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Mick Maverik

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Everything posted by Mick Maverik

  1. Man, I really can't understand Vai fans. I mean he has an occasional stroke of genius (The Animal, Fire Garden, Tender Surrender spring to mind) but most of his stuff (IMO) is unlistenable wank. Satch is guilty of it as well, but not half as much. I like a strong sense of melody in Guitar instrumentals. Anyone tried anything along the lines of: Marty Friedman, Andy Timmons, Steve Morse? Andy
  2. Bastard Right, ok, 80 it is. I need the cash. If you want it ASAP, we can seal the deal tomorrow. I work at Cash Convertors, so if you want to come down at 5:30, you can pick it up then. As I said: Iceman, Fender Gig Bag, Packet of unused Ernie Ball strings. If you can't manage that, I'm free all day tuesday? Get back to me ASAP Andy
  3. Ibanez Iceman / Black With White Trim / Was Around 300 New / Good Nick 115 is the asking price, but I will consider near offers. The Guitar is a couple of years old but in good nick, bar a small dent which is hardly noticable as it has not chipped the paint work. The Guitar needs re-strung, but I'm throwing in a spare set of new Ernie Ball strings I have. I am also throwing in a Fender padded gig bag, which is worth around 30 itself. Andy
  4. Fuck me, fuckin hot!!! Andy
  5. What I meant was, they are pretty, but it's ruined by voices roughened by smoking and whatever else, shitty personalitys, and narrow outlooks. Not purely on their looks. Andy
  6. You do get some hot neds. I always think it's a waste. And I used to live around Glasgow so STFU, stop making sweeping statements like that, to all who were. But yeah, I've seen one or two hot girls, dressed in track suits, capped, with voices rougher than a badgers arse... it's such a waste... Andy
  7. I usually have: Bass 8-9 Treble 8-9 Mid 5-6 Gain 8-10 Presence 8-9 I love this setup, but it depends what kind of heavy you want to go for? Metallica? Slipknot? Sabbath? You need to be more specific, if you want better ideas. Andy
  8. Reet Petite - Jackie Wilson (UK) Walk Like An Egyptian - The Bangles (USA) o_O Haven't heard of either?
  9. Get some Helloween or Hammerfall, or even Gamma Ray! Cheese metal at its best Andy
  10. Hmm, I hate to say it, but I really didn't care for this one at all. I didn't like the vocal style, the kind of Placebo voice. The Guitar work was very run of the mill, and I didn't care for the solo, not enough emotion. The lyrics I couldn't get a feel for either, they were too cliched. But don't take it to heart, I like some of Brendon's work, this is just a slip along the way. But as stated above, stop promoting him as "12 year old brendon" and "self taught". You'll get much more constructive criticism this way, and because almost all the Guitarists I know are self taught, and some damn good ones at that, it's not really that big a deal. Take this with a pinch of salt. This isn't meant to offend, it's just pure honest advice and constructive criticism (to my understanding anyway). Andy
  11. Hmm, I think the old name was much better. The new one kinda sucks dude.... The music is not bad, not my thing, but good for what it is. Andy
  12. Exactly how much do you need to gig live? I am torn between getting a 50 watt and saving a bit cash, or shelling out a little more for extra head room? Any advice? I'm referring to combos btw Andy
  13. Anyone recommend anything. 50 - 100 watts, budget is 300-400. Lookin for somethin that'll do for balls to the wall rock like GN'R, right through to Megadeth, and with a decent clean & reverb. Checklist for tried already: Spider II - not bad, but nah Marshall AVT series - Good, but not what am lookin for Marshall MG series - (see above) Laney TF series - decent, but the bass buzz is a problem Laney mx / hardcore range - I'll consider Hybrid or Solidstate, as long as it's good. (Valve ones are outa my price range and require too much maintenance for me to be assed) Andy
  14. Faster Pussycat rock man I think they are fuckin' ace! Music is too whiney, growly and mediocre these day. Whatever happened to the days of balls to the wall gritty verses and big cheesy sing along choruses? Andy p.s. you can't really define a metal head, there are so many different branches of it. Power Metal is a far cry from Death Metal for e.g. All in all it's just music....
  15. heh woops I just watched the whole thing now... I feel stupid... heh Andy
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