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Everything posted by Stripey

  1. Pubs and clubs aren't really the same "indoors" as your house though are they, I mean you don't take your hat off when you go into a shop do you? I do find that people with ridiculous "quirky" hairstyles are generally twats though.
  2. to be quite honest, he shouldn't have been wearing a balaclava in public, they are so unfashionable.
  3. they should make people cut their hair too in that case
  4. Adam Buxtons parody of the Streets at the end of 2004 the Stupid Version is excellent. YouTube - 2004: The Stupid Version - Part 7 of 7 he's really funny in Time Trumpet aswell
  5. I like the musicians I like because of the music they make, I don't see why there has to be some dog and pony show about it on stage. If I wanted to see people acting I'd rather go to the theatre.
  6. What a load of crap. And sorry but cover bands vs original musicians argument is a no-brainer. One is engaged (i would hope) in creating art, the other is performing the role of a human jukebox in order to make money.
  7. I heard the larynx and vocal chords hooked up to a brain do a good job but if stuck you could always try various gases such as helium.
  8. Interesting looking device. Turkish coffee is pretty nice, not as strong as espresso, you just have to watch out for the thick layer of sludge that accumulates at the bottom of the cup because the coffee is ground so finely.
  9. You can buy trivets to put on the hob to support them better
  10. Yeah I just rinse mine with hot water, apparently the flavour improves with the age of the machine. These are good too for a bit of variation, the coffee needs to be ground almost to dust though.
  11. I use one of these stovetop machines with fresh ground beans every day for coffee, it takes 5 mins to boil and does 2 cups but I usually just pour the lot into a mug with a dash of milk. Instant coffee is like drinking dirty puddle water and makes me feel ill.
  12. I think it's less about money and fame (because nobody becomes rich and very rarely becomes famous for doing that kind of modelling) and more about raging narcissism. AFAIK sites like SG actually try to solicit photos from the general public, so you have a situation where vapid self-obsessed girls are actually in a sense competing with each other to be featured. None of them make money out of it, but the pictures will be re-licensed and resold/distributed globally and continue to earn the license holder loads of money. Nah that is quite different.
  13. You're right, it's just a niche which appeals to a certain market segment, but I totally get the feeling that these models genuinely believe that their hair dye, clothing, tattoo's, piercings and vagina make them attractive, reflect their pesronality and that they are being photographed because of some imagined intrinsic value rather than the fact that someone is going to make a heap of money off selling the photos.
  14. What I'm talking about is porn masquerading as art and the lie that if it looks "arty" there is no exploitation involved. Because now it's cool to get yer tits out and earn 50 quid because it means you're exercising your womanly superiority over the men who will look at the picture.
  15. "fantastic brain" and "doing porn shoots" are mutually exclusive.
  16. i think you're a twat now.
  17. She probably has colour-coordinated body hair too but I haven't seen the rest of the pictures. I just find it really sad that any woman (but they are girls really lets be honest) would resort to doing a naked/semi-naked photoshoot to earn some money. It's obviously either financial desperation, or raging self-importance coupled with total insecurity where the fact they have a female body and the fact that some man somewhere will want to drool over them is the only thing they have going for them in their sad existence. There's no difference between a bleached blonde with fake tits posing on the bonnet of a car and some grimey tattooed brunette with piericings posing with a guitar. All they get for their tiny one-off fee is being featured in a set of high-res photos which will be resold and punted on and that will generate money for people further up in the foodchain for years to come. I just find it really offensive that these girls try to trade on their appearance when it's clear they are basically disfunctional scum who deserve nothing but contempt. What is even worse is the sad men who consume and therefore legitimise this kind of pathetic media.
  18. Ok so we've all heard of suicidegirls dot com : (worksafe example) and seen innumerable people on myspace try to emulate this to varying degrees of success. What I'm wondering is does having a few culturally specific props such as those commonly used in these type of photoshoots (lollypops, converse canvas sneakers, dreads, wristbands, guitars, tatoos, piercings and so on) imply that these are empowered, educated, post-feminist 21st century women engaged in the creation of art, or are they just todays page 3 slappers getting naked for money?
  19. Crikey that is shocking, I thought everyone these days was savvy enough to install AdBlock Plus firefox plugin so they don't have to see adverts on every site they look at.
  20. to be honest, installing AdBlock Plus is free and aswell as taking away the ugly adverts from this site (moorings banner anyone?) makes browsing the www in general much more pleasant.
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