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Everything posted by Stripey

  1. the rest of it is on there if you follow the links
  2. I don't think it's a good idea to start segregating the forums in those sort of terms personally. Music Discussion and Musicians Corner forums should be able to accommodate such things without prejudice.
  3. As I said, it's not a funny comparison, she and her fellows were innovators ahead of their time pushing boundaries in an utterly new and unexplored field. The same cannot be said of bob dylan and flight of the concordes.
  4. Need I say anymore? This is an example of the kind of pointless argumentative drivel these people post, and the moderators should be deleting that kind of shit stirring rubbish.
  5. Yeah that's not remotely funny, because she is not widely revered, which is why the digitalisation of this archive is so important. Most people will recognise the dr who theme tune, but I doubt many could tell you who wrote it or have actually heard any of the wierder output of the radiophonic workshop.
  6. Utter nonsense, as I said I may be brusque with my opinion and accused of using generalisations, but generalisations are a way of avoiding personally insulting people. Go and look at my post history if you're bored, I think you'll find that I'm never the one to start getting personal.
  7. Absolutely not. the persistently disruptive users on this site are people like bob, milner, tubthumper, bluesxman etc who feel the need to post personal abuse about other memebers simply for holding an opinion they disagree with. As Dave alluded to, if they don't like people being free to speak their minds then perhaps they should refrain from posting, instead of regularly derailing threads and turning them into a slagging match.
  8. oh come on, attention seekers? I don't see anyone here exhibiting that kind of behaviour, what I do see however is people whining about the few self-confident, assertive posters who aren't scared to stick by their individual beliefs and say what they think.
  9. I might be brusque in the way I express myself but I'm not calling for the people I disagree with to be banned, that would just be petty.
  10. On radio4's PM programme today they were talking about the aquisition of the delia derbyshire archive by manchester university, Research (Delia Derbhyshire Catalogue, NOVARS, SAHC - The University of Manchester) I hope they make all this material available to the public, she was a real innovator and all her work has a really eery 60's modernist bleakness about it which I find irrisistable.
  11. leffe is nice and easily available, the radieuse variety being my favourite, hoegaarden grand cru (i dont enjoy regular hoegaarden though it's pretty insipid), erdinger weissbier, chimay in all its incarnations, duvel (so gassy it's unreal, needs extremely slow pouring), the best supermarket I've found for getting interesting beers is actuall tesco, who stock stuff like orval (the most complex tasting beer out of all these i think), la gauloise and various other wierd things. I just bought a dozen 500ml bottles of bernard dark czech beer from them @ 1.99 each because they are re-usable swingtop bottles which will suit my home brewing projects. It tastes nice too.
  12. Where does this misconception that all I listen to is dnb come from? When I first signed up that's what I was mostly producing, but I haven't written a dnb tune for years now and very rarely listen to it now because as you say, it became boring and formulaic at the start of the 21st century culminating in the arrival of pendulum. To say it's dead though is just silly, there are so many iconic and quintesentially british drumnbass tunes that will live on forever.
  13. dont make me give you negative reputation for that post.
  14. i love a bit of disco at times, you may like this album KERRIER DISTRICT, Disco - Boomkat
  15. I like it mostly because I've been using it for about 8-9 years and know it inside out, and the workflow suits me. The automation recording is brilliant. It is very similar to ableton, the audio recording isn't as hot as in cubase though, but on the other hand cubase isn't much fun for sequencing. FL can be used as a vst plugin too within cubase which is handy.
  16. Yeah, i don't find it particularly useful though. FL7 is my main host at the moment.
  17. various vodkas, (i like stolichnaya at the moment for some reason), various gins, a bottle of famous grouse for pissed guests who are too drunk to care, bottle of white bacardi, braastadt vsop brandy (so drinkable it's almost gone), a decent single malt at all times, bottle of linie aquavit, aalborg porse and dild aquavits, yeni raki, sherry, port, baileys, tia maria, angostura bitters and a scary selection of liqueurs mostly given to me by people which include things like vedrenne supercassis and some wierd shit from portugal that tastes of almonds. I usually have tonic, soda and something like coke or ginger beer in the fridge along with a selection of good continental beers, and have an out of control bed of mint outside so I've been drinking mojitos a lot lately. .
  18. the advertising actually pays for the hosting in full?
  19. Maybe I've overestimated your approach and all the banner ads are just there because you like the way they look...
  20. What you really mean is you want the users of this site to be obedient little robots that behave in a manner that fits your revenue stream concept without requiring any moderation effort. That's not how human beings work.
  21. bidule is a really fantastic piece of software, might be a bit daunting though for someone who just wants to sequence some drums. I'd be more inclined to recommend a host like cubase or nuendo, if recording is going to be a priority. Someone mentioned the toontrack ez drummer series, these are good sample cd's and I've used them myself but bear in mind that they use a proprietary sample format, so you can't just bung the samples into a multisampler like battery if you want to get really creative - you have to use their annoying vsti interface which hogs resources and takes ages to load.
  22. No, I do understand the appeal, believe it or not I used to listen to (and enjoy) bands like RATM, the dead kennedys, primus and RHCP when I was a kid. I think the idea that people "inherently" find distinct genres of music appealing over others is not true atall either. There is a huge amount of snobbery and ignorance among a lot of "traditional" rock fans when it comes to modern music, which I think leads to people develop irrational phobias of anything which sounds challenging or wildly different. The classic "even a kid could make music on a computer, it doesnt require any skill" argument demonstrates this fear, and would rapidly be taken back if such people were sat infront of a DAW and given a day to produce from scratch a commercial quality track. Anyone with an ear and a brain can hear that drumnbass for example appeals to people for exactly the same reason that metal appeals to people. You develop that understanding on the dancefloor. The reason I prefer dnb over metal is that I've heard absolutely every combination of tone, amp, eq you can apply to a guitar and it bores me, whereas part of the excitement of dnb for me is the surprise of hearing some drastically evil new synth sound in a tune used to good effect. To get back to bob dylan and these other 60's/70's "icons", of course I'm curious about their legacy, and wondering wether bob dylan is just the james blunt of that era. The other thing that people seem to forget, is that these artists essentially became the posterboys for what the record industry subsequently became, an industry that people quickly realised is really bad for music. It is hard for me to listen to bob dylan or the beatles, and think of them as being part of a cultural revolution, when they are now old men sitting on vast fortunes and *still* squeezing every penny they can out of their legacy.
  23. There's a good selection of affordable (sub 100) large-diaphram condenser mics on the market which will also serve as a good vocal mic. Since you're going to be recording digitally I wouldn't bother with the flashier models that have pads and filters as you can do all that in software with greater control.
  24. there's no baiting going on here, it's a serious question and people have raised some interesting points. Why should it be so terrible to question the actual importance of certain artists? This is what I mean, they've been elevated to some kind of god-like status by many people, and I just don't see why.
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