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Everything posted by jester1470

  1. White Flag by Dido is imo a pretty perfect piece of pop Kayleigh by Marillion Wild Boys - Duran Duran All the Things You said - tatu One Week - Barenaked Ladies Anything by the Beautiful South Never Forget - Take That Matthew and Son - Cat Stevens Take on Me - Aha Video Killed the Radio Star - The Buggles I don't like Mondays - The Boomtown Rats Vienna - Ultravox Killer - Adamski This list could go on a long time...
  2. Except for the fact he has to drag his daughter through the courts to do it, something he does not want to do. His latest response is as follows: ---------------------------------------- Dear FishHeads, Freaks, fans and the Company, It has been a tough couple of days for myself and Katie as we have been dealing with the fallout from the article in the News of the World. I admit to having raged on reading what I considered was a very unbalanced and exaggerated disclosure which was badly written and contained a number of general factual errors that could have been easily rectified with due diligence and without my input. I had known about the existence but not the content of the article for quite a few weeks and it had originally been scheduled to be printed two weeks before our wedding. I had been suspicious when I received yet another unwanted phone call from my ex wife in early May asking me for verification on a number of events concerning incidents in our marriage. I only took the call as she mentioned it had to do with our daughter. She was obviously drunk and kept returning to specific themes which were in the most nonsensical. I asked if the call was being recorded or if someone was listening in to the conversation. She denied both. When she began raving down the line I terminated the call. A few days after a friend of mine told me that he had been contacted by the News of the World to verify some information. I soon discovered that the thrust of the piece was on domestic violence and was wrapped up in a "sex, drugs and rock and roll" story which had been sold to the newspaper by my ex wife. It didn't come as much of a surprise as I had been expecting such a move for quite a while and with an impending marriage the timing was cynical, malicious and deliberately intended to be hurtful. My ex wife had moved back to Haddington in December 2007 soon after her second husband was imprisoned on drug offences. She left me in 2001 for another man in Berlin when I was 900,000 in debt and close to bankruptcy. She was returning when I had cleared all my debts and established a new home and was still recovering from the debacle of the Summer of 2007. Tara had gone to Berlin with her mother in 2001 as I was unable to look after her while I attempted sort out the financial mess I had been left with through perpetual touring. During the 4 years our daughter was in Berlin I financially supported her and bailed out my ex wife on a number of occasions despite my own problems. Tara returned to Scotland in 2005 to live with me. Returning in 2007 for our daughter's sake was not, it appeared, the principal reason and before she came over I made her very aware that I had no interest in rekindling any sort of relationship and that I did not welcome her presence in Haddington. During 2008 my relationship with our daughter deteriorated as her mother became more influential resulting in a number of major arguments that came to a head with Tara leaving home in November. The disruption caused by my ex wife was no coincidence as I by then was involved in a relationship which was obviously special. Although I am currently estranged from our daughter I was sad to read the version of events in the NOTW article as related by my ex wife. I strongly disagree with what was said and as with a number of incidents mentioned in the article there are witnesses who have a very different perspective on what happened. In saying all that I have no intention of taking legal action against the News of the World over this article. I do not believe that bringing my 18 year old daughter into a wrangle between my ex wife and myself is a decent or adult approach and as my daughter is attempting to sort her own life out at the moment she does not need the emotional trauma of being asked to testify against her parents in a court case or exposed to a tit-for-tat newspaper war which would benefit no one except the publishers. Judging by the standard of journalism exhibited in most scandal sheets I would never trust my side of the story to be properly represented and have also decided not to retaliate on the same low despicable level as employed by my ex wife. I was asked to be interviewed and was "door stepped" by the journalist in question for my responses to the accusations. I refused as it would only have given more credence to the article and made my ex wife's claims appear genuine. I will deal with the history of events from my perspective in my book in a less sensational manner and will readily document my part in what became a dark travesty of a marriage. I am no angel and did more than my fair share of "sex, drugs and rock and roll". Nobody died! I have never been warned, arrested or charged with any count of violence and in my divorce there was no mention of domestic violence. However, I am not the devil portrayed in the article by a sad, bitter woman who resents my current happiness with Katie and who has gone out of her way to disrupt our lives and cause as much pain as possible through using our own daughter against us. Retribution? I'll just leave it to Karma. Fish --------------------------------------------------
  3. Last ever Aberdeen cynics gig is tonight 8pm at Drummonds Hope to see some people there
  4. Well it's about proving the truth and there are ways he can do that including his daughter verifying that whats been said isnt true, I'll be intersted to see what his lawyers advise him to do,m I'd guess he's not bothered about the drugs claims etc but is bothered about accusations of beating his wife and daughter.
  5. A lot of it is complete bollocks, obviously I don't know the ins and outs of much of it but some of what she is saying is definitely crap, especially the stuff about his daughter, also strange that it came 1 week aftyer he got remarried, after 8 years of divorce strange she comes up with it now. Also amusing being that you'd think she never wants to see him again and was tortured, and yet she keeps turning up unnanounced at his gigs etc. His response is as follows: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear FishHeads, Freaks, fans and the Company, I have never been someone who has run away from issues and have always tried to be straight and up front about my problems in Life, taking advice from my old press officers Brian Munns at EMI and Keith Goodwin who advised me way back that to "lie and deny" is not the best policy as you will always be found out. Today in the parochial version of the "News of the World", the one only released in Scotland, my ex wife has sold an "exclusive" story about her life with me for the princely sum of 7000 (as far as I have been told through acquaintances). For a number of people who know me well and were about during the "dark ages" the stories are not new but have a perspective which to say the least is unbalanced. I refused to talk to the News of the World as I did not want to verify or deny any of the articles choosing to leave it in the hands of my lawyers. I will be having discussions with my lawyers and press advisors tomorrow to determine the best way to approach these "revelations". I don't want to go into any more details at present but I can say that Katie and I were aware of the impending story for quite a number of weeks and the timing was very deliberate, cynical and cruel. It's been a shadow hanging over us for a while and we had hoped that the story would disappear as it was obviously sold on the "profile" of our quiet and intimate wedding arrangements which she was aware of. I would have liked to have thought that after being separated for 9 years and officially divorced since 2003 that my ex wife would have let things lie but obviously she feels differently. You can read her "true story" about our marriage at Try the following steps | News | News Of The World and if you care to post to the "journalist" in question you can at jacqueline.mcghie@notw.co.uk I'll let it lie there for now as there are a number of issues I have to deal with at present the most pressing and immediate of which is cooking a roast chicken dinner for my wife! :-) lots of love Onkel Fish x PS There's a clip of "Kayleigh" performed live at the wedding in '87 on the NOTW website.(Bruce Dickinson on bongo duties) Must talk to EMI publishing about the permissions and royalties :-D PPS There's also a link to the "Kayleigh" video, check out the size of the pupils on the actress! ;-) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Fish is no Angel and the drink and drugs stories are hardly new, but I definitely can't imagine him beating her and their daughter. Sad that any relationship has come to this, but I find it difficult to believe the whole - I lived a great lifestyle, had money, took lots of drugs and drank but I hated every minute of it and was made to do it... doesnt quite ring true... Also liked the line that they had to do all their talking through a phrasebook and he spent all that date telling her to leave her boyfriend... thats not a bad phrasebook... However worth it for the video showing Bruce Duickinson playing bongos Cheers Stuarr
  6. Running order will be decided on the night i think, we'll be down from about 6.30/7 I think. Do you have a preference Alan ? Maria Midnight, Torry Ferry, Richard in Bedlam, Rue Boneaparte, the usual stuff Maybe the Boddamers hanged the monkey Could some kind mod take it off the 21st June on the Calendar and change it to the 16th which is where it should be Cheers Stuart
  7. A great chance to see a variety of different genres from the folk stylings of the Kitchen Cynics through to the pop sensibilities of Miss Becca and the indie rock of Jo McCafferty. Tuesday June 16th, 3 entry The Kitchen Cynics Kitchen Cynics on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads Do the Kitchen Cynics need an introduction - probably not, but i should anyway, so I nicked this from another site: Alan Davidson of Aberdeen, Scotland is the Kitchen Cynics. Alan has worked as an Art Teacher in a local school for more than 20 years. Born in 1956, he didn't start making music until he was in his late twenties. Over the years he has put out many tapes and CD-Rs, but official releases have come out on the Get Happy label of Germany, the Pink Lemon label (also Germany), Audiobot (Belgium) and the Secret Eye label (Rhode Island USA). Although Alan has released more than 20 LPs, 7"s, cassettes and CDs since 1990, The Kitchen Cynics had never played live until being invited to join Tom Rapp onstage in Boston at Terrastock 5 (2002). This was followed soon after by a radio sessson for WFMU, recorded at WNYC. Since then there have been several live performances, with acts such as PG Six, Black Forest/Black Sea, Alasdair Roberts, Thomas Truax, Schwervon, Amy Rigby and Sharron Kraus. Miss Becca Miss Becca on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads Miss Becca started writing and playing at the tender age of 15, taking a huge range of influences from all eras and many genres. Miss Becca has played regularly in various venues around Scotland, including The Tunnels, Oran Mor and The Lemon Tree. Throughout the last year or so she has done several live sessions for various Radio Stations including Radio Scotland, Moray Firth Radio, and was SHMU Radios album of the week, as well as sessions for Red TV, shown on Sky. Within this time Becca was short-listed in the final 5 acts for Bauer Radios Rock Against Racism gig with Amy MacDonald. Becca now often plays with the Miss Becca Band but this is a solo gig. Jo McCafferty Jo McCafferty on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads Jo's last album Papercuts and Lime (released in 2004) was a breakthrough album in many ways garnering strong reviews, decent sales (selling out several pressings - and still selling comparatively well) and national radioplay for tracks such as Dangerous Ground. In the interim between these albums Jo has played with played with, amongst others, Midge Ure, Glenn Tilbrook, Marillion, The Dresden Dolls, The Bluetones, the Grim Northern Social, John Young, David Kitts and had dates with Donnie Munro (Runrig) and Fish. Jo is finally recording her new album 'Overtaking on a Bend' for release in Autumn 2009, this will be her first full band album, and promises to be an interesting affair.Her first demo from it is available on youtube: Running out of Air video ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This should be an interesting evening with a decent variety, something for everyone, I'm looking forward to seeing all the acta and it'll be great to hear previews from Jo's forthcoming album in her first set in Aberdeen for over a year. Sadly this is the final Aberdeen Kitchen Cynics gig Hope to see some people there, kicks off about 8ish.
  8. The OC, The Dukes of Hazzard, friends, Lovejoy, old Dr Who, lots of things probably...
  9. You get very upset bearing in mind you don't even like toxic distortion http://www.aberdeen-music.com/forums/feedback-forum/53005-toxic-distortion-aberdeens-most-know-hair-metal-band-5.html#post706296 Anyway back onto touring... It's great if you can do it - whatever age, we've found that the best bet is to try and grab 4 or 5 dates as a support often, as you might get paid and in cases of bigger bands get to sleep on the tourbus, ideal for not spending loads on accomodation It's also nice to get to play some bigger gigs in places away from Aberdeen. It can be very demoralising going and knowing you're paying a lot to get out their touring and fhen finding you are playing to 12 disinterested people, it's also a good way of creating a fanbase. We've found the best way to do this is to just email people from management companies, the bands themselves, try to get them to solicite a cd and then hope they like it, 99% of the time it won't work, but it's well worth it for the vibe on the 1% of the time that someone might give you a gig and you find yourselves playing to an audience somewhere other than Abedeen that really like you. Another tip is generally be as nice as you can to everyone because you'd be amazed how many people will remember that and will put you forward for something else, the drum tech on one tour Jo was on put her forward for another few supports elesewhere and when she did that the guy she was supporting had to pull out of a bigger support he was doing and recommended her as a replacement, leading to over 30 dates with one act over a 3 or 4 year period. Also be prepared to lose money on some tours gigs as chances are you'll make money on others, all are important and treat playing to 3 people the same as you would playing to 1000. All these things worked for Jo through the years and we did OK out of it, so well worth a shot cheers Stuart
  10. I feel that since this has only been mentioned in a couple of threads that it should be brought to the wider populous, Alan will be playing his last Aberdeen gig on the 16th June at Drummonds as the Kitchen Cynics and as the Aberdeen Music Scene wouldn't be the same without the sporadic Kitchen Cynics gigs. I'm, hoping people will join with me and try and convince him to continue playing live as the Kitchen Cynics, forever and ever... Don't stop playing live Alan we will miss KC gigs hugely... The Kitchen Cynics have for quite a while been the only band that i'm not involved with that I will make the effort to go to as many gigs as possible nowadays
  11. To be fair Enterprise tried to retconn the whole thing in that they explained why the Klingons didn't have ridges in the early series - there was a whole story line dedicated towards explaining this, which according to wiki is: "A canonical explanation for the change was given in a two-part storyline on Star Trek: Enterprise. The two episodes, "Affliction" and "Divergence", aired in February 2005. An earlier story arc featured the Augments, genetically-engineered humans left over from the Eugenics Wars of the late 20th century, and who were defeated by Captain Jonathan Archer and the USS Enterprise in Klingon space. The Klingon High Council fears that Starfleet was developing armies of Augments; after gaining access to genetic material from the Augments, the Klingons perform experiments to increase their own intellect and strength. The experiments turn disastrous when a strain of flu one of the test subjects suffered from is mutated and becomes a deadly plague that spreads across the Empire, causing physical changes resulting in the afflicted bearing a TOS-era appearance. Dr. Phlox of the Enterprise formulates a cure for the virus, but the physical alterations remain in the populace and are inherited by offspring. Phlox indicated that "someday" the physical alterations could be reversed." Also the whole thing about them not knowing of the Romulans also wasnt true, what was actually stated iirc on the original series was that they were aware of the Romulans, but had never physically seen them, they had an uneasy truce with them but that ties into Enterprise where they claim that they encountered the Romulans and spoke with them but never encountered them face to face.
  12. I think in most places you'll still be Maiden Scotland, which btw is a better name imo Hope all is well down South and might actually try and make this gig if I can. Cheers Stuart
  13. I definitely preferred Brooks stuff when he movexd away from the LOTR clones stuff and got a bit mroe interesting, the gf likes Steven Donaldson but I've never read any myself but I found Eddings to be dull beyond belief, i do know what you mean about these epic stories going on for book afetr book, as they end up effectively telling the same story over and over f you reuse the characters so much.
  14. Anyone a fan, either of the old films, the new film or the series ? I was surprised by the new film, expecting that I'd hate it but came away thinking it was excellent, and am now revisiting some of the series. We have been watvhing DS9 which is easily my favourite and has a great story arc, currently on Season 6 My favorite series in order were: DS9 Enterprise TNG Original Voyager
  15. jester1470

    Terry Brooks

    Anyone a fan of his very LOTR inspired Fantasy stuff, i've always enjoyed the Shannara stuff though wasnt so keen on the Word and Void stuff, but am pleased theres a bnew Landover book out soon Anyone else read them and managed to get pastthe LOTR rip off that is Sword of Shannara?
  16. Ah well you shouldnt judge the Star Ward books on the Han Solo series, or the Lando Calrissian one, or the even worse Splinter in the Minds Eye, but some of the later stuff, specifically the New Jedi Order series are really quite good, i dont buy anything like as many as I used to now and don't actually have them all anymore but I do intend to start buying them when i have time to read them
  17. A quick happy birthday to Mr Franklin on reaching erm 21ish Happy Birthday Del, have a good one
  18. The new date for this is the 16th June, same venue, same acts Hope to see some there.
  19. Just to say this gig is now not going ahead on this date due to changes in venue availability, finegrs crossed we can find another date suitable for all.
  20. Say it's not true, how come ? Life wouldnt be the same without the Kitchen Cynics gigs...
  21. A great chance to see a variety of different genres from the folk stylings of the Kitchen Cynics through to the pop sensibilities of Miss Becca and the indie rock of Jo McCafferty. Tuesday June 9th, 3 entry The Kitchen Cynics Kitchen Cynics on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads Do the Kitchen Cynics need an introduction - probably not, but i should anyway, so I nicked this from another site: Alan Davidson of Aberdeen, Scotland is the Kitchen Cynics. Alan has worked as an Art Teacher in a local school for more than 20 years. Born in 1956, he didn't start making music until he was in his late twenties. Over the years he has put out many tapes and CD-Rs, but official releases have come out on the Get Happy label of Germany, the Pink Lemon label (also Germany), Audiobot (Belgium) and the Secret Eye label (Rhode Island USA). Although Alan has released more than 20 LPs, 7"s, cassettes and CDs since 1990, The Kitchen Cynics had never played live until being invited to join Tom Rapp onstage in Boston at Terrastock 5 (2002). This was followed soon after by a radio sessson for WFMU, recorded at WNYC. Since then there have been several live performances, with acts such as PG Six, Black Forest/Black Sea, Alasdair Roberts, Thomas Truax, Schwervon, Amy Rigby and Sharron Kraus. Miss Becca Miss Becca on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads Miss Becca started writing and playing at the tender age of 15, taking a huge range of influences from all eras and many genres. Miss Becca has played regularly in various venues around Scotland, including The Tunnels, Oran Mor and The Lemon Tree. Throughout the last year or so she has done several live sessions for various Radio Stations including Radio Scotland, Moray Firth Radio, and was SHMU Radios album of the week, as well as sessions for Red TV, shown on Sky. Within this time Becca was short-listed in the final 5 acts for Bauer Radios Rock Against Racism gig with Amy MacDonald. Becca now often plays with the Miss Becca Band but this is a solo gig. Jo McCafferty Jo McCafferty on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads Overtaking on A Bend Blog Jo's last album Papercuts and Lime (released in 2004) was a breakthrough album in many ways garnering strong reviews, decent sales (selling out several pressings - and still selling comparatively well) and national radioplay for tracks such as Dangerous Ground. In the interim between these albums Jo has played with played with, amongst others, Midge Ure, Glenn Tilbrook, Marillion, The Dresden Dolls, The Bluetones, the Grim Northern Social, John Young, David Kitts and had dates with Donnie Munro (Runrig) and Fish. Jo is finally recording her new album 'Overtaking on a Bend' for release in Autumn 2009, this will be her first full band album, and promises to be an interesting affair.Her first demo from it is available on youtube: Running out of Air Demo Video ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This should be an interesting evening with a decent variety, something for everyone, I'm looking forward to seeing all the acta and it'll be great to hear previews from Jo's forthcoming album in her first set in Aberdeen for over a year. It also happens to be my birthday that night, so even more excuse to partake in a fewe light ales. Hope to see some people there, I assume it kicks off about 8ish.
  22. Just wondering if anyone else is having trouble with number 38 ? Any ideas ?
  23. We thought the first episode was pretty poor but the second and third did actually feel like red Dwarf, loved Craig Charles line about how he needed to get back to the Priory after meeting himself, I also thought it might have been better had Doug naylor played the creator, good to see kochanski back and they did manage to keep that cameo very quiet opens up the potential for a new series and apparently none of them are ruling it out, i'd be intersted to see what the ratings for Dave those nights were, i'd guess by far the ebst they've ever had.
  24. Saw him supproting Def Leppard Acoustically a few years ago, he was 1000x better than the other support who were the darkenss, really like his solo acoustic album so I think i may well be down for this one
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