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Mick Maverik

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Everything posted by Mick Maverik

  1. Fuckin' ace! I think people have a right choose what they do and don't do, but I am totally for this. As a non smoker I can't fucking stand the fact that I have to inhale the shite in pubs, if people wanna smoke and fuck their health, fine, it's their choice, but I don't want to have my health fucked through passive smoking.... Andy
  2. Hmm, sorry last post was typed before you put in the 2nd reply. Well first off, I think you need to get her to talk. Be that to you, or to anyone else. Anytime I've been down, after I talk to someone, I ALWAYS feel at least a little better. If you confide in at least one person, it lessens the burden at least a little, you don't feel like you're completely alone anymore. Just try to offer support when you can, but be subtle about it, don't make the situation stand out more than it already does, a helping hand here and there, just so she knows somebody cares. Oh and try keep her away from excess alcohol (if you can). Alcohol is a depressant and can really drag you further down (been there). That's all I can think of just now, good luck and hope it improves. Andy
  3. This is a toughie. I've known people, as Jimmy said, who are just out for attention. They'll give themselves a tiny cut, tell everyone about it, and sit back and wait for the flurry of sympathy. It depends how she told you, and did she give any reasons? All you can do is be there for her, if you can maybe give a little more detail, I can maybe help you a little better, as I've had close friends who have done similar. Good luck, hope you manage to get it sorted. Andy
  4. Suitably impressed. These songs are actually very good
  5. "Reunited Los Angeles hard rockers BUCKCHERRY have completed work on their third album, tentatively due in Japan in late July/early August. The follow-up to 2001's "Time Bomb" was produced by guitarist Keith Nelson and marks the band's recording debut with their revamped lineup, featuring a new drummer, bassist and rhythm guitarist. There are rumors that Jimmy Ashurst is their new bass player (Jimmy played with Izzy Stradlin of GUNS N' ROSES in Izzy's solo band IZZY STRADLIN & THE JU JU HOUNDS), but this has yet to be officially confirmed. A U.S. record deal for the new album has yet to be secured." Oh hell fuckin yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I loved these guys! They were the best god damned Rock band to crawl out of the gutter since Guns N' Roses!!! Josh Todd was the best damned front man since Sebastian Bach, and Keith Nelson's riffs were always big and badass! Can't wait! What say you?? Andy
  6. Glad somebody finally agrees! Andy
  7. Any other Andy Timmons fans on here? This guy is the dogs bollocks! One of my very favourite virtuoso Guitarists. Anyone who is serious about Guitar should definately give this guy a blast: Andy Timmons Official Website click on the "Tunes" link and give a few a whirl. Plenty of tuneful Guitar instrumentals and some blues under the "Pawn Kings Album" and "I remember Stevie" is a tribute to Stevie Ray Vaughn, which is on "Ear-X-Stasy". Tell me what you think, Andy (not Timmons - I wish, heh)
  8. The Foos are ok but like everything else they produce it's mediocre at best..... Buy a proper Rock album.... Andy
  9. hehehehheehh I dunno why am laughing, oh wait yeah I do - am pissed hehehhehe
  10. I gave out mostly scene points for being ace, hehe, but the occasional negative to (I don't care cause am pissed) to CowBoy Dan for bein a wank and em i can't remember the rest , but it was usually with good cause, heh Andy
  11. Well am officially pissed for the first time in 2 months. 1 bottle of 9.5% wine followed by half a bottle of 13.5%. Who else is pissed? Andy
  12. I wouldn't mind it but I got one already, Bargain of the century! My friend had one lyin in his room for like 2 years (he gave up really soon after he got it and took up bass instead) and I offered him 100 for it and he took it! A steal! Andy
  13. My worst one was before christmas. It was Jack Daniels promo night in the pub and every one was buying double JD / Cokes, but all they wanted were the T-shirts and prizes! Anyway I was half sloshed by then anyway (5 or 6 pints and 3 vodkas) and people were just leaving the JDs lying there (I swear there must have been at least 20 double JDs just lying going to waste at our table!) so I started helpin' myself. Me being drunk, thought they were just singles and stupidly drank 10 of them. By this point I was absolutely hammered beyond belief. I headed back towards my room shortly after, but fell asleep outside the TV room on the way. Some kind folks dragged me to my door only to discover I didn't have my key, so left me. Then another "kind soul" came along and decided it would be funny to hit the drunk guy with a brush. I ran off and locked myself in the shower room, only to wake up later with 2 university wardens staring back at me and the shower room door splintered open (they made me pay for the door!). The unlocked my door and helped me into bed. I woke up the next morning with the most intense pain in my stomache, and hurled no less than 5 times that day! This pain lasted for 3 days. It dulled a little each day but it was still pretty damn painful, even by day three. I've been more careful with my drinking since and actually have given up heavy drinking. I never go beyond 4 units of alcohol / day. But yeah, my advice, never go to a JD promotion night!!! Andy
  14. Hahaha, I've seen it too. Star wars kid is ace! Oh, also try http://www.guzer.com/videos/numa_numa.php from the same site. heh
  15. I don't mind the fact they are gone. Means I can actually express my opinion without some little tit leaving something insightful like "wank" or "shite" on my scene points Also means I can be tit now and then myself. But I eventually started signing scene points anyway, I don't hide. If you piss me off I'll just tell you so. heh. But I have to admit I WILL miss slipping the odd negative to the assholes of the site (you know who you are). Andy
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