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Threads turning into Chaos


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Discussions on forums replicate real life quite accurately. I get violent and pissy with people who stray off topic when having a conversation with me. I then start new conversations about how much I hate offtopic banter, which the recipient of the conversation often considers to be offtopic, and I get punched and flamed.

Life is hard.

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He got a permanent ban for incessant cuntery. In a parting shot to Neil he said he'd never visit this website again. Not that it would matter a fuck, cos he can't post anyway. But on the offchance that he's lurking, Stripey you're a cunt.

That's the internet equivilant of taking your football home with you.

I wonder how he fills his time now? Does he try to intellectually bully the cat?

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Thing about this site, is that 90% of the posts seem to be written by probably 5% of the users who clearly have fuck all to do with their time, and seem to make it their life's mission to get involved in every discussion from thrash metal to knitting despite having no interest or knowledge of the subject that is under discussion. Hardly surprising that things constantly get out of hand.

Let's start a thread about knitting AND Thrash Metal just to see who gets involved.

It would also give us the oppurtunity to swap patterns for knitting your own Cliff Burton stuffed toy (including his legendry flarey loon pants), Sodom cardigans & a nice Kreator pullover.

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That can get confusing actually. Like, talking about a gig in Drummonds for example, is it under Music Discussion? Feedback Forum? Other Clubs & Venues? I think there are too many forums. By the way this should be in "Comments & Suggestions", for the record. :laughing:

Noted. :up:

Now, If I click forums, then go to.... ah f'k I'm lost already!...:rolleyes:

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That can get confusing actually. Like, talking about a gig in Drummonds for example, is it under Music Discussion? Feedback Forum? Other Clubs & Venues? I think there are too many forums. By the way this should be in "Comments & Suggestions", for the record. :laughing:

It already is...

Took me a while to figure that out tho, possibly illustrates my point, but I'll get a new thread on the go...

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Guest Exposure @ Lemon Tree
I haven't been involved in a decent row in ages on here....

Maybe I should dig up more later-proved--accurate information about something in Aberdeen...any suggestions? ;)

I suggest you shut the hell up Cloud, you fucking wanker.


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The slagging matches were a lot worse back in the days when that stripey fella was nockin about on here. He'd voice an opinion (fair enough) in a manner that he must have known full well would cause offence/provoke backlash (not cool) then immediately claim innocence and intellectual superiority (just plain annoying). At which point the original topic would be playing second string to angry pedantry and personal attacks I'm not the most prolific poster but back then i didn't even bother at all.

Yeah, that was brilliant.

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Guest Tam o' Shantie

it's cos folk think they're fucking hard like, safe behind their computer screens...blah...would you say that to my face min?...drone...

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