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Everything posted by Stripey

  1. those two guys are so obviously "actors".
  2. hahah what a heap of paranoid nonsense.
  3. As far as I'm aware, it's not the nicotine in cigarette smoke that causes cancer and lung diseases, any kind of smoke is just as bad.
  4. Ahh nice one, I am undecided between Tapco S5's or the KRK RP-5's, they are pretty much the same price and spec. Might have to take a trip down to glasgow I guess.
  5. Hi, I'm fairly new to the city, can anyone tell me if there are some local music shops which sell studio monitors - I don't really want to buy without having the chance to hear them first. I'm looking specifically for somewhere that sells KRK or Tapco stuff and will let me hear them in-store.
  6. Will Young was interviewed about it on radio 1, and he was stuffing his face with something (probably a pret a manger sarnie) while talking about....starving africans. The record is awful too.
  7. Have you heard band aid 20 yet? Will you be buying a copy?
  8. might be cheaper and simpler to record everything dry, using the faders to acheive a reasonably balanced mix which isn't clipping, and then do any required compression/limiting and levels adjustment in software as spellchecker suggested.
  9. ring modulators can produce some amusing results when you pass vocals/percussion through them and automate the amount of modulation, not a hugely useful effect though in my opinion
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