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Everything posted by che

  1. This place is powered by vBulletin 3. It is most definitely not free, and has a yearly license fee. Another good commercial solution is invision power boards. However since it sounds like you want a free option, the best free option is phpBB2. Although to run any of these you will need a web host which supports PHP and mySQL. If you don't know what these are, then you probably don't have them. (There are free hosts out there that support PHP and mySQL, but they aren't very good). So if you don't have a host, and you don't want to pay for one, you can use proboards or bravenet or some such, but these are really nothing in comparison to vBulletin/invision/phpBB Commercial PHP (best option, but costs money. Also need good host.) vBulletin - http://www.vbulletin.com Invision Power Board - http://www.invisionboard.com Free PHP (a good option. a good host is still needed) phpBB2 - http://www.phpbb.com Free Remote Hosted (horrible option. but completely free) ProBoards - http://www.proboards.com Bravenet - http://www.bravenet.com Sudden Launch - http://www.suddenlaunch.com World Crossing - http://www.worldcrossing.com ezBoard - http://www.ezboard.com InvisionFree - http://www.invisionfree.com RunBoard - http://www.runboard.com IMB - http://www.instantmessageboards.com QuickTopic - http://www.quicktopic.com And a host of others...
  2. It's a shame that today we have been shown that 51% of Americans are idiots and/or fundamentalist christians (the two usually go hand in hand).
  3. Well like I said, Fox have called it. No one else has, but from the way it looks, the Democrats don't look like they can still pull back Ohio. If Alaska goes to Kerry, then there could still be a draw...however the House of Reps would probably vote Bush in, Republicans being in control.. I just don't understand the American public. Voting him in once was a mistake, voting him in a second time is moronic. Obviously they haven't listened to his wise words... "Fool me once, shame on shame on you. Fool me you can't get fooled again."
  4. While you're right that Bush PROBABLY will take it, Kerry was just re-awarded the single Maine vote that was taken from him earlier tonight. Which means that if Kerry loses Ohio, he can still pull it on Alaska, if he takes all the other Gore seats. Or a draw, which is how the BBC seems to be pushing it. The BBC has been very good tonight, calling states WELL in advance of CNN, CNBC and Fox 'News'. In the case of Florida, BBC called it over half an hour before the US networks. I think that the US networks are covering their arses after the last Florida vote And remember, Ohio is (despite claims from the Republican party) STILL VOTING, and could still be voting for hours. UPDATE: FOX HAS CALLED OHIO FOR BUSH
  5. It's scary to think that he's probably going to have 4 more years to play President of the World. And as it was put so brilliantly in South Park...
  6. OR, and I may be way out in left field, YOU have the wrong time set in your profile?
  7. I've tried everything, and it all seems to be working. Just thought it would be something cool for you people to try
  8. I've done one, and thought this would be the best place to get your attention Neil http://www.aberdeen-music.com/forums/showthread.php?t=18265
  9. finding out consists of right clicking your desktop...properties..settings and reading off the settings
  10. What resolution are all of your TFT's capable of?
  11. other than your monitor, that sounds sweet. Monitor wize, I would take resolution/refresh over flatness any day.
  12. che

    web help

    I would edit that if I was you. I got my posts deleted and a PM for the very same today
  13. che

    web help

    Is that what you used for your style on your MT page? I can't get my head round the templates on MT. I managed to get it installed and running...any tips on where to find decent tutorials?
  14. Wirelessly posted (Klondike/1.50 (HTTP Win32)) posting from a wap browser...wonder if it works.
  15. Well we may not all be MR SMARTY MC SMART SMART. Or something.. But yeh, I was expecting something, but I didn't know what or when.
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