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Everything posted by berni907

  1. being honest. me and my friends personally would much rather see motley curue and fuckin alice coooper thasn any of thes fuckin emo bampots there aer today
  2. ahahahaha "written by the baiisti" legend. love it. im druink
  3. I've liked them since about 2 years ago when i saw one of their videos on Scuzz. Really good. Yeah, thats right folks, a band i DO like.
  4. No. It's like... the chav band (forgotten the name already) are trying this hardcore punk thing out and can't pull it off.
  5. ahahahahaha. Exactly what i needed when i heard the "solo" They'll redeem themselves somehow
  6. ALL HAIL SONISPHERE, THE FESTIVAL THAT DOWNLOAD SONIS-FEARS. (see what i did there? im a master wordsmith)
  7. It's annoying, eh? The other thing is instead of Okay or OK, it's Okaii. It doesen't even make sense! it's an extra letter. they're meant to be "shortcuts" as i was told when mocking someone for typing like it. but shortcuts aren't longer!! they're shorter!! WHAT ARE THESE PEOPLE THINKING?! fucking idiots. (watched my spelling whilst typing this so i can't be branded a hypocrite) l8erz
  8. I like them... catchy stuff. =] Not too keen on their vocalist though
  9. Nah seriously, it's the first time this band have disappointed me.
  10. Just played through one today in r'n'b. SOOOOO buying it if it's still there next month. HANDS OFF MOTHERFUCKERS! You can get some fucking beautiful blues tones out of it. The distortion channel's not too bad either. I'd LOVE to stick a delay through it and mess around. nice.
  11. Just heard Avenged's cover of paranoid. It was pretty good... then the "solo" kicked in. I'm a die hard fan of avenged but... what the fuck... ? YouTube - Avenged Sevenfold-Paranoid[(lyrics)Black Sabbath Cover]
  12. They sound like they're trying so badly to copy Gallows... Don't like gallows but... it seems like they're trying... and failing At least it shows that not ALL chavs are so closed minded when it comes to music
  13. I went in '07. There were some pretty decent bands but motley crue were on the second stage while linking park were on the main stage? what the fuck. Does my head in. how can some tits like linking fucking park be more important that the legends that are motley crue? doesen't make sense. Anyway, i was gonna go in '08 but the lineup was pretty bad... and it's worse this year. It seems that download is surrendering to the emo takeover.... There are alot of amazing bands playing this year... but most of the bands you see on the lineup make you think "did they arrange this festival last minute?"
  14. Kerrangs twice as bad. kerrang sucks the cocks of all these emo bands.
  15. Love these guys. watched the censored version of "death to all but metal" on scuzz. Being censored made it funnier cos it was like car horns and stuff instead of bleeps. was awesome. They're playing at download... not going though. skint, and most of the bands i'm not interested in. sonisphere looks way better. metallica!
  16. WELL, sir, i agree with you 100%. we can hope they fade away into some sort of non-existance. they should just disappear.
  17. *Starts Saving* THIS did it for me. NICE sounds. What you guys all think?
  18. I want that t-shirt. im a guy (mostly... like 60% or something) but it would be very amusing... i'll scratch off the "yashin" from the bottom.
  19. Theres only a few venues in aberdeen and not THAT many people go to them... why would they build another? keep it as a pool.
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