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Old Gold

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Everything posted by Old Gold

  1. It's like a David Lee Roth shaped car crash. He has a sense of Frasier Crane about him... Cheers Frosty
  2. My Aim is True - Elvis Costello Remaster has a bonus disc included which is pretty sweet too.
  3. Glad to see he's getting better. Hammond and Clarkson have become quite the team.
  4. Toots and the Maytals doing Let Down... awesome I dig Radiohead, but I'm not a big enough fanboy to condemn a reggae band for having the audacity to add their own wee spin.
  5. Nice try, but no cigar. o_O
  6. There are people who claim they are, but essentially you cannot be truely aetheist, as there is always going to be a certain degree of doubt.
  7. Yep, when Brother Firetribe get onto the mining scene, you just know everyone's gonna follow suit, as per usual.
  8. As with everything, my view is to stand up for your own beliefs... ...but that doesn't mean joining a massive organization of some sort which at some point will be influenced by capital and world politics. Personally, I have no faith, although I primarily don't believe in aetheists. They claim that the lack of proof of a God is enough to disprove 'his' existance, yet there can be no solid proof that shows one doesn't exist. You've either got God, or you're agnostic.
  9. They're not quite on the cutting edge... Possibley one of the most boring bands ever.
  10. Not bad at all. Bit safe though.
  11. How is N64 retro?? It's not even a decade old yet!
  12. I bought a Boss Loop Pedal, and it's amazing for practicing solos and general jamming on yer lonesome. They do a stompbox sized one too. Not sure how good it is, but it's way cheaper than the double pedal dealy.
  13. I think that's the point of Extras. Seems to be the bigger the celebrity, the smaller their part they get: Samuel L Jackson and Orlando Bloom have had the shortest appearances so far. Also, nothing will match Les Dennis. Ever.
  14. Haha nice effort though The needle i found in my haystack doesn't even seem to play the cd when I put it on the turntable...
  15. Death metal and folk rock will never go hand in hand.
  16. I bought the new Bob Dylan a couple days ago. It's not bad at all. For some reason the first time I heard it I hated it, but I think it was because my folks' stereo is really tinny and made it sound really bright and cheesy. Soon as I got it home it sounded a lot better and Dylan-y.
  17. Sadly, many people will miss the point and yes... yes it will.
  18. It's ironic that people buy a telecaster and slot some sort of humbucker suited to playing metal into it and thus turn it into what is practically a superstrat in everything except looks. Cut out the middle man and buy an Ibanez?
  19. Only the celebrities are rich an gullable. For the most part it's made out of scared holy rollers who chuck all their money and worldly posessions at an imaginary problem they believe is ruining their life.
  20. I think xenu.net is a little bit irrelevant when any semi-intelligent person can see that it's all a bit of a laugh really, isn't it. Still, bloody great to read about some of the true background of the cult and L.Ron.
  21. Old Gold

    Rn B's

    Naw man, you've got to unleash the riffage into the public domain. Glass booths = Capitalism.
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