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Le Stu

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Everything posted by Le Stu

  1. I laughed out loud once at the sci-fi shop guy 'listening to music' and the bladerunner picture bit was a pretty amusing parody. Still the whole premise of part 2 is LAZY. Bad Dave, I expected more of you but you're apparently just good for reruns! Which I like!
  2. It needed the canned laughter back so I could tell which bits were meant to be funny! Even with low expectations, that was terrible
  3. Le Stu


    That's what I find extra amusing. In amongst all the extreme food is local healthy Scottish cooking. What can they mean by this??? Bastards figured out how to fry Coke before we did, I see. We've sat on our laurels for too long...
  4. This is why you're fat. Top link today is unremarkable but do persist, you'll discover yourself salivating in horror!
  5. My mum makes a hell of a lot of calls to Canada and she uses that one. Mums tend to be a tad thrifty so I imagine that's a good deal. No bugger I know ever signs into their Skype including me.
  6. I haven't heard the album apart from the title track and The Omen. But I found the Noisia mix of The Omen the other day and it's SICK. Check it out: Has more of a jilted generation vibe to it, IMO.
  7. I saw the X Files 2, which was just pish. Dunno who thought that was a good idea... And No Country For Old Men, which I quite enjoyed despite certain things not making a lot of sense to me.
  8. I got this at the weekend. So far I'm not particularly impressed, despite being a massive fan of the franchise. It adds nothing to Res 4's gameplay and the controls are as unwieldy as its predecessor. It's also pretty pedestrian compared to 4. I haven't found any boss remotely difficult to dispatch, so far. Dare I say this is boring me? Well, moans aside, I'm quite looking forward to playing split-screen with a chum and the computer co-op mode isn't really the hell I thought it would be.
  9. Le Stu


    Ah, jazz hands... maybe even spirit fingers?? I can tell you that if I did that, I'd most definitely look like an arse. Not that I'm completely opposed to silly dancing to hilarious wobble tunes, but I just can't drink like that any more...
  10. Excellent points. I must admit, I would have been personally completely screwed if they hadn't done this. No cash handy for food or tokens for the meter etc. My employer is also almost certainly dependant on credit, not to mention our government! But not all of the banks would have failed. The smaller building societies and maybe one or two of the banks (like The Co-operative which is why I'm moving my humble pile there) don't rely on fractional reserve lending and didn't let their own lending standards slip during the boom. Of course there's no guarantee of their survival either but they're much better placed than the big boys. And, of course, they would see some spectacular growth in their business in the wake of a so-called financial collapse. How to get your cash out when the ATM networks are dead is another matter... but I think it would be surprising just how fast free market solutions would appear. With the price of complete nationalisation estimated at 5 trillion, I wonder if all our government has done is buy us time while setting up an even bigger crisis in the near future, that of a run on Sterling and hyper-inflation in our time: The bond bubble is an accident waiting to happen - Telegraph
  11. Y'know, those tracksuit types aren't all breeders! Just a couple of months ago, I was walking up the dual carriageway towards Morrisons and a young charver lad and his tracky-bottomed girl crossed over the road, ending up in front of me. He dropped a freshly populated jimmy hat on his way. At the time I tsked to myself but I must admit, he got it half right at least!
  12. I'd like to wish them all the best, as I'm moving to Smile And if anyone can enlighten me as to why we don't just let them fold, presumably allowing an orderly liquidation of assets and debts, I'd be all ears!
  13. Oh well. In light of our ever so slightly bigger economic problems, I think I can live with council tax. I do wonder if they'll even manage to keep council tax frozen at the current amount, as that pretty much amounts to yearly tax cuts and the income will start shrinking and expenditure increasing as this recession kicks in proper. Fun times to be alive!
  14. Le Stu


    Yeah that's definitely a grower! Cheers for the recommendations.
  15. Le Stu


    Dubstep.fm Let me google that for you...
  16. In My Life Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds Eleanor Rigby Nowhere man I am The Walrus I've got a hole in me pocket...
  17. I had a pretty crappy experience subletting from a random dude who turned out to be a raving smackhead, so I have both contempt and sympathy in equal measures for them. It doesn't help to give them any justification for their problem. The cruel to be kind solution is just to section them and let them cold turkey under medical supervision.
  18. Le Stu

    Pet Hates!

    Oh and I might also add that this doesn't happen if people are hotboxing weed in whatever enclosure I happen to be in. Weed smells YUMMY and doesn't make me HAHKLLAH. Just please stop rolling with tobacco you freckin eejits...
  19. Hey man, I only had the time to catch the first couple of your tunes but they made me smile. It reminded me of being 16 in the legendary Bish (formally Bubbles nightclub) in Elgin absolutely drenched in sweat after a night of beer-raving.
  20. Le Stu

    Pet Hates!

    I significantly fell off the wagon tonight and am puffing on some drum rollies (acKAH) But I'm doing it in my own home when no people are around (KLAAH). If I was doing it in the street I'd get the fuck away from anyone I didn't see smoking (hukKLAAAH) which is nice behaviour (COUGH) IMO. This is what people do in nicer countries. But after new year I will hate on the family of five sparking up in front of me (HUKLAAAH) causing me to huklaah even though I'll be back on the wagon. Seriously, you don't know the low-level of misery non-smokers suffer daily. I'd have to jog up Wellington Road at rushour to get the same effect as walking up union street at lunchtime turning out.
  21. www.bassdrive.com Times Online | News and Views from The Times and Sunday Times Home - The Daily Mash www.dogsonacid.com AboveTopSecret.com: Conspiracy Theories, UFOs, Politics, and Many Other "Alternative Topics" (yeah I can accept laughter at the last one but amongst tales of the reptoid mothership parked behind the moon there is sometimes interesting alternative news)
  22. Le Stu

    Pet Hates!

    Scotland is hideous for people smoking right in your face. I used to smoke and occasionally do due to drunkeness so I understand that they have no fucking idea how badly they ming as they are immune. Here's a pet hate of mine - Txt z0mb1e5 wandering obviously into you. Congratulations on your amazing ability to crank out 40wmp with your thumb. Unfortunately this task has used all of your available runtime and you will have to either look up from it more or place yourself temporarily in an alcove or doorway like I do.
  23. that's good advise, cheers. I think I tend to get a bit stuck on the quality of the sound production rather than the actual programming so it might help me on my way if I just score myself a dutty beat pack from somewhere...
  24. Has anyone else seen the new animated Transformers? You can get it on that website that I probably can't post here! It's good, has that sort of westernised anime type style to it. Some things are different, such as calling the creation matrix 'the allspark' but it seems quite like the original story.
  25. "Drug addicts are being warned not to inject heroin" Woah. Fuck, that's like totally harsh advice.
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