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Everything posted by threeornothing

  1. ?( Henry Fiat's Open Sore are the punkest mother fuckers I've heard in a long time!! Check their video too...sheer fucking class!! http://www.moons.se/expo/09/bildsida.asp
  2. Well scooby doo can do-do...but Jimmy Carter is smarter...
  3. I'd stick to 3 songs max, your best songs that you can play well (although have 1 or 2 ready if something doesn't seem to be working). For a clicky bass drum, use plastic beaters, tape an old CD to the kick head where the beaters hit the skin, get the mic in close, use 2 mics on the kick (inside and out) inside for the clicky sound, outside for the thumpy bass sound. Use DI's and/or amp simulators while you record the drums, keep the noise in the room to an absolute minimum, even get strummy guitarists to keep their distance, the overheads can pick up a lot. Keep your headphones as low as possible, but not so low that you struggle to hear whats going on. Throw up a mic in the middle of the room to use for effects, a bit of distortion and compression can turn it into a monster sound...heres an idea on road to ruin which is just 5 minutes of me fucking about, but using automation (which Cap Toms don't have the luxury of mind you) I'm bringing down the close mics and leaving just the overheads and bringing up a room mic with lots of distortion and compression, I'm also changing the guitars to a weaker sound to really let the drums cut through at this part... http://www.keilan303.demon.co.uk/SOM-middle.mp3 Ok it might suck, but use the time to try out stuff like this...although think some of this in advance. To save time the bassist could record his parts while the guitarist records his. Beg/steal/borrow a bass pod or similar, use a shit hot valve amp with a good cab for the guitar, crank it up loud, try and get the head in the control room and the cab in their ISO booth so you can adjust settings and hear how it is really sounding rather than struggling to hear the headphones for noise coming from the cab. Usually best to leave the vocals to last, although make sure the singer doesn't get bored while the music is getting laid down, bored singers turn to booze and drugs quickly, and this will deterioate the quality of singing. Try and work towards your final mix each time something is laid down, the more the singers headphone mix sounds like the finished article, the better a performance he will give. It's hard to give it your all standing in a room in front of a window, not to sound too cheesey but the more you can get lost in the music and really fell like you're archie mcfluff, the better. Take lots of notes. If theres any duff noises, get them scrubbed before mixdown. Singer breathing coughing between breaks, lead guitarist playing crossroads before his solo comes in etc. When it comes to mixdown, have the sound in mind and work towards it. If theres time, fart about with different things. If theres some ideas you want to try but are not sure, try them anyway, mix them down to CD and you can go back at a later stage and edit in the best bits, don't think that just changing some faders and hitting play then record on the CDR will provide a great mix. As the songs change elements of the mix should change to reflect this. If the singer is shouting it might sound great to give it some distortion on a delayed signal, but this wouldn't work for a verse etc.. Apart from that...I wouldn't expect miracles...
  4. Try this ftp://downloads.codemasters.com/etoy/TreasureIslandDizzy.exe
  5. The Wasted festival (and its previous incarnations) are almost as pathetic as this...
  6. If anyone is into this music and fancies giving it a bash themself, some of these videos will help!! Check them out.... http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2374125115634814496 http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8114560379778510933 http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7765748931271610007
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdQz7aEZ5yo&search=ultramagnetic
  8. hehe..love the "Investment grade" description...bucket of shit aswell!
  9. They didn't mention fourfa.com, which beat them to the punch several years ago.... Sadly it is some peoples bible...
  10. Ciruit bending is totally over rated.... "Hey I can make this piece of shit sound even worse!"
  11. Is it the pseudo futuristic sound? Or the fact that they just slap a simple easy beat over a tune and call it a remix (a la Voodoo People! although the intro is class)
  12. I find my home address and phone number...anyone with a grudge against me, you know my name, look up the number
  13. Good mics need good mic preamps too.
  14. Hehe, I'm sure I meant to write he doesn't play a "Les Paul Standard" ... I was aware he played some variation but it looks a heck of a lot lighter. Anyway, he sits down all the time! On a purely aesthetic level, guitars don't get much better for me than the Les Paul Black Beauty or '54 Gold Top...but the weight puts me off. (well thats my excuse...everyone knows its really the price tag :'(
  15. Christ.....theres a reason why Liam Howlett is so far up his arse about being the king of the beats...theres more talent in 20 seconds of his music than there was in that entire genre...I couldn't listen to the prodigy at the time because I related them with all this crap, but looking back now, they were lightyears ahead of their time. That just reminds me of the numpties in my primary school who thought they knew music for liking this shit...and they laughed at me for listening to the Beatles....what do they listen to fucking now!! This is how it should be done http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3cse8WuUhk (and yeah I know it sounds exactly the same )
  16. Real thing = the company who designed the bloody thing.
  17. I'd love a Gordon Smith...but they cost almost as much as the real thing...
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