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Everything posted by Pete

  1. Who what where?!?!?!?!?! Flights to Dublin are cheaper than the paper they're written on - WHERE AND WHEN IS THIS GIG?!
  2. They sound like the perfect Xmas songs for the Fudge CD - wait til you hear the panto, THAT'S when it starts getting offensive.....to your ears if not to your morals! The pisscranes track for the CD is titled 'The Three Months of Christmas' and should be recorded this Sunday as planned.
  3. I'm supposed to be seeing Natasha Bedingfield tonight, at the Garage, but it's been postponed til March and it'll be in the Academy Machine Head on Saturday though
  4. I am not a fan of the Pixies however I am a fan of Maple. I got the album last week which I thought was, on the whole, pretty damn good. Thought the drums were a touch tinny and a bit low in the mix but I usually like them boomin' etc.
  5. I think there was interest at the Glow gig, it was supporting Turn I think it was. They'd just issued the one single, No Worries, and when Cormac announced it, loads of folk went 'yay!' which took him by suprise. They played at the Lemon Tree too, supported by Purple Munkie. I did the lights for PM but couldn't go speak to the Wilt guys cos I would have pissed my pants. The only other time I was THAT excited was meeting the Foos!
  7. I would only half agree with the original post. Yes, people who like/play the same type of music do tend to wear the same kind of clothes but I don't think it's a fashion thing. I mean, if you like the same music or are influenced by the same things as other people doing simular things, then surely that spills over into what you'd wear as well? Or, if you think a band sounds cool then the chances are you think they look cool so you copy them. At the end of the day, image doesn't mean jack if the music is bad though. Imaged and styled pop bands are 10 a penny but there are only a handful that have good enough songs to make an impact and have more than one record.
  8. No, probably cos he didn't have mug to go buy 'im for him last year...
  9. Would he even get in, being a wee nipper?! Last year, I got hiddiously drunk and started throwing pint glasses at Brian on stage and would have got thrown out if it wasn't from a helpful jab in the ribs from Catherine!
  10. I put smoking on the same level as football - if people put the same time, money and effort that they put into smoking and/or football into something like helping the homeless or world peace or something, the world would be a much better place...
  11. Nope, I think I've only every seen Bush Tucker Man once, serveral years ago when I was ill or something. The memory has lived with me ever since.... Day time TV =
  12. There should be some programme simular to that but with, like, Steve Erwin and Ray Mers and the Bush Tucker Man, all in one programme, see who can survive the longest in the wild by themselves. That would be ace.
  13. Is this official Fudge business or is it an off topic rant that should possibly be confined to, say, a blog or something....?!
  14. A WHOLE month?! Pff, wrote most of it last night!!! I wrote that jingle in, like, half an hour and recorded it in barely 90 minutes remember
  15. This sounds like a job for......... PISSCRANES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. There's been reports of man hole covers going missing in Aberdeen to be sold as scrap. New 'hinged' man holes are being put in the place of the missing ones so they won't be able to be knicked. Tsh, kids today....shocking....
  17. Pete


    Aye, well, all the 12yo's that loved 'em 10 years are now old enough, innit?
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