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Swingin' Ryan

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Everything posted by Swingin' Ryan

  1. I do. It's surely the greatest thing on television, everyone is put off by the fact it's a T4 show called Popworld, but it's fantastic. Neither presenter, Simon or Miquita, have any interest in the world of Pop and blatantly dislike the majority of the guests. Recent highlights for me have included Simon (it's witty gay presenter) asking some very-macho young RnB star how it felt having a HOMO in his hands after presenting it to him, claiming it was an online music award. Simon being told by Kasabian that their mates said they would come and "fill Simon in" ("street slang" for beating him up"), to which Simon replied that being "filled in" by a gang of their mates sounded like a good offer. Much to their dismay. And finally, when he blatantly told the drummer and guitarist from the Killers that he wasn't that interested in interviewing them because the singer wasn't there. It's compulsary viewing.
  2. From Goldfrapp.free.fr In an interview with MOJO magazine, Alison Goldfrapp has revealed how recording sessions for her third album are progressing. The singer, who won critical acclaim with 2001's "Felt Mountain" and "Black Cherry" in 2003, has been working in Somerset with long-term musical partner Will Gregory on the as-yet-untitled record. She is currently mixing the results at Olympic studios in London. Working titles for songs include "White Horse", "You Never Know", "Ooh La La", "Slide In", "Lovely To See You", "Fall To The Floor" and "Time Out Of The World". The singer described the album as a progression from the 'glam rock' sound of "Black Cherry". She said: "We had fun with that [sound] on the second record, so we've explored it a bit more with lots of cheeky, fuzzy, synth sounds and lots of synthesizers that probably sound like guitars on first hearing. "You know, there are so many guitar bands around, we don't need to join in on that one." She added: "There are a few things on the album that, in a weird kind of way, take on "Felt Mountain", but in a different way, things like "White Horse" and "You Never Know". They're sort of desolate but at the same time positive, sort of gloomily euphoric. "It sounds like somewhere between New York, Berlin and north-east Somerset, or maybe cold crumpets and bubbles. Or even euphoric crumpets". Well I'm excited.
  3. Best choice so far. Train in Vain by the Clash was playing but something happened to my computer so it's Non, je ne regrette rien by Edith Piaf.
  4. i think it's a bit like the Office in the way people will either "get it" or not get it. I get it, and think it's a fucking great send-up of the Central London media sect, you can feel Chris Morris's anger at having to spend time in the company of people like Nathan Barley.
  5. I own a skip-load of clothing that people would find "sad" that I think are great. Examples- A T-Shirt that says "Smoking looks cool" Various leopard-print blouses Leather flares
  6. I like the packaging, but at the end of the day your better just sticking real Jack in a good cup of coffee, it'll be all dodgy flavourings etc.
  7. The greatest sandwich on offer in Aberdeen is a toasted white baguette with chicken, bacon, Swiss Gruyere cheese and black pepper from the Beautiful Mountain. Next would be the Hog's Heads, Linconshire sausage and onion in gravy sandwich, which comes with fried potato slices and a big gravy boat to pour over everything. Manhattan's "Bronx Bad Boy" with Pastrami and Sauerkraut etc comes a close third. (although it is a bagel, and I'm not sure if that counts).
  8. The Evening Express headline "Boy killed by giant snowball" was a fucking awful bit of journalism, totally belittles the whole thing. It's the equivalent of describing the Tsunami as "a big wave at the beach", it makes a tragedy sound ridiculous. I don't know where they find the people that write these but they should be shot.
  9. Bingo. The mind boggles as to what people are thinking when they reply to these things, while this boys sitting there, legs akimbo, propped ontop of the monitor, bathed in his own sweat, eagerly awaiting the next reply of "a bush" or "a carpark". I despair. What happened to Untitled's fabled sex threads, he always had some quality threads like "Who's ever had anal sex - I'm just wondering because my friend was talking....about it...and we were just wondering...about it....I'm not going to masturbate", they were great.
  10. If Richard Madeley ran for election he'd get my vote, him and Clarkson should get together and form a political party, they'd be unstoppable. There's a bit of a tie for my favourite Madeley moment, it's between the interview with Rebbeca Loo's (Beckham's alleged lover) in which she spent 20 minutes pouring her heart out to the nation about how hurt she was and trying to tug on the nations heart-strings, without missing a beat Madeley snaps in with "Well, at the end of the day love, it takes two to tango". Her face was a picture. My other favourite is when R&J interviewed Bill Clinton and Richard compared the Clinton/Lewinsky scandal which led to him becoming one of only two American presidents to be impeached, to the infamous Richard and Judy accidental wine theft incident. He also won the best TV line of the year in the Mirror's TV Column for a comment during a piece on D-Day when he delivered the awe-inspiring request to "Imagine there had been Morris Dancers at Dunkirk".
  11. I just posted a similar thread in the Wasteland without noticing this one. I thought it was probably the worst representation of SxE people they could have possibly mustered, you would have thought they could have found someone who'd being doing it for more than a week. They shouldn't let these people on TV, ever. They just embarass other followers. I did like the use of photos from BMEZine though, when they showed examples of Straight-Edge tattoo's.
  12. They still look like Manics rip-offs, grafittied shirts, white jeans etc. I'd go and see them purely on the strength that they're a band playing in Aberdeen and they're not "Melodic post-hardcore". That gives it a pretty high novelty factor.
  13. The Manics - 4st 7lbs The Smashing Pumpkins - 1979 All my favourites have been said.
  14. I've been meaning to investigate them. Anyone who dresses like Weimar Burlesque dancers deserves my attention.
  15. Richey Edwards example - "Sterilise rapists, all I preach is extinction", one of my favourite lines.
  16. No-one on God's Earth can be worse than Freefaller. "I can wreck my life if I want to" croons their perma-tanned vocalist, blissfully unaware he already has.
  17. A Premier Artist Birch (the smaller swing/jazz sized version) in a golden/pine colour. A Fender Squier battered to within an inch of it's life. A Hohner Pro-Harp and a nice selection of 3-4 old Casio Keyboards including the world-renowned VL-Tone.
  18. My favourite artist is anybody who isn't Tracey Emin. She should be fucked and burned.
  19. Very rough news. Drakes was about the only place left in Aberdeen I was still interested in going to gigs, I'm glad I went in the last 2 weeks or Drakes would have seemed far too distant a memory. It was just like your living room but with a bar, music and the occasional misplaced drunk who had wandered in off Shiprow. I think my favourite gig memory would have to be seeing the Surfing Pinheads and watching in awe as a drunk, rather old man stumbled to the front of the stage and attempted to single-handedly pioneer a "mosh pit" to Today Your Love, Tomorrow the World. Strange and beautiful times. It was good to know that when the seething, sweaty crowds of Lava and Drummonds became too much, Drakes was there, a little like Cheers but without the canned laughter. Good luck and thanks to all involved. xxxx
  20. I'll second that, Ma Camerons - Sausage and Mash and a Pint of Guiness, wins every time. Also the Sheperds Rest on your way to Kingswells/Westhill is also good.
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