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Everything posted by Jeanette

  1. Ahahaha. Some funny ones if you follow the link from 'Peep Peeps'. Heehee.
  2. So it's official then. I did wonder! Budz has been closed for refurbishment for months!! It was a rather strange place. Went there a couple of times in my naivity in 1st year - new city not sure where to go! Although as with everywhere going with a good bunch of friends and you could actually have a good night! It'll always be tarred with the chav brush because of where it's situated on Union St regardless of what it becomes... If it becomes anything!
  3. I went to see The Orphanage in the Belmont. Rather enjoyable... bit jumpy. And the English remake will be shockingly bad! I can just tell! Lol.
  4. Jeanette


    Yup yup. Def would go! They've said look out for a June date... So who's booking?!?!
  5. Music Hall... Big step up from Moshulu! Hmmm.
  6. They were super scary! I thought the police were going to escort the man with the arran sweater out!! It was indeed sooooooo cold! My hands totally numb... and I could feel my legs thawing out later on. Was worth the 2 though even if the ball did spend most of the time in the air! Lol.
  7. Well... All bands have 'off nights' even those superduper bands who people don't think can ever do wrong! Don't dwell and just use it as an experience!
  8. Aww! I bet it didn't sound as bad to the crowd as you thought it did yourself. Unless they were all experts... Which I doubt! Next gig will be better! =)
  9. Yes. I know this! But some people work early on a Saturday morning i.e me. *sobs*
  10. Ooooft. 22.45! That's quite late. Nevermind, would be worth it.
  11. Def worth supporting! The cuts throughout the council are going to have a detrimental effect for services right across the city! It's not good!
  12. This is true. Just don't want to buy tickets and not be able to go. And find I can go and then not be able to get in! Lol. I would presume most people will pay on the door.
  13. Will it be possible to pay on the door?! This is the question...
  14. That is the most annoying thing ever at a gig!! Kinda gutted I missed this now! Although I have seen them 3 times now. They'll be back again no doubt! =)
  15. You weren't ranting. Merely explaining a few things!! Although, I still think the new tills are a silly idea! And I never understand why people make such a mess in the toilets! And no offence to the guys, but I don't expect it from girls... I'm sure it's prob worse in there sometimes. p.s. I hadn't read your post before posting the comment above!
  16. I like the new indie nights! Hated the Air Guitar night... and whatever the other random night was. Personally not for my enjoyment! I'm more comfortable with some good old indie. Be it electro or guitary! It could be a really good club with a lick of paint and some new carpet!! Someone sort it out... quickly!
  17. That's what I thought too! But apart from... erm... what appears to be... erm... nothing having been done there aren't many changes except what the nights are called!
  18. Yup... There's never any toilet roll in the ladies. It always smells and the lights hardly work either!
  19. This is the most amusing thing... Haha. His pronunciation of players names and the general chat with his wife... priceless!
  20. It's quite amusing though when you try to walk away from wherever you're standing and you are actually quite stuck! But then it's just disgusting... And what's with the gadgets for the tills. It's just plain silly and takes more time to serve people!
  21. haha. yes. this is true. however, i'm not sure how my degree would agree with this! lol. i could however... have them finished on the wednesday and that would solve the problem! *thumbs up*
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