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Everything posted by qzdiablo

  1. Greater The Shadow are a band from Aberdeen who make music with guitars, drums, keyboards and other musical instruments. People have likened their music to that of bands such as Mogwai and Isis. The prefix "post-" gets bandied around a lot. I dunno, click the link and have a listen if you want a better idea. Anyway, they have free CD-rs to give away, containing two tracks. One of the tracks - "Nothing Says 'I'm Disappointed In You' Like a Book For Christmas" - is streamable off the audio player on their myspace page. The other track - "You Can't Bury Survivors" - is only on the CD, for now. If anyone would like one, they can come to a show at which Greater The Shadow are playing, ask one of the band in person, cos they'll surely have some CDs with them. (Their next scheduled gig is on Saturday 23rd May with Chickenhawk, which I predict will be a fairly raucous and satisfying night for all present.) or message the band on their myspace, with an address so they can mail it to you. or email the band at greatertheshadow (at) hotmail.co.uk , leaving an address again. or reply to this thread expressing a desire for a CD, I imagine someone will get back to you. ok then.
  2. ah well i just had a look at the line-up for the festival, i guess i must've confused him with moby
  3. yeah it was i think that layout worked pretty well for the two out-of-towners, usa-iam used the dancefloor to invite everyone to crowd round them while riotmen used it for push-ups
  4. isn't sun ra appearing at ornette coleman's meltdown this year? or am i making a horrible, embarassing error?
  5. where were you going to stick the bands? last time i remember seeing a show there the bands were slap-bang in the middle of the dancefloor
  6. i always thought it kinda tasted like blue cheese in a good way
  7. oh they're pretty good, i'm looking forward to this even more now
  8. you have the same name as a good friend of mine and mistaking your post for something he had written brought me a plethora of "lol"s
  9. i quite like this they remind me of hella, before hella went all over-blown and shite
  10. this sounds like "the brothers solomon", also starring g.o.b. and similarly lightweight. directed by bob odenkirk from mr show, it has a couple of good visual gags but it never really held my attention. it has the best title-sequence i've seen in a while though.
  11. qzdiablo

    Jason Lee

    isn't the whole premise behind "my name is earl" (dude paying back all the people he has wronged, crossing them off a list) some sort of scientologist allegory? i read that somewhere, i can't rememember. possibly the guardian. in which case it must be true.
  12. lots of people should come to this, it'll be really good especially okker, a very inventive and talented bunch of dudes Stanley on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads THE FIRE AND I on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads Okker on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads Ded Rabbit on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads
  13. i've seen elks before. where have i seen elks before? fucking good night that was anyway.
  14. i think i prefer the tunes without the vocals that's not to say i think there's anything wrong with the vocals, i just think the other elements of the tracks were enough to hold my interest hott stuff fer sure, i'm looking forward to seeing these guys called guys, guising around, at some point in the future
  15. ^^what he said^^ i was especially pleased by the aspects of the performance that were both educational and informative
  16. i read the title of this thread and got excited, then i realised i was at this gig two years ago
  17. i don't remember any of this conversation maybe things are better this way?
  18. you guys can't mock me for my choice of clothing my mother buys all my clothes for me
  19. is that the song marky mark does in boogie nights?
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