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Everything posted by jester1470

  1. jester1470

    The X Files

    It's one of those series where even if the episode isnt as good the interplay between Mulder and Scully works very well, that's what was absent by the end sadly. Chris Carter never had much more TV success, though i still rate Millennium very highly, certainly the first 2 series.
  2. Its not yet been released on DVD: Ed DVD news: Status report for Ed on DVD | TVShowsOnDVD.com
  3. I've not watched any of it yet, but I know vaguely and occasionally email one of the guys who did some writing and accasionally stars in it, (the other) Will Smith, so i should watch it, I have a suspicion I might like it. I recently bought the TV series Absolute Power with Stephen Fry, on the strength of the radio series being quite good, anyone seen it ?
  4. It is possible that the lack of Dangermouse and Duckula could be because the company that creted them shut down this year and that might make the rights difficult to secure, It's a shame that Cosgrove Hall got shut down as they were a company I grew up with, other successes of theirs included, Chorlton and the Wheelies, Button moon, they did a great Dr Who thing too, Jamie and the Magic Torch and of coure Cockleshell bay Cheers Stuart (expert on Childrens TV of a certain era...)
  5. Yes, loved this, by the time we got to the end I was just saying, where's the Trumptonshire contingent, then noticed Windy Miller in the final singalong, and of course Chippy Mintom at the end, no Clangers though, and an unrealistic Bagpuss which was disappointing, a work of art though, really impressive and a lovely mix of nostalgia. Made me sad again for the death of Oliver postgate who's velvet tones along with Brian Cant would have made that complete
  6. Can't get enough, Feel like making love were their big hits, though they only actually had 3 hit singles in the UK despite selling huge numbers of albums in the 70's, having seen both Paul Rodgers with Queen and Mick Ralphs with Mott the hoople in the last year they should be able to hold it off pretty well i reckon
  7. Not sure if this would be of any use to anyone but Bad Comapny are reuniting for a series of shows in the UK, including Glasgow in April 1st April LG Arena Birmingham 2nd April MEN Manchester 4th April Sheffield City Hall 5th April Cardiff International Arena 7th April Newcastle Arena 8th April Glasgow Clyde 10th April Brighton Centre 11th April Wembley Arena Although probably not as good as Free, Bad Company have some great songs and Mick Ralphs is always worth watching I saw him with Mott the Hoople a few months ago and he was excellent, and I still think that Paul Rodgers has one of the best voices around. Cheers Stuart
  8. Well, that was rather good, a nice arrogant Dr, possibly getting us ready for the fall towards the next generation, i think it would have been brilliant TV had the Dr just walked away when he could hear them all dying over the radio, left them to it and then the final scene could have been him telling the grand daughter in the future what happened to the grandmother, so felt they wussed out a bit, but they did wuss out in a great way, good episode, looking forwad to the x-mas ones.
  9. My favourite is the Ghost of Tom Joad, a really great album.
  10. Time to ressurect this, new Dr Who on on Sunday, and it looks bloody good and I really hope this is true: Doctor Who exclusive: All 11 timelords to unite for mission - mirror.co.uk It is possible, especially now that Tom Baker has returned to the role in audio format at least
  11. When getting a bottle for the Girlfriends dad's x-mas I went here andgot a bottle of Coleburn: Malt whisky, Scotch whisky & more - Whisky shop - Master of Malt They're not too bad prices, the Coleburn Distillery is owned by a friend of mine who has been trying to turn it into a avenue amongst other things for the past few years, so i decided to see what the old Whiskeyu tasted of and this was about the cheapest, some are expensive but definitely a lot of rarer and more unique stuff here.
  12. jester1470

    Stewart Lee

    I thought he was very funny, a bit safer than I would have expected and I really enjoyed the German guy, who's name escapes me just now, but I bought his DVD, Sometimes I find Stewart Lee's reliance on repetition a bit dull but it wasnt too bad last night, When i saw Richard Herring a year or so ago, he did a full 2 hour set and althoguh it was good some of it felt a bit stretched, and I was left thinking he shoul;d have done what Stewart Lee did last night as iot worked perfectly.
  13. jester1470

    Stewart Lee

    Yep, looking forward to it
  14. Some of my favourite covers: Marillion covering Britney's Toxic - quite a good song, but didn't like the original Is it a cover if its written and given to someone else I wonder, if so, a great siong but never liked the Bowie Version, All the Young Dudes, by David Bowie, done by Mott the hoople: YouTube - MOTT THE HOOPLE -All The Young Dudes Crap Covers that Shouldn't be alllowed: Ozzy doing In My Life by the Beatles YouTube - Ozzy- In My Life Tears in Heaven ft Elton John, Rod Stewart, Steven Tyler, Josh Groban, Gwen Stefani, Ozzy Osbourne, Kelly Osbourne, Slash, Andrea Bocelli, Katie Melua and Mary J. Blige Def Leppards - Bringing on the Heartbreak covered by Mariah Carey YouTube - Mariah Carey - Bringin' On The Heartbreak (High Quality)
  15. We were buying a laptop from in there and were just paying for it when the assistant started claiming I needed to get insurance and extended warranty, his argumenet was that Vista want very stable etc etc, so i just stood up and said "If it's so unstable that we must have this backup, I don't want it", walked out and have never been back, bunch of bastards.
  16. I enjoyed ther show, it was slightly better than last time i saw him on the Sexie Tour but nowhere near as good as the Dressed to Kill Tour 11 years ago, and having seen BillBailey and Billy Connolly this year I think the venue has a lot to do with it, i have no doubt either of the other 2 acts i saw could play the arena sizes and have chosen not to and I think their gigs were far better becauise of it.I found the gig a bit soulless, especially the first half, second half was much better imo. I would far rather he did 5 dates at HMT or the Music Hall than one night at the AECC, and I think his gigs would be so much better for it. Cheers Stuart
  17. Saw Richard Herring last year and therefore it would be rude not to see Stewart Lee this time round
  18. We did that, we sold our really good tickets in Glasgow for not so good tickets in Aberdeen to save the travelling and are also going to see Stewart Lee next week.
  19. We saw Bill Bailey in glasgow, he was excellent
  20. Should be good, this'll be my third time seeing him, glad I dont have to travel this year, and this completes my quest to see the Holy Trinity of stand ups, Bailey,Connolly and Izzard all in one year
  21. jester1470


    She could be good as a Diana character, but can there really be a moment nowadays that surprises and shocks like Diana first eating the guinea pig
  22. No, sorry, i quite fancied going, sae the original on their last touir and they were excellent, and it is about half of the final line up - the only problem would be the support :'( I would be surprised if many people on here were fans though, maybe scot ads or the p&j site wou;d be the place to ask.
  23. jester1470


    The new remake series started in the US yesterdaym, anyone seen it yet, i'm a big fan of the original miniseries and Final Battle mini series (I like to pretend the TV series didnt happen). I havent yet watched it but will hopefully watch it tomorrow night, anyone seen it with any thoughts ?
  24. So what does everyone thing, is it only Del and i who have it already ? First thoughts are its much faster, and I liek the additions to the 3d graphics, rain and crowds etc, finding the gameplay a bit tougher to get top grips with, possibly trying too much all at once, not as immediate as 09 imo but I might end uip liking it more given time,
  25. The Adventure series by Willard Price - true Classics Famous 5, 5 Find Outers and dog, Secret 7 and 'adventure' series by Enid Blyton The Dark is Rising - Susan Cooper Asterix and Tintin Sherlock Holmes (although not written for children seems to have gone that way inrecent years) Love these books, I even now own a few first edition Holmes books. Most Roald Dahl books And i cant believe i forgot the Chronicles of Narnia so I'm adding them now
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