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Everything posted by Surfer_Rosa

  1. Pretty obvious the guy who wrote it doesn't actually have a girlfriend.
  2. We still have Big Vince as goalkeeper, and denying Argentina goals is still his favourite hobby: http://youtu.be/RuJmpJE74nM
  3. My lads maintained their loss free streak of pre-WC friendlies against Greece last night. Also maintained their streak of no wins.
  4. My dream ending is for all the cool right-hand-men (Davos, Bronn, the Hound, Jorah, Tormund, Pod) to band together, say fuck you to all the main Houses, kick the shit out of the White Walkers and rule Westeros as a Great Bunch of Lads. All the best.
  5. Would have been nice to pick up a win last night for a bit of momentum, but I still have faith in my Super Eagles.
  6. Best kit of the tournament though.
  7. I'm throwing my support behind Nigeria, just so pensive Kanu can be my avatar.
  8. Heads up for all you spoiler-sissys: make sure you don't see the titles of the upcoming episodes.
  9. I fucking hate shite attempts at stirring outrage like this.
  10. I think most people here agree that secretly recording someone without their knowledge is a shitty thing to do. Although it can't be too surprising that a young mistress of an old racist billionaire has dubious morals. However the his fine and ban are a different matter. I think it would be wrong for the NBA to just turn a blind eye once the recording was out in the public domain. Nobody is calling for him to get locked up or remove his freedom of choice. But regardless of how they were presented to the public, his comments damaged the team and the entire organisation so it's their freedom to choose to cease his involvement.
  11. This maybe? http://www.gig-fx.com/products/chopper/
  12. Mick Foley says stop being a pussy:
  13. You guys are going to miss out on this:
  14. The poll card will be for the EU parliament, not the Independence referendum.
  15. Just came across this on facebook. Ugh...
  16. http://undergroundmgzn.com/2014/04/15/man-ruins-game-thrones-series-novels-full-spoilers/
  17. http://metro.co.uk/2014/04/12/fisherman-finds-large-red-dildo-in-cod-he-has-just-caught-4697054/
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