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Everything posted by Scootray

  1. Good news that. Whitmarsh is useless.
  2. I'd say he's done a bloody good job.
  3. "European foods like chicken nuggets" I genuinely LOled at that.
  4. It was some hit. Even Willo looked surprised.
  5. Photobombing Sam Dingle by the looks of it.
  6. Hey coffee wankers, stop filling the Quick Questions thread with your coffee shit.
  7. I was saying to my mate last night, Moyes needs to cut out this blaming the referees' pish. Tell it exactly how it is. Just come out and say "Listen, I've come to the club where the only two Man Utd quality players are Rooney and Van Persie and they're both injured. The past few seasons, the team have struggled to play well, but grinded out results, Fergie knows exactly why he retired when he did. Everyone is out on their arse in the summer as I'm putting them all up for transfer, especially that fuckwit Rio."
  8. Animals are only here so we can eat them. You may as well oblige.
  9. Just started watching Justified on Netflix. Always liked the look of it when it was advertised on Five US. I'm two episodes in so far and enjoying it already.
  10. Korma is the best thing on the menu? Korma? Chicken and tame sauce. Are you sure you work in a tandoori and not a school kitchen?
  11. Tell them to stop taking it so seriously. They are not cut out for this band.
  12. Your boss sounds ace. Letting a small child deal with an irate customer.
  13. I think that's a good bit of banter. You can't shout abuse at a player, or even throw coins at them then get all pissy because he made a funny gesture at you. That guy looks a right plank too.
  14. If you pick a raft of shit, you'll end up being car-less and penniless.
  15. It's ok Dubya, Thatcher's dead now.
  16. Oh and don't have them. They're just wii wii games
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