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Everything posted by scottyboy

  1. Ernie Ball Hybrid Slinkies, 9-46 ("9" on the top 3 strings; "10s" on the bottom). I've also used the equivalent D'Addario set, and not noticed any real difference (although I've never compared side-by-side; I think Ernie Balls might have a bit more metallic zing when new, which I like). I'm attached to the hybrid gauge more than the brand. On electrics, ofc.
  2. I think you can get a free demo of Tracktion. Otherwise try Reaper, of which you can try the full version for free, as above.
  3. The other things you mentioned, with the possible exception of (illegal) drugs, wouldn't bring down the same ton of bricks, though. No one would bother if you were "caught" consuming alcohol; you'd have to be either an alcoholic or drinking on the job, or some such.
  4. The US is probably different, anyway, because it has stronger freedom of speech laws (though not sure of the details).
  5. I used to get 40 quid a week EMA, I'm pretty sure. I was one of the first people to get it, I believe, as it was piloted in Dundee (wonder why?) and in the first year(s) it was 40. Then they nerfed it to 30, although they also made the penalties for absence/lateness more lenient and/or perhaps increased the annual attendance bonus (yes, IIRC there's an annual bonus). /cool story
  6. Yes? All sorts of situations where that happens, investigative journalism, busting Stringer Bell etc.
  7. Depends what you are doing in private. Being crassly racist, yes I think punishment is justified. Actually, the guy has been sued multiple times by black (and Asian, and Hispanic) employees and clients, across multiple businesses, and its not the first time he been in trouble with the NBA because of it either. Even his own players have been protesting.
  8. search engine optimisation I'm guessing. Making sure it goes as far up Google results as possible. I probably shouldn't be giving career advice to anyone, but concur with 1-page CV. Not just for school leavers, apparently Goldman Sachs likes them that way...
  9. Are we talking about playing or just listening, this being music discussion? Either way, I wasn't interested in music much until I was in early teens (unlike some of my heroes, or people in this thread, who've been listening and playing longer than they can remember), at which point it was late '90s nu-metal and pop punk, which all my friends were listening to. Slightly later I got into U2, and probably Stereophonics and whatever MOR rock was popular at the time, and from there into '80s, and then into all the usual classic rock suspects: I was a huge Dylan fan from about 16 on (though it didn't impact my playing much). Since every other guy seems to have mentioned his Dad: mine died when I was 15, and it didn't bother me (or much since) but I did regret it mildly when I started getting into all his music a couple of years later. I had a few other friends getting into Jimi Hendrix, buying Squier strats and so forth, and I got a Les Paul copy, inspired mainly by U2 and Led Zeppelin. Jack White on Elephant was probably my other biggest early influence, as well as Nirvana and whatever I could actually play - usual suspect classic riffs, RATM etc. I then just kept learning more and more muso stuff and thus killing my chances of ever actually playing with other people
  10. Pretty much as above: nice guitar tones, unpleasant vocal pitching at times.
  11. Should maybe have had this guy, although being a democrat he might not have fit in... Win Tin. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-27122134
  12. I think he had a beef with any kind of overt display of sexuality. I don't recognise many names in here, and those that I do would probably have still been in school at the time. Still, grim few pages that I read.
  13. Gabriel Garcia Marquez http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-27073911
  14. If you're looking for a DAW try Tracktion. It may not be as powerful as others but is designed for musicians, and is significantly simpler and easier to use.
  15. Each civ gets two unique units and some kind of general bonus in Civ 5, which are based on some national stereotype (India actually had a "hard worker" unit or something in number 4). India's bonus will probably be something to do with building stuff. Because there are several ways to win a game, it's best to pick a strategy that complements the civ's strengths, so for India you'd want to focus on science and building rather than military conquests or hoarding money. On easier difficulties it won't matter too much though, Similarly, you can probably ignore a lot of stuff and still win, on easier settings: you probably don't have to micromanage what squares your cities are working and can just automate the workers rather than deciding yourself what to build. The civilisations do make a big difference to the way the AI plays though. If you're playing against Gandhi he'll be easy going; you just have to worry about him outbuilding you. Whereas if you're next to Napoleon and Ghengis Khan, prepare to get attacked a lot.
  16. Civ 5. As mentioned above, I've been playing it recently, highly addictive... not sure if it's better than Civ 4 though, and a lot of people seem to detest the AI in the fifth incarnation. Both Civ 4 and 5 are supposed to be vastly improved by the respective expansions; I've never tried any yet though, I also tried getting into Paradox games with Crusader Kings II, think I'll have to wait until I have hours to spend on youtube watching tutorials though...
  17. Haha, nope. I think I vaguely remember that; wasn't me though.
  18. Actually that's quite correct, I sold two; just hadn't used one for years. Just to help fund a degree; I'll get another one when I have the time and money to spare again.
  19. Ha, I've sold my only guitar; currently without an instrument. 1-nil down at least. Isn't this 4 threads - the top 4 threads - dedicated to instrument porn now...?
  20. I like solid alder bodies, maple necks with rosewood fretboards. Not unusual as such; but unusual for an ibanez superstrat.
  21. Forgot to mention the no. of frets as well: I'm just about used to 24 now but think I'd prefer to go back to 22. Another thing that's hard to find on "fast" guitars.
  22. Must be solid alder, maple/rosewood neck. Had a quick look at the Ibanez S stuff, and yeah, lack of just a neck single coil puts me off.
  23. In Poland, I kicked a high school student out for basically telling me to fuck off; I got a text message during the next class (!) from the HR boss giving me grief as this was a recurring theme (kids could be awful and the school was not big on discipline). I just told the class I'd be back in a minute, went down to the office and proceeded to bollock her at high volume about being an idiot, in front of several students (her office staff probably heard everything too). Then I went out for pizza and never returned. Tellingly, she was in the middle of lecturing a few students (hence the audience) when I arrived; everyone was supposed to report stuff to her, so she could take care of it. I'd sent these particular idiots to her umpteen times, and they were again: a lot of use she was... Not sure I ever left a job in Poland entirely amenably, but that was the best and worst. She actually asked me back the next day, nevertheless. Desperate.
  24. I am on EU yeah. Everyone seems to hate them, but I don't have any problems with the Russians tbh. Sometimes I suspect I'm being abused in Russian, but can't understand and so don't care; they seem all right when they do speak English. Did have my first teammate being a massive wanker over the voice-com but that was an American.
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