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Frosty Jack

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Everything posted by Frosty Jack

  1. Real novelty of vocabulary is impossible; in the matter of language we lead a parasitical existence, and are always quoting. Quotations, conscious or unconscious, vary in kind according as the mind is active to work upon them and make them its own. - Walter Raleigh
  2. = "Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life." - Confucius
  3. Would that not then be subject to extra charges for data roaming if you use it for internets?
  4. If that's her in the mirror, she's made a right arse of her make-up.
  5. Yoink. I can relieve you of that...
  6. Click your name top right, then 'My Settings' and go to 'Notification Options' - you can select either a notification or an email (or both)
  7. I was introduced to The Staves by accident at Loopallu last year. Was just walking past the main tent when they lured me in Siren-like, and I was stunned. Seriously good live, just perfect harmonies and quite charming. One of those unintentional live experiences when you just have to find out who the hell they are. The album came out a few months ago, it's brilliant - some lovely lovely songs, although tbh can be a bit much to listen to the whole thing at once - leaves you craving something fast and noisy.
  8. Click profile. Click 'display name history'.
  9. Aye, the upgrade has changed the address format so old links don't work. It's still all there, but you have to find it from within the new site to get the right address.
  10. The original thread (from 2006) can be found here - http://www.aberdeen-music.com/index.php?/topic/18490-gimmie-some-folk-music-please/
  11. They're not proposing to demolish them, just upgrade them a bit - "A programme (Victorian Schools (VS) Programme) to improve suitability should be instigated which would involve exploring possible alterations to internal and external facilities. These are likely to include the flooring over of first and second floor voids to provide flexible spaces for use in a variety of learning activities, such as group work and some types of active learning." Full details here if you're interested -http://committees.aberdeencity.gov.uk/mgConvert2PDF.aspx?ID=2782&T=10
  12. Oh God, me too. All it takes is one Google to see it's always bollocks. I usually find something about whatever it is on thatsnonsense.com (follow them on FB for regular debunking updates to what's going around at the time) and post the link to whatever neep has forwarded the crap to me.
  13. You should just get both accounts merged and tell the fucking truth.
  14. In terms of what has come out of the X Factor, he is a class above, yes. But in terms of real life, he's not exactly the second coming. There's thousands of singer songwriter types out there as good or better. I predict he's going to get eaten up by the Sith Lord Cowell and the Dark Side of the music 'industry' and spat out when he can't do exactly what they want him to do. He seems quite vulnerable, and I can't see it ending well for him. He would probably have been better losing, then getting picked up by a smaller label who could work with what he has rather than turning him into what they want.
  15. Ron Jeremy may be on the vinegar strokes... http://blog.chron.com/celebritybuzz/2013/01/tmz-report-ron-jeremy-in-critical-condition/
  16. Those new GHD Invisibles are cool as fuck.
  17. http://www.aberdeen-music.com/events/upcoming
  18. Mine too. The last few times I've been into the huge PC World barn on Hutcheon Street there's been no more than three people in the whole place. And their staff are completely clueless. Same goes for the Garthdee one. You can wander round for hours and struggle to even get the staff to notice, let alone try and sell you something.
  19. Ta-daa! http://imageshack.us/g/1/9973064/ (sorry page 1 is a bit squint, never noticed at the time. Think it's still readable though)
  20. I found my copy of Fit Like New York, and there is a whole chapter about Lemon Soul. There's a huge amount of background stuff about the various members and other bands they were in, but the key paragraph about Lemon Soul is this - They only lasted two years, their last gig being the Cowdray Hall in 1968, and as far as I can see they never recorded anything. But apparently in 1993 a chance telephone call by Kevin Henderson from his home in Frankfurt to the Dutch Mill got them all talking again, and a reunion gig came about on April 3rd 1994. It seems this gig was recorded from the mixing desk, but God knows if it still exists anywhere. As I say there's tons more about the whole scene at that time in the book, if you want I can scan the whole chapter for you.
  21. I do. Once I get coffee number 3 down me I'll find it and have a look.
  22. Just announced on their Facebook page, they will be trading until Jan 31st, then no more. Not unexpected, but still very sad and a great loss. https://www.facebook.com/OneUpRecords
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