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Everything posted by calum

  1. calum

    Punk Rock

    Aright, fair enough, I get you now. My bad, I forgot to mentioned that I definitely don't recommend any of the stuff they wrote after becoming dull, middle-aged men and running out of ideas
  2. calum

    Punk Rock

    Can you teach me credibility please? I'm willing to do whatever it takes, as long as I can keep my ultra-fashionable haircut and punk rock (Blink 182, Good Charlotte, New Found Glory) records. xXCalumXx
  3. Aye, Vidal was all over the shop today. You're right about Tommy Wright as well, he could do with relying on upper body strength rather than daft sliding challenges. I think the RU moved because they were told there'd be less interference with their displays on the Y.
  4. Fucking embarrassing performance.
  5. Will you be changing your username to 'Old Gold (ON TOURZ!!!!)' while you're wowing audiences roomwide?
  6. What a tit. Arguably Ibrahimovic wouldn't get in because Man Utd. have great forwards and 'caause he's a big match choker, but Julio Cesar (think he made a mistake tonight though), Maicon and Cambiasso would walk in.
  7. calum

    Pet Hates!

    Bollocks - I'm landed gentry.
  8. I'm now relatively certain that this is what Mastodon's "Leviathan" is about.
  9. calum

    Pet Hates!

    I like to make sure I'm prepared in case somebody at work starts a conversation about it. It's only polite.
  10. calum

    Pet Hates!

    Aye, before it got repeated 17 million and three times and appeared on hundreds of god-awful "Top 100" programs. Pet hate: all of the above. Cliche, I know. Next: my original and really really interesting hatred of mobile phones.
  11. calum

    Pet Hates!

    Sorry, I have no idea what your talking about - that reference is far too mainstream for me.
  12. calum

    Pet Hates!

    Score one for the counter-culture. I really like that Taylor Swift, do you like Taylor Swift? Much catchier than that lot on on your profile (Thrush, is it? Who the fuck are they?) Pet hate: musical revolutionaries.
  13. calum


    Fuck you and yer funcy haircut.
  14. calum


    If this is directed at me, I'm not wound up. I just think you've come across as a total gype in this thread.
  15. calum


    Arrogance? Aye, I guess you're right. Imagine telling you I think you're making a tit of yersel after you calling Aberdeen a city of mongoloids - ideas above my station right enough. You're right, nit-picking on messageboards is the reason there's not many bands or gigs in Aberdeen you're interested in. Definitely nothing to do with too many people sitting behind keyboards pissing and moaning and expecting things to just happen, rather than putting in the effort to make good things happen in Aberdeen. Call me a mongoloid, but I find this confusing.
  16. calum


    Well, aren't we the controversial one? And what are you exactly, part of some kind of enlightened counterculture movement kind enough to share the intellectual wealth and some of your metropolitan sophistication with us inbred backwater-dwellers? Or are you just a jumped up tube who thinks he has the right to patronise anyone who's not from South-East England? Anyway, the point of my original post stands - learn to spell mongoloid, you mong.
  17. calum

    Pet Hates!

    Weathermen/women. Stop trying to make the weather exciting, stop trying to be a "character", and above all, stop fucking smiling at me you bunch of simpering morons. Get them to fuck, please.
  18. Honestly, I don't think anything has ever made me quite as happy as this.
  19. calum


    Aye, all these gay-ass (pardon?) bands are far too into image. They should all have uniformly shit long hair like non-image conscious metal bands. Are you? I'm nae a doctor or anything, but I would suggest that misspelling "mongoloid" in the location bit of your profile makes you appear less than fine. Yours, An Aberdonian Mongoloid
  20. It wasn't so much boo-ing Mrs Leishman as boo-ing the "...so let's cheer the Pars onto a victory!" bit at the end of it. Not that I took part like. I've never shouted "booo" in my life, because it's an utterly ridiculous noise. But feel free to write to the Daily Record; I'm sure they'll lap it up.
  21. calum

    Pet Hates!

    Thanks for putting those in bold
  22. Why does nobody realise that the correct plural form of "poof" is clearly "pooves"?
  23. Phil, that is the most magnificently shite DJ-ing pseudonym I've ever heard
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