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Everything posted by Flights

  1. You can switch back and forth quite quickly but if you were savvy enough you could enable pacifist mode then go to Los Santos customs. Saying that once a few of us ganged up we took the guy out pretty quickly.
  2. Is he looking up that lasses skirt? I'm loving his 3 string only humbucker.
  3. Yeah it was being weird last night. Still had some good moments. Me and a couple of mates robbed a group of guys who had just robbed a petrol station. I had to create a new character for some reason last night. I got really annoyed when you have to go to Los Santos customs to fit a tracker to your car, as there was some guy who was already level 30 odd sitting camping mowing anyone down who came near with a big machine gun.
  4. I noticed you joined a deathmatch I was stuck in last night Soda. I was the host but when I pressed A to begin nothing happened. We ended up just driving around in a Prius shooting folk.
  5. Im online! Took ages mind you
  6. I've been asked to organise a gig at Cellar 35 on the 20th of October as part of the Oxjam thingy. Anyone keen for a 30/45 minute set?
  7. All I post on Facebook is pictures of my dog sleeping. I don't think any of my posts are public though, I'm going to double check tonight. Still pretty weird that a stranger is following me.
  8. I've got some girl following me on Facebook. What does that even mean? She's not on my friends list or anything. Bizarre.
  9. The online wasn't working for me last night sadly. I had a few attempts but gave up after about half an hour. Hope it works tonight.
  10. Philip Morrison used to be my flatmate. Fun fact.
  11. Garth Marenghi needs to be on it too!
  12. Mine looks like a cowboy...
  13. Was hella tempted but ultimately I reported the picture for being offensive.
  14. I'll be on tonight. Bought loads of crisps at lunchtime so I can play uninterrupted!
  15. It works kinda like the 'main' GTA V game. You just go about the city and go places for missions. There is also bits you can go to and do like team deathmatch, races and that kinda thing. It's honestly the most mental game ever made.
  16. It was fucking horrible. The person in questions baby had died due to complications during child birth and they posted pictures of it on Facebook.
  17. I wouldn't say Mumford n Sons are sad. It's just a bunch of Londoners singing about agriculture and dressing like farmers from Heartbeat. Codeine are fucking glorious. All the sad.
  18. Vin Diesel posts the most amount of shite I've ever seen. I used to have someone on my friends list who posted photos of their dead baby. Grim.
  19. So last night was fun. Playing sandbox mode and a load of Scousers show up in the game. All fully dressed in red and driving red cars. Full kit wankers. Anyway I caught one of them heading to an ATM to bank some cash so I ran across and emptied a shotgun into the back of his head and pinched his money. He had a lot of cash on him, just over $25,000. I hopped in his red car and sped away. A minute later my phone starts ringing (my in game one) and I'm met with a load of abuse, threats involving my personal safety and a promise that this guy and his pals were going to kill me over and over again. So I head up into the mountains Rambo style to escape and end up being hunted down by some Scousers. At one point they tried to cut me off by going up the cable car but I caught on and changed my route. Ended up managing to survive the ordeal with the Scousers quitting out after about 25 minutes of trying to kill me but getting killed themselves. Easily one of the most intense gaming experiences I've had in a while.
  20. The long awaited and request Facebook mess thread.
  21. I restarted a few times after waiting about 5-10 minutes then it just loaded up. It's epic fun!
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