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Everything posted by nullmouse

  1. As unlikely as it sounds, folding a peice of paper fifty times would go out into space even further than the moon. If 50 folds reached the moon then your paper thickness would be 0.00034mm - 60gsm paper is around 0.081 mm thick. Using 60gsm paper the folded tower would be 91,197,892 km high, well past the moon. With a thicker paper we could make a giant wick from the earth to the sun, using it to ignite countries we don't like. (I used 382,260 km as the distance from earth to moon)
  2. I'd maybe change that in your profile then, before anyone else notices
  3. Considering how drunk most people left it could remain a hazy, unreliable memory for some, however. But yes, it was a wonderful night and the CD truly is a treasure.
  4. I'm really sorry to hear about this incident, especially as by all accounts it sounds as if it was an otherwise successful night. Sad to say that the promoter always seems to pay the price inevitably, which is a lesson of hard knocks I'm sure Kirk has learned long before now. I'm sure it's some comfort to Kirk to know you all appreciate what he does, though! Is this a security issue at The Tunnels? Does it need to be suggested to The Tunnels that they need a proper till for the front desk, or a member of security to man the front door for early gigs that may be very busy?
  5. Some interesting news in the journal Science today - The European Commission and leading industry associations have agreed to cut the number of animals used in basic research, toxicology and quality control of health products by 20% by 2007. I'm sure a few people on here will argue that it's not enough, but in terms of recent trends it's a major advancement not only due to the reduction of animal numbers but also due to the increase in finance for the development of alternative methods. Furthermore, the EC is promoting collaboration which should facilitate the rapid validation of these non-animal techniques. Which means that the trend should be for continued decrease in animal use in the EU over the coming few years. No matter what side of the 'useful or not' debate you sit, I think everyone agrees that the use of valid alternatives is by far the preferred option to animal research.
  6. Pro Forma are ace, and is the band Paul Thomson from Franz Ferdinand started off in. Neptune sound fooking amazing.
  7. Vaccine development' date=' technological advancements (e.g. incubators for premature babies) and screening for teratogens? And like a fool I will rise to it everytime
  8. Another site worth looking at is http://www.medicalprogress.org/
  9. I'm not sure where everyone is coming up with this idea that there are 100% effective ways to replace animal testing available. I wish someone would tell all those scientists.
  10. Racists, homophobes, sexist, paedophiles and Nazis. I take it you feel strongly about this?
  11. A slight exaggeration? Yes' date=' physiological differences are important, and taken in to account regularily. In the UK around 40 drugs have been withdrawn in total since 1961, not per year, so I doubt this claim of 50 per year in America is accurate. Of note, most drugs that are withdrawn in the UK are withdrawn due to adverse drug reactions with other medicine the patient has been taking. EDIT - Here's a link to a list of FDA approved drugs that have actually taken off the market up to around 2002 (Vioxx is an example of a drug being withdrawn recently): [url']http://www.fda.gov/fdac/features/2002/chrtWithdrawals.html
  12. My misconceptions? About evolution, common ancestory and the prevelence of gene homology across species?
  13. Ironically the Nazis did tend to shun animal experimentation. They much more preferred to use ethnic minorities, children and the mentally / physically disabled.
  14. Care to explain this one further, because I'm at a loss at how to point out how stupid this is without reverting back to high school biology text books.
  15. Eh? As all drugs in the UK and the US have to be legally tested on animals are you saying that 50% of all drugs have been withdrawn?
  16. Does that mean it's safe to go for the Edinburgh date, but not the Glasgow one?
  17. What have you got booked on the 4th and / or 5th of February, then?
  18. Argh, get paid on Monday. But woo! But argh! But woo!
  19. Tonight (Sunday the 23rd) at The Tunnels! Three top acts for 3.50, from 8pm! Squander Pilots - Think Massive Attack / Portishead / Stereolab all messed around with jazz, punk and indiepop. From Glasgow and Belfast, this female vocal lead trio are one of club Optimo's recommended listens. Death By Dave - Lush layers of acoustics guitars filled out with samples and on-the-fly effects from this local duo. Electroacoustic goodness. The Boy Lacks Patience - 'Classical licks from an angry Beethoven meet Ben Folds pop songs, with a strangely pleasing hint of Julie Andrews' See ya there!
  20. Boo, I'll be at The Tunnels with the Squander Pilots, Death By Dave and The Boy Lacks Patience. Means missing this and Mickle Mass last weekend, we must co-ordinate diaries better
  21. Muhahahahahha! Looking forward to this!
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