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Everything posted by qzdiablo

  1. god, sophie ellis-bextor has really let herself go, hasn't she?
  2. i took that to mean "channel 4" for the longest time and thought you might have been intending to do a cover of the theme from "countdown", or something
  3. i think i like this better than yr other stuff sounds like something off of s.a.w. 85-92 by aphex twin
  4. i think kannberg said something in an interview about how they'd like to get young involved that would be ace, he's a vastly superior drummist probably won't happen though
  5. this the band you were telling me about last night, stu? i'm glad you did, this looks well tasty
  6. woke up at 7pm and missed all the good bands. ttng were amazing though, the guitarist was channeling the spirit of victor villareal, only really quickly.
  7. or outraged ghosts yeah probably ghosts
  8. someone i know boned his gf over a gravestone in st nic's graveyard without getting busted he busted his johnson, however, due to the awkward positioning
  9. wish i could've stuck around for more of this had to miss carson welles, who are ace. had to miss turning 13, who - as far as i can remember, were ace. caught 5 mins of asiwyfa, was getting into that before my last bus left the station. that axis lot were ok though.
  10. people seem to characterise "more than words" as this lovely, romantic, sentimental song but the lyrics are utter sleaze those dudes make my skin crawl
  11. ten years from now "freddy got fingered" will finally attain recognition as a mis-understood masterpiece
  12. ARCA FELIX on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads Helsinki Seven on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads Katerwaul on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads Greater The Shadow on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads That's THIS TUESDAY.
  13. trapped in kansas are fantastic, dunno if i'll be able to make it down for the entire show though what sort of time will they be playing at? is there a clubnight/curfew affecting regular stage-times?
  14. i can probably get behind this, having gotten into pavement about three years too late to ever see them play there's rumours of them curating the us atp, i'd be interested to see what bands they pick
  15. yeah i was thinking there was probably a bit of co-operation between dbrown's people and camelot (or whatever the lottery organisers call themselves now) more people buy lottery tickets for the weekend draws than the mid-week draws. the stunt, er, drew people's attention to the existence of a mid-week draw. rigging the televised draw in the manner which brown alluded to on his show with the weighted balls wouldn't be as illegal and troublesome as he made it out to be. a draw could've been made off-camera like half an hour before the televised draw, which would have decided upon the winning numbers through the usual methods. the televised draw would have simply been for show, substituting 6 weighted balls with numbers corresponding to those drawn earlier. i'm assuming the draw was done on tv, i never saw it. and i only caught the beginning and end of the explanatory show, i was getting tired of dbrown's wank about stamping on mice and whatnot. so please excuse me if i'm overlooking anything obvious or just talking rubbish.
  16. once more, for the people who just finished series 5 for the first time -
  17. no, i'll tell you what blasphemy is weezer's abhorrent version of talk talk's "life's what you make it" not quite in the same league as no doubt's mauling of "it's my life" but blasphemy all the same
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