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About Zapatista

  • Birthday 10/10/1980

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  1. Hi folks, so obviously I am quite new to the site, and I met someone last night who shall remain un-named, but he said posting this question would start an interesting thread, I have no real idea why but here we go! Who is the bigger C**t, Sexytunk/Doby or Motleyal? Tomas
  2. Charlene, I am not a Keyboard player, or do I know one! But, had to say you are HOT HOT HOT, if your single and looking for a bloke, PM me. he he BTW, if I was a local man i'd surely have to say, "you'd get it" But since I'm not, i'll stick with being at least half way polite! Tomas
  3. Em no not really.lol. I'm much more of a jazzer, or jizzer, whatever way you wanna look at it. lol. Although, if you can play some of the technical parts Mr Portnoy plays, be well worth a listen.
  4. Zapatista


    What do you call a dog with no tongue? Smelly Bollocks!
  5. At present no, not that I know of anyway. However next time I'm in Aberdeen I'd be more than happy to meet up and have a jam, I spend most days bored as fuck up there. I'm sure there will be a wad of double BD patterns you can blow me away with. Also, go get Stanton Moore's New Orleans Grooves book, it's awsome for praticing with. Sure thats what it's called. Tomas
  6. Yeh I realized that man, I may be Polish but I'm not a total dumb ass! ha ha Tomas
  7. Dude, I've not long got my degree through Drumtech, I've been made an arse of by players like Thomas Lang and Stanton Moore, I can assure you nothing you'll ever show me will make me take up knitting lol Tomas
  8. WOW, how good am I at starting threads! ha ha Tomas
  9. Zapatista


    Right this is the fist gag I've ever told on here, so if this isn't allowed or is too crude I'm sorry if anyone doesn't like it, but I'm sure the Moderators will remove it quick enough. What do Anal Sex and Spinach have in common? If you are forced into them as a child, you probably won't like them as an adult. Tomas
  10. I think having a good tutor is vital in learning good technique and playing matureness. After all if you have one bad habit that isn't spotted and you carry it on it can effect your whole playing. I think it also depends what you want from the drum kit, if you happy to play 3/4 or 4/4 grooves and standard fills at reasonable BPM's, you probably don't need a tutor to get away with doing that. But if you want to push the instruments a little further, having a good tutor, a good practicing technique and committment is all important. It's also important to not constantly repeat what is practiced, if you keep working on material you already know cause it sounds good, that is not practicing. It's all about pushing limits and testing your ability. Tomas
  11. Don't know if I can entirely agree with this statement. I think the big problem with being self taught as a drummer is that you don't learn how to practice, if you can't practice properly you cant learn or improve past a certain level, stunning creativity.
  12. Why are you being so aggressive about it, if you can find a single thread where I have stated I think I am better tahn others cause I don't eat meat you can have my GF for a week, I think you'll find I won't! I raised this thread to try and highlight the pain some animals endure at slaughter, it was others that turned this into either a veige debate, or a moral debate, NOT ME! Just for reference was an article in the EE yesterday in regards to a local slaughter house being fined for causing unnecessary suffering in animals. Think that makes my initial point a valid one! Tomas
  13. If you don't sell it, give me a shout, may be interested, am in need of a heavier Ride.
  14. I kind of hoped that if we made it known that we won't settle for animals being abused, that maybe slaughter houses etc would take more notice and take care that the animals were treated more humanely. I'm not saying that a post on AMF will change the World, but every little helps yeh? I certainly wasn't patronizing or laying any guilt trips! I wear leather, my dogs eat meat, both of which cause distress to animals somewhere down the line I'm sure, so I'm not saying I'm excempt from the whole process. But, if I was told there was someway I could directly stop cruelty to these animals up to the slaughter, I certainly would. Tomas
  15. One of my biggest pet hates is when I go into a Coffee shop or somewhere similar, and the newspapers that have been provided have the pages turned against the spine. By the time I have gotten that pages back in order I've finished my bloody drink!
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