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Sam 45

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Everything posted by Sam 45

  1. Nothing left rebuild HAS to be on the demo. Top tune.
  2. This is a really fucking good song. I just think the guitar solo needs to be re-written, it doesn't seem to fit the song.
  3. Were the elephants wearing hats?
  4. Funniest thread i have ever seen on aberdeen-music.
  5. Check out my step dads ebay auction: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/The-Cure-Tour-Poster-Aberdeen-Capitol-1981_W0QQitemZ7563702897QQcategoryZ53250QQssPageNameZWD10VQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem No bids so far but he has already recieved 2 private offers. One for 80 quid and one for 100. How crazy is that, for a poster.
  6. I think people buy these for a not bad amount of cash.
  7. Here's one to include: Rilo Kiley - Portions for Foxes
  8. Yeh they were awesome. Old songs were sounding great. Would have loved to have heard Interstate 5 though.
  9. Freezing, somebody mentioned snow for tomorrow.
  10. Think im going. Chi666 whatever happened to that compilation CD you were thinking about?
  11. Will it be 5 at the door tonight or will Moshulu put it up a bit? Quite fancy this one.
  12. I saw them on the Sunday night and they were fucking ace as usual. As usual i found tiny little things to moan about but thats just me. Wish they had played 'Jolene', thats probably my favourite song. Saw them twice in America this year as well.
  13. Yeh i quite liked that song. I'll do my best to come down.
  14. I will happily make a bet that USA will win a world cup within the next 6 world cups. Oh and Mexico are ranked about 5th in the world. Both of them above England
  15. Yeh i recommend Dedalus and Copy Haho. I reckon new band Genevieve could be ones to watch out for. The Welles seem to be a pretty good outfit but i am yet to see them. If Festr are up those guys are dam good. And you know www.myspace.com/levelfour
  16. Sam L4 - Formerly 'Your Doctor' My biggest musical influence is John Frusciante. He is just so creative.
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