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Everything posted by Lucius

  1. LuciusShitface I use Twitter to mostly moan about people I know who don't know I'm on Twitter. My claim to twitter fame was being followed by Armando Ianucci for a week. Then he realised I was no-one and stopped.
  2. I love swearing and here is an example of swearing done right!
  3. Lucius


    Tonight: As little as possible. Tomorrow: Contributing to the "Halloween Pish" with my presence. Probably at The Moorings, meeting up with Lucky Rathen who will probably arrive (at least) 2 hours later than he said he would.
  4. Were you the vampire or the zombie bride?
  5. YouTube - Penn & Teller Bullshit! Season 1, Episode 2 :Alternative Medicine (1/3) This is along the lines of the videos Swingin Ryan posted. Just with more swearing.
  6. I was thinking about this thread last night when giving the staff from my work a lift home. We saw car lights in the trees deep in the trees near the old stoneywood club in dyce. I had a lil laugh to myself. I had a "mate" who use to nip up to a back road in hazlehead of an evening for a spot of ..whatever with his girlfriend. This was abandoned after one night they heard a huge noise like a jet engine, there was a huge gust of wind and the car mover forward about a foot even though the handbrake was on. I shit myself and drove off as fast as I could. Sorry i mean my "mate".
  7. I could never kick a woman....punch maybe but never kick.
  8. I will postpone his kicking until I see it.
  9. Thank f*ck! My "reliable" source is getting a kicking!
  10. I have heard from a reliable source that the new colour scheme is Bubblegum and Candyfloss. I do hope that's not true.
  11. Was this a drunken attempt to bring the monocle back into fashion?
  12. I did exactly the same thing except my mum uses it to play tennis and bowling.
  13. I got it on friday morning and completed it on saturday morning. It is quite short but I'm loving it. This is quite possibly the best game I have ever played. Quick question: Has anyone found a way to disarm the booby trapped gargoyles?
  14. Sorry but I couldn't ber bothered reading all 5 pages but I feel the need to comment on this. I am a meat eater and use to work in a slaughterhouse. I was not involved in the killing but have had the tour and seen the killing first hand. The slaughter of these animals is as humane as possible. They are kept in clean pens over night to calm them down. If any animal is seen to be in distress it is isolated and allowed to calm down. (Admittedly this is because killing a stressed out animal makes the meat tougher.) They are moved through into the slaughter hall where they are stunned using an electrical charge then immediately killed using a boltgun that thrusts a long threaded bolt into there brain. Death is instant. What you have desciibed is, as someone else mentioned, possibly the halal traditional method. This is not common practice within modern slaughterhouses.
  15. I'm pretty sure there was at least 1 more witness lol.
  16. But you do fancy her. I still have a vivid memory of you fawning all over her outside of Drummonds.
  17. Yeah but you have quite a normal boring face that just blends into the background....I have character. I do know what some people look like but that's because when I'm out with Lucky he keeps pointing people out saying who they are on here.
  18. Thats true. How are you enjoying final fantasy?
  19. Really....I was taking my dog to the vet and think I was talking about you at the time. First time I have been spotted but then thats not a surprise as I only know about 3 people on this site and they are all members of the bleeding Cobra McKai!
  20. I thought Luckys comment was aimed toward Perfect Stranger. They started the thread and maybe, just maybe knew the history between northsound/ab-music.
  21. Watched 2 films so far today: Sin City: My mate has been at me for ages to watch this. It's pretty good but not as good as he told me it was. The first scene with Madsen and Willis had me worried. Were they trying to act that badly on purpose or was it some clever film technique I was simply too stupid to see? There lines were so wooden. At least Rourke turned up next and got us back on track. Overall 8 out of 10. next: Dr. Horrible's Sing-a-long Blog The first 2 song sounded extremely familiar and sounded like songs from the Buffy musical episode. Then I discovered this was made my Joss Whedon. Mystery solved. I love that episode of buffy and I loved this film. 8 out of 10
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