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Everything posted by jester1470

  1. Ideal casting imo would have been: George Clooney - Hannibal Jim carrey - Murdock Brad Pitt - Face Michael; Clarke Duncan as BA Helena Bonham Carter as Amy Dwight Schultz as Colonel Decker Dirk Benedict as Colonel Lynch Cameo by Mr T as BA's father who has been kidnapped by the Military in an attempt to flush out the A Team. See that would work
  2. There were a few legends made around that time: Clive Sinclair obviously (my brother owns and occasionally drives a C5 and reckons it was incredibly far ahead of tis time) Matthew Smith: game designer and programmer of Manic Miner/jetset Willy Jeff Minter - Founder of LLamasoft and creator of many early classics such as Attack of the mutant camels, still game designing today and has done at least one for the xbox360. The Oliver Twins - Super Robin Hood was their first, then went on to create Dizzy and for that alone they are legends. David Jones, famous for creating th Magic Knight series of Games, often forgotten now, but true classics.
  3. jester1470


    That's impressive, Mercury died 3 years before Senna
  4. I download it from bit torrents on isohunt, it is available on DVD but seems to be US only:at the moment. PlayUSA.com : Castle: Season One on Region 1 DVD
  5. I'm not 100% sure of the ins and outs, i believe they were sorting out some kind of partnership agreement, I dont know if that means diissolving one or creating one, but glad to see them back.
  6. For anyone interested the Gurkha Kitchen is reopening tonight after 2 months closed - Hurrah
  7. When I got home last night and reconnected everything it all worked fiine, so I''m guessing it definitely was a problem Sky's end.
  8. Yeah i doubt the DVD was anything that was more to illustrate we werrent messing about with things I have restarted the router, reset it factory standards and have left it switched off and unplugged whilst I'm at work in the hope that might fix something. I'm guessing a DNS problem may be the cause, so hopefully Sky cvan fix it their end.
  9. we were watching a DVD on the computer last night, with the Sky Broadband in the background and when i stopped the DVD and started trying to check my email we discovered no sites were working: yahoo, several forums, etc, my girlfriend fired up her pc to see what she could get and she discovered that she coulnt get into any sites either, except her gmail, her gmail is her main homepage, i checked mine and discovered I could get into gmail, google etc but no other sites, and this seems to be the same across all the PC's, the sites ping OK, I am guessing its something to do with the DNS settings from the research etc I've been able to do, however nothing's been touched, we were both watching a DVD and both other computers were off, I've run AVG and spybot just to be sure, nothing, its a Sagem Sky modem on a Sky Max line, any ideas ?
  10. Its more the dynamic between the character thats similar, though Castle is more humourous, and deals generally with general crime instead of forensics, well worth watching though.
  11. It's true, they alsodo caramacs. My favourite sweetie is, and alwayys has been jelly tots
  12. We're currently enjoying: Season 7 of NCIS, Season1 of NCIS LA Castle Season 2 - If theres anyone out there who likes Bones, try downloading Castle, a comedy drama, police thing starring Nathan Fillion. Sanctuary, Battlestar Galactica S3 Numb3rs S3 And just finished watching Sdason 1 of Lie to me
  13. HTC's are some of the best phones on the market, I've got the HTC Tocuh HD and before that had a string of Orange SPV's all of which were brilliant phones, the only problem with my Touch HD is that it is windows mobile, my next one itll be android and that'll be better, but the touch HD is an awesome phone.
  14. This used to be our favourite takeaway but the last 2 or 3 we've had from there havent been anything like as nice. Course now the ghurka's closed we need to find somewhere else.
  15. I liked it musically but can't get into the vocals at all, I havent heard much Muse but my girlfriends a fan so she's had the new one on a few times and I think had the vocals been a bit different I would have really liked it.
  16. Toby Jepson from the Little Angels is now the lead singer of the reformed Gun and Extreme reformed last year, though I didn't think the album was that great. Extreme's 3 sides to every story was a really good rock album, it's overshadowed by Pornograffiti but imo is a far superior salbum, things like Tragic Comic I enjoyed when i was 17 or 18 and still like now
  17. Billy Connolly on Friday after his gig, most people have met him but it was still cool
  18. Except it's been closed for the past month Anyone have any idea what's happened to it, we would be heartbroken if it has closed for good, or if it's possibly Ramadan connected (our hope amongst hope it hasnt closed is pinned on this, no more chicken Choila... ?( ).
  19. The original cds of USM used to sell on amazon for over 50 ayear or 2 ago, I made a few quid on those and the add ons
  20. My favourite games though some may predate PC: Elite Mercenary Mercenary 2 (I'm no good friends with the designer of some of the Novagen games from back then which is kinda weird) Jack the Nipper Valhalla Day of the Tentacle Sam and Max Hit the Road Grim Fandango Cures of Monkey Island X-Wing Vs Tie Fighter Populous Lemmings Simcity The Sims Bridge Commander Championship Manager 2 There were loads... my favourite were and still are management and strategy games
  21. It might soon be soon: Dragon Age: Origins - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Baldur's Gate 2 was my gf's favourite game for ages.
  22. I know you're a fan so am surprised you overlooked this: Official Site for Genesis - join now for exclusives! news.news This may well help you sleep at night knowing its quite possibly not a permanent thing and with any luck he may well be backl with us soon.
  23. Ray Harryhausen is a God I have some of his stuiff on blu-Ray and it still looks great in hi def, and still the only "celebrity" I ever met who I was really nervous about meeting, he also let me play with one of his skeletons, which was very cool
  24. I was always a supporter of Calderwood's, and certainly never called for him to go, it was AFC's treatment of him that has led to me being so disillusioned by the whole club. Have the best manager we've had consistantly since Ferguson and we sack him for someone who would rather be at Celtic. My problem with McGhee, apart from the fact that he would rather have been at Celtic was the fact that him and Willie Miller have constantly went on about how theres money there and how the money was guaranteed (Miller said 600k iirc) and yet there hasnt been any sign of it - McGhee sated this after the European tie too. I would far rather they came out and said, theres no money this year and we'll just build up the youth squad instead of trying to pretend they have the money but dont want to spend it. Theres money there if we need it but instead we'll sack one of our coaches and cite financial reasons. I genuinelly think we'll be lucky to be top 6 this year and I wondr what all those who think of McGhee as a saviour of Aberdeen will say then. It diesnt matter how good the manager is until the board is willing to invest some cash into Aberdeen then the positions we were getting with Calderwood is as good as it'll get.
  25. Whats happened to all the guaranteed money that the club allegedly had and that Willie Miller said wouldn't be affected by Setanta going down? It's amazed me tbh that people have given McGhee so much more leeway than they gave Calderwood when he's doing the same stuff so far, with what looks like less success, ie scraping around for the cheapest players and takign the rubbish no-one else wants. McGhee promised that there was all this money for new signings etc and just a few weeks ago said there was enough for several and yet can't even keep his backroom staff for financial reasons, and doesnt really seem to have done very well at signing, I think McGhee is a mistake and I'm willing to bet he will be worse than Calderwood over a few years if he even stays that long. As Jim Leighton is also a goalkeeping coach for Scotland (albeit the junior squads) I can't imagine that he isnt a very good coach tbh. I think Aberdeen became a joke with the sacking of their most successfull manager in years at the end of last season - and then having to pay 700,000 for the pleasure, which is probably more cash than he had in his whole time at aberdeen for transfers -and have continued on that way by claiming theres mioney when there isnt and hiring someone who would rather have had the Celtic job.
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