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Everything posted by Stichman

  1. We're playing yer clubnight at the Lemon Tree that night, so you better hope not...
  2. This album is total class. I agree, easily the best thing I've heard this year so far. The single is just such a good song. Antibodies and Fossil, I are truly fantastic tunes too... FOSSUUUUL, AIIIIIIAAAIIIAAEEEEE
  3. I think it's something like at least 1 billion more than what they had prepared for/were expecting
  4. We're happy to announce we're supporting Iglu & Hartly at Moshulu on 20th February. Should be lots of fun. Details to follow...
  5. Haha, was that after the fallout of the first culturedeluxe review? You should come
  6. Stichman

    6 Nations 2009

    Chris Paterson has been dropped, with Southwell coming in at full back. There's going to be trouble if Godman's kicking is below par...
  7. Nice one, I look forward to it. Where is this going to be based? Incidentally, I've started putting on shows here and there in Glasgow, if you ever fancy playing one just give me a shout.
  8. I dunno if I'll make it up for this, but I heartily recommend Endor. I've caught them a few times down in Glasgow and been suitably impressed.
  9. The Daily Mail contains some of the worst journalism I've ever had the misfortune of reading. Worst newspaper EVER. Though I think the Guardian ploughs its own furrow of predictable shite too. Give me The Herald
  10. I dowloaded this last night. It's ace.
  11. I hate this myth that seems to be accepted by the world that James Allan is a good lyricist. He's not. He's a self-indulgent arsehole and his band are a poor man's Twilight Sad. IMO, obviously. Most hateful of all is their awful mix of working class machismo and self-indulgent pretentiousness. The fact they have a song called Stabbed and a song called A Snowflake Fell (And It Felt Like A Kiss) sums it up perfectly. I hate them, I hate them, I hate them.
  12. I was in Edinburgh yesterday and there was absolutely no snow at all. It wasn't even that cold.
  13. I agree wholeheartedly, except the bit where you say they're 'enjoyable'.
  14. ... is that a City Seemed Eager reunion? ...please?
  15. Keep progressing with Headlight. Last year we supported some really good touring bands, and I'd like to keep that up as well as playing with Aberdeen acts. We're also aiming to play bigger gigs less often. We've come on loads in the past 6 months and II'd like that to keep going. Also I'd love to play more gigs in Glasgow, get a single out and seriously get cracking on recording an album over the summer.
  16. Hard-Fi are an abomination. I hate all that self-indulgent 'working class hero' pish. "We're well fucking street, man. We live for the weekend. It's all CCTV, grime and lager for us. SOLID." Piss off.
  17. In this instance, Hamas refused to extend the six month ceasefire and launched sustained rocket attacks into Israeli teritory. Israel and Egypt warned this would provoke serious, military response from Israel which it has done. The Israelis are responding to direct attacks on their civillian population, and so are acting in self-defence.
  18. International law is notoriously unclear with regards to the proportional use of force. Israel are acting in self defence, surely that much cannot be denied? My Afghanistan/Iraq comparison was to do with proportionality, not legality. The exact point is that almost the international community dont really have a leg to stand on when it comes to condemning attacks that havent been sanctioned by the UN or international law. The UN is full of hypocrisy and falsehood, and notoriously biased with regards to the Arab- Israeli conflict. Im not disregarding international law, simply stating the very notion is weak and simply not adhered to; Guantanamo Bay, anyone? What about the USA and UK attacking Iraq on the basis of extremely questionable intelligence? The French influence in bloody dictatorships in Africa, and the more recent intervention in the Ivory Coast? The Chinese occupation of Tibet? Tony Blair is a complete idiot to question Israel when his reign as PM saw his country enter a much more questionable war. Compared to the mistakes and travesties carried out by other UN member nations, Israel's action is far more justified. Terrorism often is random acts of violence against civilians. Whilst flying a plane into a major symbol of American capitalism is a carefully-chosen target, blowing yourself up in a market place of civilians has the aim of killing as many people as possible. Firing homemade rockets over a border constitutes a random attack. Its just the carefully chosen attacks that are the most notorious. As Ive said before, I strongly believe that if Hamas disarmed there would be peace. If Israel disarmed, they would be quickly vaporised.
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