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Frosty Jack

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Everything posted by Frosty Jack

  1. Are you, like, Cool Thinker - Traffic Division? If so, which ones in Aberdeen have the twirly button on the bottom? I've yet to find one.
  2. Pelican. Or Pe-li-con. Pedestrian Light Controlled Crossing.
  3. Frosty Jack


    That's the kind of facebook viral pish that gets an immediate unfriend/block from me, no questions, no right of appeal.
  4. I hear some of those places have schools near them, for Gods sake.
  5. Saw this on Capt Tom's Facebook page, and thought it needs to be shared here. If you're going to book a practice, you really have to do the best you can to at least turn up. Sure sometimes circumstances are such that you can't, but to just not turn up without even calling is just ridiculous. Toms is a vital resource to Aberdeen, we can't afford to lose it, especially just due to thoughtlessness like this... https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=613201935365677&id=266001826752358
  6. Think I got Mr Fast Caz from out of Bonesaw on Saturday, strolling through Capt Toms. As I was strolling through Capt Toms.
  7. Not crabby or aggressive, it just feels like watching a blind man heading for an open manhole, you just have to speak up. And Bourbon doesn't count, you can do what the hell you want to that.
  8. That's just weird and wrong. I can understand a little bit of water if it's a good malt, but not chilled. Whisky's like a good red wine, it should be a warm cosy duvet for the heart. Mmm... breakfast and a nip, I think.
  9. I think there was asbestos in the building. what?
  10. It's moving soon to a bit further along, roughly where the bus stop is now. This may be the root of Mr Thinker's confusion.
  11. It would need Gandalf, Darth, Neil to confirm for sure, but as far as I know it's not possible on the current board.
  12. Our singer has what we hilariously refer to as his 'fairy axe'. I'll ask him if he knows anything about it.
  13. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1318802/Korean-man-wheelchair-falls-death-missing-lift.html
  14. Banjo Boy from out of Deliverance now looks like this. and he didn't actually play the banjo - a local musician gave him a reach around while hidden from view behind him. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Billy_Redden
  15. Absolutely, been driving me nuts as well. (Who the fuck is 'Ryan'?)
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