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Everything posted by nullmouse

  1. Some good comments above, and today's strike action is as a result of the Universities and Colleges Employers' Association failing to even meet and unconditionally discuss the current pay dispute. This dispute comes from a pledge by the employers to invest a third of the billions of pounds worth of government funding in employees - A promise that UCEA has subsequently reneged on. Working within a university is still a job, despite any personal pleasure or reasons why people persue it as a career. Knowing the stale and unfair pay conditions puts off a lot of potential staff from considering University teaching as a career, and those that do persue it are hardly motivated by the lack-lustre prospects for pay in the long-term. PhD graduates taking up the first hurdle of working within universities are commonly paid over £10,000 less per annum than those seeking employment in the private sector - Current conditions make universities unfit to compete for employees. This is before you even consider how much of a holy grail permanent job contracts are within Universities.
  2. University teachers are different from school teachers, they work a normal year like everyone else. As for job satisfaction, does that mean it's okay to pay everyone less who enjoys their job? And as Uni pay stands at the moment, do a better job and you still get paid shite.
  3. Atom Flask all the way, just marvellous and much missed.
  4. Yer tongue's made up of several muscles! It's the masseter muscle, if you go by the force you can exert on en external object, or the gluteus maximus if you go by the force exerted by the muscle itself. Or, if you want to go by force in relation to size of the muscle, then the uterus wins. But not everyone's got one of those, apparently. Boo, I'm afraid this one's not true! The Queens and Jacks are named after famous historical figures too, with (this one's for Jester) the Queen of Spades representing Pallas. This was on QI last night, and apparently it's not true either - But I am taking the word of Stephen Fry. So I'm not a killjoy, here's some facts unashamedly linked to my work: .................... Over half the bones in your body are in your hands and feet. Bone is dynamic, and every ten years your body replaces the equivalent of your entire skeleton. A giraffe's neck contains the same number of bones as a human neck. .................... I don't feel like such a c*nt now!
  5. Can't honestly remember there being that many there. They must have all been on the balcony? I do remembering it being a lot less people than I'd have hoped to see, though.
  6. Schneider TM! Gravenhurst! That's my twelve pounds worth! ... Or it would be, if I wasn't in Glasgow that night...
  7. He reminds me of Russ Abbot these days, but whatever floats your boat
  8. Seems "video nasties" are Trent's forte, he's recently just presented the latest PETA campaign video. I'm not posting the link - I'm sure people can find it themselves.
  9. Fantastic night, maybe not the best DBD performance I've seen but they certainly seem to be quicker on the change between songs The opening and closing numbers are still just fantastic, and their audience participation really did turn the attention of the audience to them for the rest of the set (PS apologies for picking on the Honey Monster, it just seemed *right*). The Boy Lacks Patience was superb. Chris came across as charismatic and fully at ease with the (impressively sized) audience. The cello-augmented first half was wonderful, full credit to Rachel. I was slightly dubious about the idea of the second set it completely converted me, thoroughly enjoyed it too - Balanced really well with the first half. Glad Chris ended on a couple of completely solo numbers, it was only right to do so. Well done his mum for making sure he saved a song or two back. Looking forward to listening to the album now, looked like it was selling really well on the night.
  10. Saw this on BBC News: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/4648598.stm Keep in mind that Intelligent Design = Creationism and the suggestion it be taught in science classes, what do people think about this? Is it something to be worried about, or do you think it's a great step forward?
  11. Blimey, that's damn good! Enjoy SXSW!
  12. Penned the soundtrack, too, which could also be quite interesting... Ghosts (Of The Civil Dead) was an okay watch, so I'll be checking it out when I can.
  13. Winnah! But if you didn't get that one I'd have been shocked.
  14. Blade 3? I'll contribute: "My own brother a goddamn shit-sucking vampire!"
  15. Also, rather than starting a whole thread for little points - Any chance of having the little mark on the thread envelopes that indicated you've already posted in it?
  16. 1000 Homo DJs Add N To ( X ) Broken Social Scene Kid Dakota Nervous Testpilot Polysics Pop Will Eat Itself Russian Futurists Scraping Foetus Off The Wheel Th' Legendary Shack Shakers Tindersticks Trachtenburg Family Slideshow Players Ultraviolence Venetian Snares Zea
  17. I guess I should make it clear that I'm no supporter of the Bush administration, but conspirary theories over 9/11 sit uncomfortably in my stomach - Luckily, there's countless reasons to still think Bush is a c*nt without them!
  18. Further reading to the contrary: http://www.popularmechanics.com/science/defense/1227842.html?page=1&c=y Page 4 & 5 discusses the 'controlled explosion' angle.
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