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Everything posted by scottyboy

  1. Pepe's destroyed the Twatball league. Equalled my whole squad's points put together.
  2. Schumacher out of coma and off to another hospital apparently, looks like no points out of that saga. Oh, and great news, very happy for him, of course...
  3. Anyone keeping an eye on the fantasy twatball league? Looks like nearly everyone went for a Honduras goalkeeper and (nearly everyone) got the wrong one.
  4. Awesome goal, one of the world cup best-evers? Horrible dive for the penalty; he tried it on again just before the Dutch equalised. Justice! Refereeing's really got to improve.
  5. Cameroon a bit of mess; I preferred them going in but it would've been criminal if Mexico hadn't won. Still fancy Croatia for second though.
  6. My boys apparently got humped by Ghana today, can't say they're inspiring confidence. Might have to wheel in the national Starcraft team to motivate them. (anyone seen Free to Play?)
  7. Yeah, boycotting it, McDonalds. Ok, nope, boycotting having to choose 23 players, I admit it.
  8. My world-cup-since-94-all-stars attempt. Memory is pretty vague (I was going to pick Toldo until I realised he hadn't played in the World Cups either side of his Euro 2000 classics). But something like (excuse the monstrous formation, maybe it's 3-4-3, maybe it's 5-2-3...): Kahn Maldini, Cannavaro, Nesta R. Carlos, Cafu Ballack, Zidane Baggio, D. Sukur, Ronaldo
  9. Because the Artic Monkeys sound like a shite teenage cover band.
  10. Let him have Cameroon, give Africa some love.
  11. It appears I am playing a revolutionary 5-1-4 formation and am in a strategic battle of wits with KarmaTsunami over which keeper Honduras actually play.. I'm hoping my defence will bleed goals and crash out with 0 points, the England players generate headlines by shagging each others wives or whatever, and that Suarez and Balotelli don't ruin it by scoring (skim reading the rules I thought it would be prudent to take only 1 forward; somehow I have 4). I don't really know what Evra is doing there.
  12. I managed to get past the captcha. My squad is a mainly random mix of Hondurans, Suarez and Balotelli, and as much of the England team as I could get away with.
  13. What are people's views on/experience with agencies then? Compared with doing things alone?
  14. Have seen Govan twice now, in different bands. Ironically he's playing in Poland in August. Also have a ticket for Jane's in August, far from sure if I'll make it though.
  15. I was in Korea during the last cup, watched the win over Greece in a pub with a bunch of sozzled Koreans, pretty great. I was also in Japan for some of other group matches, but the atmosphere wasn't up to as much, even in Tokyo.
  16. Number of days gloating to be multiplied depending on underdog factor.
  17. No one taken Croatia? I might've, or one of the other African teams; had I not felt the need to show solidarity with my dog-eating Polish brethren.
  18. So there's no difference between a 1 and 2 now? My certificate would look much better.
  19. If Lucky's taking Japan, I'll have Korea; the other country nearest Poland.
  20. I get it to some extent (regards guitar). Lighter strings are going to make it easier (or at least more comfortable) to play fast and bend strings; but you may (if heavy gauge string proponents are correct) have a thinner tone. With picks, heavier ones again make it easier to play fast as they don't bend and thus slow you down. I recently experimented with heavier picks after using medium orange tortex for years and felt a difference. Someone like Malmsteen or Shawn Lane, who are/were both exceptionally fast and have unusual setups, these things might be part of it. Or more tone/feel related, someone like SRV might have owed something to his huge string gauge.
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