill , apparently more women are using the pill, and the oestrogen contained in their Pee, being flushed into our rivers, is actually effecting the gender of fish, this stuff also gets put into our drinking water, so you never know, more females (through reproduction, due to the bias of female hormones), or, more men with "feminine traits"...makes you think ... well, perhaps not all of you, as it's too much to "think about", lets just keep it in the dark, and be happy with our sheltered, simple lives. (our dads told us to follow).
  2. gay flies, read all about it : http://www.newscientist.com/news/news.jsp?id=ns99992803
  3. JESUS... you lot astound me... it's quite insulting to read these posts : ROLLS FUCKING EYES ?... it is natural, it's just you don't agree with it... "no babies = not natural" that's so simplistic, it's laughable. here's the point : you are either homophobic or not. you can't "get on with gay people" but stillthink they are abhorent / unnatural. it's insulting, that's all.
  4. jesus, you don't get it do you ?... so, a man of 40 , trapping a kid of 15 "alone" is paedophillia, but it's "gay" if he's got an audience of people ABOVE the age of 15 ?... you are fucked up my friend.
  5. true, but even if these "misfits" found christianity, (god forbid..ho ho...hold on?!...) they wouldn't be as destructive (spray painting churches, killing animals etc)... I hear you though... It's good to see you have pretty much the similar view I come from (don't get me wrong, I loved a slab of Darkthrone, as I've said). I just think that the bands making this type of music don't think of the full picture, the "on the edge kids" who might get into them etc. (and especially with that nutter murdering someone because of his views (can't remember the band's name)...what sort of messages are they giving out ?! Mind you, I imagine "Styrper" made a few people go nuts and kill things...he he
  6. Now, that is a harsh story, I know of one similiar, but I shan't divuldge the details...needles to say, these examples are not "homosexuality", but Paedophillia. so don't get them mixed up. I understand that you also don't like "outwardly gay" people, but prefer the more sedate kind, that tried to "fit in" with hetorosexual appearences, but , people DO NEED to be educated in accepting people, no matter what stances they have... you might say "ah ha, well accept my stance then", the only problem is, your stance errs onthe negative, and nothing good can come of negativeity (I sound like a hippy...sheesh!)...oops!
  7. severely disabled ?...no, just a smidgeon fucked up.("not the full shilling" isn't really "severely disabled"...)(ps, I think I know who you think I am thinking about, but its not him, or his brother) As for the "need for Satanism in black metal", I'd disagree and say that the defining element of "black metal" was the "satanic element", otherwise, it'd be death metal. I used to listen to several "black metal" bands, but always cringed at their lyrics, and imagery. And, when you are young and impressionable, it's always a worry that seeing the antics of yer favourite Norwegian makeup wearing, priest hating, fellow band mate killing ways "might" make you try something similar (if you don't have a level head on your shoulders..and as we've already said, there are a few people who like black metal that are in the "high risk" category...if you know what I mean). PS, if only "bleak / dark" music was "black metal", GYBE! might be considered black metal? nes pas ? (or are they too slow ? so what about GGFH ?)
  8. * clinks G'n'T with mr Fashion * hear hear.
  9. *sigh*... so, "ethinc pride" is OK ? is that becuase Kids can't be influenced into turning brown over night ? ho ho you still havn't really said why kids shouldn't be looking at gay people
  10. all of those arguments are based on fear and ill educated points of view. it's almost a moot point, arguing if and why or WHEN kids turn gay if they "watch it, and think it's OK"... the bigger point is, WHY DO YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THE CHILD "TURNING GAY" ? cos we need more people on this earth making babies ? because they'll in turn spread the gay disease ? worse still, you'll be in a minority of straight people, and you'll be forced into thinking your way of life is wrong , dirty, un natural... hold on...I see why you're scared now, no one would ever like to feel like that....ahh...there lies your problem.
  11. what the fuck?.... sorry, your "argument" is deterioating with every post...(you haven't actually given a reason yet as to why homosexuality is wrong (sorry, wrong for kids to see, because you aren't a homophobe, you just think homosexuals should never be let out in to the open...) I loved this bit : to sound like the anti-tabloid wanker I am, yes, all of the above are "natural". I.E., they are human emotions / expression, evolved over time, by humans...i.e NATUAL. (something that occurs in nature)... it's abhorent, quite repugnant (the examples you have given), but, natural non the less (you obviously stopped reading half way through my post). cancer is "natural" (but it doesn't have fucking babies !) EBOLA is natual... give me a good reason why "gays should not be seen or heard" ...
  12. of course homosexuality is natural ! you might not think it pleasent, or that YOU WOULD PRACTICE IT, but that doesn't make it "un-natural". Next you'll tell me that the ugly nature of the "hag fish" (living inside a corpse, eating shite etc, "ain't natural")... It's been proven that homosexuality is a trait in the GENES, but hold on, you conservatives can start to "eradicate" that gene !...(*sniff sniff...I smell Eugenics raising it's head)...
  13. there is no way you can convince a homophobe that a man holding another mans hand is "not offensive"... it's hardly worth talking about (it's not a discussion, as people 'hear' the other persons points of view). My tuppeth is that "people should just get on with each other"... but no, it doesn't work like that. "I'm not a homophobe..BUT..." why is there always a but in homophobe ? (he he). PS, "sheltered" from what ? men holding hands ? men kissing ? women kissing ? (but it's OK for them to see straight people kissing / holding hands, as that's "normal" ?. BOLLOX ) that's just homophobia raising its ugly head, sorry.
  14. I'd agree that Darkthrone would be the Best out of a bad bunch... I think that black metal is a joke, only morons would be just as extreme as the "thing" they are rebeling against...(i.e. christianity). I once asked a namless moron in one up (Identity kept a secret as not to embarras the poor short arse , short sighted cross dresser) "do you belive in Jesus?" "no, I don't" "do you believe in Satan?" "yes, of course I do"... and there lies your argument that only morons "get into" death metal. (in the true sense). (i.e. not just appreciating a good fast riff, and some growly vocals...stick with "death metal", it more fun, and less anal) PS, if you really want to experience some really bad "satanic music", check out GGFH (global genocide, forget heaven)...that'll make you laugh till you cry. PPS,. here is the webshite, warning, may contain images that will make you piss yourself (white wee wee, if you are young and impressionable). http://www.ggfh.com/
  15. My pal said it was worth getting too...so I ordered it...should be in soon.
  16. excellent, UK dates, that means the plane might crash, and they die, ace...fingers crossed boys...
  17. I'm still listening to my Si cut BD cd and the tennis one... cracking LP's, right up anyone's street who digs basic channel etc... magic nite, glad to hear the PA being used in a clear and conscise manner ! he he...
  18. you suffer from my disease (i/e/ not reading the thread!). xmas steps was posted about 6 times (page 2 onwards ?)... anyway...cracking song, i'll 8th it. You suffer by napalm death...played 36,000 times...he he
  19. I have a meeting to go to from 7 onwards, and its in alford... I'd love to see strobing goat from what everyone's been saying... peep
  20. beats "mini bolan" (or bolan jr...)....oooh.
  21. I still haven't got it, as some fucker bought the only copy that one up got in... Skinny Who ?....(ho ho)
  22. eeek ! we all forgot .... 3 days, by jane's addiction ! (or if someone did put that down, sorry, well done !)
  23. has anyone got an eyebrow net ? mine seems to have shot off above my head.... *c'mereyeweeshite....*
  24. absolutly... I stopped buying GYBE! side projects after a while, cos none of them were cutting the mustard with me ... but, thanks to Steve in one up, he convinced me to buy the last full length "silver mt. zion" cd (this is our punk rock...blah blah blah)... its fucking amazing, seriously, if you havn't got this, go get it now ! PS, kyuss : "un sandpiper" should be 1 minute and 44 seconds longer (wink wink)
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