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Everything posted by ragudave

  1. I got Do the Collapse* initially after hearing GBV on Peel and a Matador sampler. But I sold DTC after a few months as it was overproduced / not to my liking. I'll take some GBV out of the library, once I finish my next dub compilation... Dave * DTCollapse review
  2. Oh not, sounds like I will have to dance again.... Save a Bip Hop t shirt for me ! Dave
  3. Official GBV statement on splitting up Yeh I dont get the Cheap Trick link either !
  4. Someone did me a favour last year and did me a 2 CD compilation of G B Voices tracks and rarities. I gave it another listen over the weekend and was rather impressed. As GBV are splitting up soon does anyone recommend any particular album by them ? Or I should save up and get one of their boxsets ? FWIW I believe Robert Pollard is going to carry on doing solo material after they split. Who knows he might play solo in Scotland some day supporting The Kitchen Cynics... Dave
  5. Pre recorded tapes were always a pain - sometimes good quality sometimes very poor. I've not bought a pre recorded tape since the 80s ! Too many bad experiences. Blank tapes, the decent chrome / heavier duty ones are nice and handy for making back up copies of vinyl albums or making your own compilations etc. Easy to carry, copy and cheapish. The sound quality is not perfect but who has perfect ears..... Dave
  6. Sadly Clement "Coxsone" Dodd of Studio One died a few days ago, Dave http://www.pressure.co.uk/pressuresounds/news/
  7. At last I will be able to see Frogpocket. I think I missed their UP gig last time. Kasule sound pretty interesting as well as I am sure Graeme has played their CD on random ocassions. BTW what is dubcore ?
  8. Yep I shall be in attendance for my shot of alt country as I remember them playing at the Ltree as well. I think it'll work well with the intimate nature of Drakes. I seem to remember having a Khaya track somewhere on a compilation of Edinburgh labels or something ? Must have a dig for that. Dave PS just realised that this gig was not on the last Int Music flyer I got
  9. I totally agree. It must be some amount of hassle organising a festival like Trip Tych so good luck to them. I've been to all of the four years of TT and seen lots of great things. Note to self - earplugs would be a wise investment next time....
  10. Of course maybe the excess volume of Pansonic and Wire has affected your hearing....
  11. My review does not stink - it contains my opinions at one point in time. Your views may be different from mine. We are both entitled to express our views. The use of comparisons can be useful when someone wants to know what something sounds like or who they borrowed from... e.g. Elastica sound like Wire, Ladytron and Komputer remind me of Kraftwerk Yes I have to admit I am old, and narrow minded never attend many gigs or buy music. I mean I only like dub, drum n bass, electronica, alt & old country, post rock, turntabilism, hardcore / gabba, world music, folk music, hip hop, blues, jazz, funk, techno and indie and minimalism. On I like post punk as well. Dave
  12. A golden ticket as it has been christened would make it feel like a real festival rather than a bunch of gigs under one banner over 5 days ? On another note maybe Trip Tych should be marketed at the out of area market* to build up potential audiences in smaller places like Adeen, Dave * beyond the UK / Scotland
  13. Last nights modern classical pieces by Bryars / Adams was very well performed - great music, even though its not everyones cup of tea... Good to see the musicians from AUni taking part as well - maybe Chilli will play something next time ? Dave
  14. Madlib & Peanut Butter Wolf were up here a couple of years ago at Trip Tych playing with Giles Peterson - twas a good night...
  15. Sage Francis is on the new Anticon sampler - a bargain 33 tracks for about 4 squids http://www.southern.net/southern/band/VD038/ABR31.php
  16. Andy - a Trip Tych festival pass, where you pay say X and get entry to everything or a Y a day pass might increase overall revenue and get people seeing lots of different things. Dave
  17. I read an interview with AndrewLO last week - seems he is now managing Glasgow band V-Twin or producing them anyway, Dave
  18. T Raumschmiere - yep I really wanted to see him as well after hearing his great Peel session. He would have fitted in better with the Tigerbeat 6 night in a twisted kind of way. Oh and Chilli - that was my very tame dancing. Wait until I am not tired, hungover, with sore ears... I did stop dancing at 2.30 though, Dave
  19. Just watch that Mike doesnt start you doing Fall covers - as they seem to be his latest obsession...
  20. Rumour has it that Mike from the Cavern has started a Prog band...
  21. This is a briefish review of my outings at the Trip Tych festival. Lots of variety and fun. Rating 8/10... I would have liked to have seen everything but my ears and wallet needed a rest at times. Anyone see the dub stuff last night or the Giles Peterson set ? Dave Wed 28 th T Model Ford 80 year old bluesmeister singer and guitarist. Backed up with just a young 60? year old drummer. Lovely rootsy blues with sparse vocals. Uncle John & Whitlock Young Glasgwegian blues wannabies. Quit the laboured American accent and just play the music guys. Thursday 29 th Wire tight, very loud, great lighted intro. Played two almost identical sets of recent material. Dont miss them live. Very fresh sounding post punk band with little pause for breath. I wonder if MES will ever play with them... Old, yes but so much better than Stiff LF, Buzzcocks and lots of other aged punk bands still zimmering around. Komputer 2 blokes, 2 laptops, some knobs to twiddle mix of Kraftwerk and Autechre type noises. Pretty decent if a little up and down. The new file noise did make them seem a little unprofessional. Pan Sonic imagine Orbital playing death metal. This is Finnish ambient supposedly. Very good but louder than a plane taking off. Nice Fela Kuti t shirt worn by the one with the mullet. Strange Dunn & co hat worn by the other one. A great act that I would love to see again, but need some ear protectors first... Pink Grease Cross dressing, Cramps wannabies meets Daisy Chainsaw. Not my cup of tea at all. Didnt quite fit in with the rest of the night to be honest. The Liars Post punk Adrian Sherwood style. Brave live act but def worth a second view. Overall the Mute night was maybe a tad too ambitious - too many bands ? Friday 30 th Trans Am Surprise of the festival for me. Tight as Ganger. Post rock, stadium rock, fun, samples etc. Mostly instrumental and sound so much better live than on CD. Pity about the low turn out. Lovely orange suits. Tigerbeat 6 night Kid 606, DJ Rupture, Knifehandchop.com etc. Gabba, dancehall, oldschool techno, hardcore, electronica, jungle, Drill n Bass, hip hop. Great large dancefloor lots of dancing by yours truely ! . Sunday 2 nd Space is the Place Showing of Sun Ra film with film maker Q&A. The directors cut version got lost. We had to watch a pirate version which was quite poor quality in terms of pictures and sound. The film maker was there but not exactly a character or public speaker. I thought the film looked very low budget as well. Remember Button Moon anyone ?
  22. ragudave

    Trans AM

    Trans Am Surprise of the festival for me. Tight as Ganger. Post rock, stadium rock, fun, samples etc. Mostly instrumental and sound so much better live than on CD. Pity about the low turn out. Lovely orange suits. I hope they make it back up here with some more Thrill Jockey artists...
  23. I cant believe no-one has mentioned the Jesus Blood / Shaker Loops performance at the Ltree on the Monday after Trip Tych. Jesus Blood is one of the most emotional bits of music you are ever likely to hear. Its a recording of a tramp breaking into song looped over some basic orchestration. This is real post-rock ! Dave PS the rumour goes that Tom Waits almost crashed his car the first time he heard Jesus Blood on the radio http://www.gavinbryars.com/Pages/jesus_blood_never_failed_m.html
  24. I dont remember him and Jim being heckled - but there was a load of crowd noise from the large newbies tables. I enjoyed the set and after seeing the squeezebox thought that Ivor Cutler might make an appearance. Dave
  25. Lone Pigeon is a troubled performer who has quite a lot of talent but seems to be shortening his lifespan playing live without a band. I would go and see him live again although hopefully without that female heckler ! I wonder what his twin brother sounds like ? On another note LP didnt half have a big fancy organ... Dave
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