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Everything posted by Bodast

  1. Wee sleekit, cow'rin, tim'rous beastie, Oh what a panic is in thy breastie Uhh... when you're awa', I'll smash up yer neastie .. You unpatriotic curmudgeons! I'm just tucking into some haggis and ... listening to RUNRIG!
  2. That was rad! When the Lamb comes out on SACD or whatever we should go and listen to it in its entirety, none of this cutting out halfway through the album! ("Fantasy, I think" )
  3. Yeah and I looked good, right? RIGHT??!?!!?!
  4. That would be awesome How about some shadowy outlines / silhouettes of a distraught figure or something?
  5. Guys... I think this could really be something great. How about the artwork for the album?
  6. Go as Steven Tyler Brian May Janis Joplin Steve Howe.. aww man.. I love Steve Howe Either way, please go as someone cool because I just found out that our dear hostess is going as someone from the Scissor Sisters o_O
  7. Well I doubt she'd get any trouble for being him, seeing as the musical knowledge of most of the people there is .. well... absent. I mean one person didn't know who Queen were and another asked if John Lennon was a politician
  8. I'm going as Peter again, go as Phil Collins and we can go together :) Or Mike Rutherford, because your hair is kind of vaguely like his already! Mike is the one in the middle. If I really looked like Pete it'd be so great... I would just stay at home and get off with the mirror
  9. I think Jesus He Knows Me was on the ad as well, qzdiablo.
  10. King Crimson were too obsessed with being prog though, I think they sound superficial at times (like in Moonchild), which Genesis never do
  11. I'm scared of ... barnacles. Give me the shudders X-(
  12. Genesis (1967-1977) is the best band of all time, ever.
  13. Really? Holy-crap Is that Advanced Highers too?
  14. Blimey, everyone is just trying to reveal sordid secrets about one another now
  15. It doesn't actually look like he's wearing make up that much... but he has smudged mascara and shimmering lips
  16. 1/1/05 Cloud went to bed with two girls and when he woke up they were both gone Hahaha And he's wearing make up [but no poncho] Photos soon !
  17. I got a Genesis DVD and two records and gold eyeliner! It was so good!
  18. Is that him? He's pretty damn hot!! Not quite up to Peter Gabriel's standards though... So much for the Delays, huh?
  19. I just remembered that Stuart said you were a huge IQ fan, and that I listened to some of their songs that night so I could discuss them!! I actually only have two tracks of theirs, but I have heard the newest album and thought it was pretty good, although I'm not sure about the vocals. I'll give them another try though, which albums would you recommend?
  20. Haha, alright, I'll have to check that the CD it's on is in okay condition but just PM me with your address and I'll send you a copy Or just give it to you in person some time, as Stuart seems particularly enamoured by this idea
  21. Ahh, we're inspiring people to re-self-progenize! I hope you enjoy whatever finds its way into your CD player/record player/computer/whatever, Graham Do you want a copy of Silver Song, Simon?
  22. Ahh, I've only heard good things about the Musical Box and now you're making me even more excited about seeing them!! There are so many 'tingle' moments in Genesis songs, the start of Looking for Someone is one and my favourite is "And as the song and dance begins, the children play at home. With needles... needles and pins" - in Broadway Melody of 1974. Heart! Which bootleg? Is it the BBC sessions one? Or that Le Ferme one? I always confuse my boots - I think those two are mostly the same. Have you heard that song Silver Song?
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