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Everything posted by Flights

  1. Sounds like your Korma has a challenger.
  2. Cantona looks like a thinner version of the Go Compare guy.
  3. I quite like the Coil sports car. I thought my game was glitching the first time I got in one as it wasn't making any noise. Then I realised it's supposed to be a telsa electric car. Looking forward to GTA: Online next week. Gonna be off the chain y'all.
  4. It doesn't work in bypass. It probably is my soldering, I'll have a crack at it again Sunday. It let out a bit of a fuzzy noise when I first clicked the pedal then nothing. Hoping it's just a jack or switching issue. I quite enjoyed putting it together. Meant I spent a day outside in the shed rather than playing video games.
  5. Put it all together. Plugged it in and nothing. One of the metal teeth things on my footswitch fell out but it was one I wasn't using could this be an issue? Meh I'm pissed off.
  6. Old sac blues is my favourite. Sounds like it should be on the Tony Hawks 2 soundtrack. IMO every song is stronger (dunno if that's the best word) than the previous one. Flows pretty well too. Up the punx!
  7. I'm not convinced by him either. His yellow card was totally deserved and there was a few other incidents that could of easily led to a second. He just seems really reckless. I think he's got a lot of potential mind you but he really needs to get his discipline in check.
  8. He made an epic save early on!
  9. Soda that graphic looks glorious!
  10. Graphics is the thing I'm probably most worried about. Probably just go down the printing out a sticker route. Might coat the thing to death in clear lacquer though. My soldering iron has arrived. My components haven't. Gads. Already eyeing up my next one.
  11. Go to the Vesspuci beach helipad. Marked on your map. There's always a helicopter there or in the process of landing.
  12. Fatboy does have a glorious facial mane.
  13. There's not many posters on here on PS3 I meant. See folk have completed it already!
  14. Nobody is on PS3 though.
  15. The online isn't available till the 1st of October! Once it is we should probably start up an ab-music gang and go about shouting things like 'why are a dickhead' and drinking near schools. Seems to be plenty in stock everywhere. I even managed to get a copy in Fraserburgh!
  16. Just bought a kit for making a fuzz face off eBay. Excited!
  17. I love it when a plan comes together. If I never wrote a list I'd never get anything done!
  18. Our plan of action involves recording in the near future. I think we'd all be keen. I'll fire off some emails this afternoon!
  19. Quotes were from the bit when Billy Pilgrim gets caught by the Germans and he see's the guys Hungarian Colonel boots and seeing the 15 year old boy. The other one was when Billy and Wildhack are in the dome and she wants him to tell her a story. I'm quite fond of that quote too, I'll need to see if I can source an audiobook or reading of it somewhere. I'm all out of official Flights windbreaker unfortunately though!
  20. I've put on 3 gigs there now, played and been to a couple more and the sounds always been decent. Thought everyone's levels were spot on at the gig on Saturday. The only 'issue' I had was the drum kit having a rattling snare but it was sorted out pretty quickly so it wasn't really a problem.
  21. One last bump before everything goes on eBay!
  22. Two of the vocal samples were extracts from the audiobook of Vonnegut's Slaughter House 5. The other one was some old CIA guy going on about going around the world investigating UFO sightings. I think I pulled the audio off either a youtube video or a documentary I downloaded.
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