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Everything posted by qzdiablo

  1. i'm a pretty private person. i certainly wouldn't normally participate in a thread like this. even these days, with social networking websites thriving, i have stubbornly kept a habit of keeping a distance between my online representation and physical self. however, there's a welcoming atmosphere in this thread and i feel it is time, at last, to break down that figurative wall and reveal my real-life identity online. k here goes
  2. wish i could make it along to this hope it goes well
  3. my bloody valentine - map ref... (wire) i'm kind of in awe of that video of the japanese pavement cover posted a few pages back. the drummer is wearing a bearsuit.
  4. when was it step on it were up here last and who else was on the bill?
  5. the shop where i work is a rip-off and it doesn't sell delicious chicken
  6. i see one of you marionettes guitarists in the shop where i work fairly often but always fail to recognise you and ID you for various age-restricted products i'm terrible with names and worse with faces
  7. that ariston ad used to scare the shit out of me when i was little
  8. i came in here to post that video pretty mind-boggling in context of his previous work
  9. yeah this is going to be swell i've had a hook from one of the songs on cotc's myspace stuck in my head all-day, it's the sort of music that suits this kind of weather if anyone is interested: greater the shadow will have a limited number of free cds to give away at this show.
  10. only kidding! i had a smashing time this evening at the tunnels. all the bands tickled my figurative fancy, figuratively. especially that vessels lot, they were a very talented bunch of individuals. popolo were great too, music with influences so hard to pin down is not normally so accessible and danceable. mad props to those involved.
  11. fucking horrible. the bands were shit, the drinks were sour and even the tunes afterwards were abysmal. the worst event i've been to in a long time.
  12. actually, if we're really going to split hairs here, those descartes jokes are woefully inaccurate. it should really be something like "the proposition, I am, I shit, is necessarily true whenever it is put forward by me or conceived in my mind"
  13. if i post "i shit, therefore i am", would that be a happy compromise?
  14. there are other bands that do that sort of thing better, really i don't think there's enough ideas there to adequately fill out that song's 8-or-so minutes
  15. won't cpt tom's have people booked in to practice next saturday night? unlike certain other establishments, i don't think they cancel on people within (just over) a week of the arranged date of a commitment
  16. yeah they should try and match the pace of the editing with that of the song. there were a few shots of like 10 seconds where there was no obvious action. it would've been better if these were broken up, by cross-cutting with something else maybe.
  17. would've gone to this if i was able, thrown some shapes, some post-shapes too no doubt
  18. qzdiablo


    i've heard "map of africa" bandied around before
  19. qzdiablo


    their new album is all over the interweb
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