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Old Gold

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Everything posted by Old Gold

  1. I don't understand why people feel legal action is usually an option. It's expensive and takes up a lot of time. Definately not worth it for a petty manager problem.
  2. Maybe a verbal abuse loving sado-massachist with tight rhythm?
  3. No reason to take it out on the staff though. It's his problem, not yours. You'd better hope everyone else has the balls to stand up to him too.
  4. A trouble with drummers? That's not very nice. They're people too. For the most part.
  5. That would be amazing. Get a small acting troupe on board to do some interpretive darnce.
  6. Bladdy Marvelous It's looking like October-December is a damn good few months for gigs in Aberdeen!
  7. Old Gold


    I'm pretty gutted I missed it yet again. When's the repeat folks?
  8. Call me lazy, but alternatively you could find friends who can play the required instruments and get them to join your musical crusade.
  9. Thank fuck something's set in stone. Looks like a nice wee line-up. Can't go wrong with Holy Folks.
  10. 5 quid for any ps1 game... not likely.
  11. But uh... he does help write the songs. That's what everyone's been pointing out so far.
  12. It's not so crazy that Justin Timberlake can play some instruments. The guy's been in the music industry for quite a long time. Probably has a lot of rich man free time too, so even if he hadn't picked up a guitar before joining his first boy band, he's had a lot of time and resources to get some mad skillz by now.
  13. Become a Wall Street businessman, listen to some Phil Colins and kill some homeless people. Always a suitable progression.
  14. Well gee, that's just plain silly.
  15. Reet, I'm considering buying one of these acoustic pickups. Problem is, there's 3 available makes (the SC, the HC and the XL). They cost marginally different amounts, but must have different attributes. The internet has so far been pretty useless in comparing them. Anybody got any experience of these?
  16. On what grounds? My advice: get yourself to a pro. People have gone to A&E for less.
  17. Old Gold

    E T C ......

    That's pretty sweet stuff
  18. I got a Boss RC20XL earlier this year, and it does pretty much exactly what you're describing. It's got a jack input especially for a pre-recorded source, and really easy to work it with just your feet. I used it with my old band to play keyboard loops and lately some fuzzed bass lines, while playing guitar. You can also dub and undo dubs still just using your feet, which is bloody handy. 16 minutes of recording time in total is pretty handy too.
  19. As long as somebody gets it done. The lad puts on a damn good show.
  20. I'd do the best job of course. Best leave it to the experts eh.
  21. I can now add Second Thought to my list of experiences. Cleared the floor at the Tunnels after the mighty Krasty. Tsk.
  22. Hey man.. I might be into it. Guitarist.. decent equipment... and a few of those bands caught my eye
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