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Everything posted by pogofish

  1. Well, he is a very good singer. Try this, on the Tarbert-Uig ferry, without the backing band and the Dick Van Disney does Brigadoon McRiverDance cheesefest. Interesting setting, I'd play it quite differently. Oh and here he is eating fast food and drinking Irn Bru: YouTube - Darren Maclean Skye
  2. My starting to love this shite is to be taken as a sign that I'm becoming senile - Kill me please!
  3. Its the Express, what else do you expect, from both it or Richard "dirty" Desmond, sadly.
  4. I think you are stuck up a gumtree with this - The image of Eilean Donan is burned into the very fabric of tartanry!
  5. I have seen stooges for the PPCs chipping-in in a number of places, trying to tell us that they always pursue tickets to the fullest extent etc. But when you ask them to reference some successful cases, they tend to vanish.
  6. Someone has just been kind enough to direct my attention to All the way through, I was hoping against hope it might turn out to be a spoof So that explains why Fiona Kennedy has been conspicuous by her absence for a while now. *scrubs ears and eyes and mind with caustic soda*
  7. Yes, they probably reckoned they had got good value out of you before you wised-up. Lets hope someone else reads this and learns.
  8. Wirelessly posted (Vodafone/1.0/SEX1i/R1AA Opera/9.5 (Microsoft Windows; PPC; Opera Mobi/2141; U; UK) UP.Link/ Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1) Looked past Morrisons on y way into town just now and the company working it are a firm called CP-Plus. Who are well known pisstakers who don't do court, mainly because there is no way their tickets or methods would stand up. So if you or anyone known to you gets a ticket there, the best thing to do is ignore it and all the subsequent strident demands to the registered keeper by mail.
  9. If they do, then they are almost certainly illegal - Its a criminal offence for a private contractor to misrepresent their tickets as something official, but happens all the time IME - which is another reason they rerely if ever go to court. Unless of course the car park is actually a council one and patrolled by council staff/contractors - which did happen in some retail parks till they were sold-off.
  10. There is currently a campaign by the pirate parking operators to have that changed and their powers increased. But FTM, nope no powers at all.
  11. Absolutely true - simply ignore them.
  12. Yes and there is some anecdotal evidence that things have got a lot worse since they allowed remote-issue of tickets via CCTV. Loading and general emergencies/brief stops particularly - Instant PCN! Which is all the more reason why we shouldn't pay-up so easily, esp when it turns out that so many aspects of the basic legal compliance are so often treated with utter contempt by councils, leaving them with no right to impose them at all.
  13. I know - Used to live down there. In fact, guess what got me interested in the minutae of parking enforcement in the first place. Not paying one of those again unless I really I had to
  14. See above: They are determined to recoup the losses from somewhere IMO. I think that street is in some form of zone, so they don't need the normal markings as everything is dependant on the signs at the boundary. Mind you, every sign needs to be right for it to be legal, so again it is worth checking.
  15. I suggest you read-up on the loading regs, stick to them and challenge any subsequent ticket then. Go right the way to a tribunal if you have to. Remember to ask for expenses. Don't let them away with it and don't be fobbed-off with any demands for a copy of a delivery note/invoice etc to "prove" you were loading - a simple witness statement is fine enough. A pal was ticketed here recently: You can see the vestigal remains of the lines in the photo but on a dark evening, they were quite invisible to the eye and in no way compliant with the TSRGD. The Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002 DFT Traffic Signs Manual: Department for Transport - Traffic Signs Manual Which is useful reference as a whole load of Aberdeen's road markings and signs don't comply. Then there is the possibility of the ticket/"offence code" etc being wrong/non-compliant, so you should always ask for a copy of the patrollers contemporaneous notes but after having to hand back 2.65 million in illegally imposed fines due to invalid tickets recently, I would hope they have got that in order now? Either way, there are several good sites for assistance if you feel you have been wrongly ticketed, so do make use of them if you feel hard done by. Not that I am defending the pricks who feel it is their right to park dangerously/selfishly/obstructively of course - They fully deserve all they get.
  16. Nope but the same services have already demonstrated a willingness to artificially inflate any costs and lie through their teeth when trying to justify them. Maybe there is but they certainly grabbed the headlines with their chosen method. Actually, I was surprised at how easy a ride they got somewhere else, and how well their mouthpiece acquitted themselves.
  17. Yes - I must have just missed that by a few minutes. Mind you, if I was there, I would have probably just wandered through, muttering about inconsiderate people standing around in the way! :O Wouldn't have minded a wee bit of dancing though!
  18. You mean like the 5.9 million they were supposed to have cost police at the Climate Camp? That was later proved to be a complete load of balls.
  19. You think? Recession-hit hotels tempt customers with cheap rooms and free golf - Scotland on Sunday
  20. Interesting links but no plans yet. A search turns-up little more than a number of placeholder websites with an email link.
  21. Have you any more links to info about this scheme? Personally, I've not thought it as objectionable as the other place but TBH, I need to see more to make-up my mind completely. An outline plan, or something that gives a better idea of the current disposition and proposed changes/development would be very helpful. Although I do take your point about the transfer of a public resource into private hands. That I do find objectionable.
  22. I think you need to view it in Internet Explorer to get the full effect.
  23. Wait till you try this then: ACCEPT JESUS, FOREVER FORGIVEN! If you can watch that for more than a few secons, you must be a lizard! An honourable mention must be made for Timecube - Fot both crap design and the maddest rant: Time Cube (What is it about fruitloop sites and bad design o_O ) This one is not actually bad and - Just that it creeps me out somehow. Toto | Washlet
  24. Did you get as far as her blog page? UNDER CONSTRUCTION Think an epilepsy warning might be truly in order here?
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