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Le Stu

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Everything posted by Le Stu

  1. Last rave I went to, Aphrodite was the headline. I think it was Love Parade After Party '06, in San Francisco. It was great, 'cos he had Audio Angel doing his Ready Or Not Fugees remix as a live vocal! And also great 'cos when the SF official came in to shut the jungle room down at 2am, and the lights came up, he took one look at how pilled up everyone was and just about shat himself.
  2. Personal faves at the mo':
  3. I'll admit I'm a little fond of Girl In The Fire but for every piece of decent music they make, there's about ten Slams or Granites. All their stuff sounds the fucking same so they can take a four piece band on tour to prove how much better drum and bass is if you turn it into cheesy rock music. I do like the Rascal & Clone though that's how you do it right!
  4. I know a mate of mine has a USB preamp/digitiser for his electric guitar. It's a really neat solution and I don't think they're too expensive.
  5. I suppose I'm not sure what this thread is for. Maybe I got it wrong by introducing myself... whatever. I will say that while I have managed to not incur their wrath much, thus far, there do seem to be a fair amount of what the Dobbs described as 'pink boys' posting on this site. You may recall a couple of years ago when we infiltrated their group and influenced them all to adopt hilarious emo fashions. This is necessary once or twice in a centrury so we can get a good clear head count.
  6. As you can see by my adoption of Bob Dobbs as my image, I strive for the optimal level of slack in all endeavour, not least of all upon this board.
  7. My further thoughts on this. I don't really use myspace, unless I'm going directly to an artist's page, but I do use Google Chrome which I find to be fantastic and I never get any fucking hassle with it. However, it may not support your favorite plug-ins so it's maybe not for everyone. *oh, and it has a pr0n mode called incognito which is awesome!
  8. Download FREE antivirus software - avast! Home Edition That has a 60 day trial and a free key if you register. But if you don't think that was your virus software warning you, then it's probably one of those DANGER YOUR COMPUTER IS FULL OF LIZARDS CLICK HERE!! type nonsense. But download it and do a scan if you want to be on the safe side
  9. If that's a web popup then it's probably bullshit. Do you have anti-virus software installed?
  10. Never eaten at IHOP. You know how segregated their shit is, I have to get my 4am short-stack from Denny's like all the other crackers!
  11. Bump! Hope it's better to recycle old threads than start new ones. Anyway, any d'n'b heads out there still? I've been buying/listening recently to: EVOL Intent - Era of Diversion Black Sun Empire - Driving Insane (that's a bit older) Ed Rush & Optical - Travel The Galaxy London Elektricity - Syncopated City The Noisia and Sub Focus albums should be out soon. Quite like Timewarp. Bwaaapwapwapwaapdadadididida... wobble wobble... er... well, it's still better than Pendulum. Anyone like Pendulum???
  12. American style, with lashings of butter and Maple Syrup.
  13. Oh, that is good! Much better than the TELEPHANITICOCK.
  14. Yeah, not into that whole thing at all either. But when I saw the Wiimote and the Nunchuck or whatever it's called, I thought it could potentially be a replacement for mouse and keyboard gaming. But it wasn't accurate or fast enough. Now if they can make this so that i can wave my left hand around and point with my right in FPS game with the speed of the wireless controller, I'd be sold!
  15. That looks amazing but it's got the Wii lag hasn't it? That's what puts me off these motion systems.
  16. It's when you discover the secret menu that In-N-Out becomes more like a religion than a fast-food joint! in-n-out’s secret menu Badmouth I think it's them and Mission burritos that I can blame a fair percentage of extraneous gut flab on.
  17. I don't actually have it installed at the moment but I don't see anyone attending to a solution for you so let me have a stab at it. It sounds like you have the sample rate set wrong so you'll need to have a look at what it's set at in Audacity. If the source for the audio was originally CD then it'll be 44.1KHz. I'm thinking you'll need to set this, along with a bit rate for LAME to encode it to play back at the correct speed.
  18. Google is getting pretty useless for finding good freeware software tools these days. You will find an awful lot of mediocre commercial software with it though, sadly. A hot tip would be to put 'forum' in your search and you might pick up a thread like this. Or actually ask on a forum like this. Yay forums!
  19. Audacity: Free Audio Editor and Recorder This is a great cross platform editor/convertor.
  20. I think there's a Hung Gar Kung Fu school near Berryden, or there used to be anyway. That's more of a traditional Chinese style, from what I understand. My interests are purely armchair.
  21. I would seriously injure a not very nice person to get this right now Only available in California and bits of Arizona, unfortunately.
  22. Le Stu

    Pet Hates!

    M&S Food Mart. Why do they stick a twee bottle stand in the middle of every intersection in the main aisle? It's not like they function as roundabouts, regulating the flow of traffic.
  23. I'm tempted by this because I totally missed out on playing it the first time around. I had Beneath A Steel Sky instead, which was also brilliant.
  24. It should say on the pack but the only supermarket brand I've seen that has a separate grind for percolators and cafetierres is Douwe Egbert.
  25. Twinings Coffee Blend going for 1.50 for 227g in Morrisons right now. It's not too disgusting, either. I bought 8 packs. I usually call bullshit on any ground coffee that claims it's suitable for percolators and cafetierres as I find that the grind is too fine for the latter but I can get a good strong cup out of this one with not too much silty business in the bottom of the cup.
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