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Old Gold

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Everything posted by Old Gold

  1. I want to volunteer myself for a Dark November gypsy jam in that case!
  2. Good luck to whoever collaborates in December. Trying to jam with a guy curled up in the corner muttering 'please... no more songs' could be a challenge to say the least.
  3. I'm sure Kai wouldn't agree with the sentement.
  4. I just opt for a Wednesday evening at the Drummonds one pretty regularly. Pretty relaxed, free pint, Mr Milne now hosting, bothy ballad man (plus customary stamp-along)... it's all good. Even had Frank Turner doing a Chriss T-T cover in there not long ago.
  5. Finally got Illinoise by Sufjan Stevens. It's damn damn damn fine.
  6. It's an interesting concept that somewhere in Aberdeen there might be someone super secretly inventing something incredible. Although judging by the current influx of bands, it ain't looking pretty. The Folk/Country and Noise scenes are kicking ass right now though. Lots of lovely promotion being done.
  7. That's the spirit. Grab some fun boozy times before you get any musical obligations
  8. Oh, that Billy. Always with the cheeky lesbians.
  9. Bloody hell mate, you were asking about local Open Mic nights just the other day!
  10. For the more laid back fellow I'm playing gypsy jazz mixed with mellow country, but I'm pretty lazy, so take ages coming up with lyrics.
  11. Old Gold


    You missed out a page or two, didn't you.
  12. Hah, they put the Stray Cats in there? Fuckin' A!
  13. I suppose you could dig deeply and find a link between his frustration with the opposite sex and lusting after his mother. Certainly not at 2am though..
  14. I'll de-programme the bastard for 500... "I am Ruper Murdoch. I hate money etc." edit: Hell, just give me the contents of option two and consider it done.
  15. Go round to Rupert's house and kick the shit out of him. Alternatively, wait it out with a cool beer and a fine Havana in hand.
  16. And some people at that thing seriously deserve shooting south. 'Sorry, I've had waaay too much to drink' is probably the most opted for stage banter to date.
  17. What could be better in an ass kissing thread than a whoooole lot of ass?
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