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Everything posted by calum

  1. Can I have a CD please? I'll be nice to it and everything.
  2. calum

    Pet Hates!

    Are you trying to make a point?
  3. calum

    Pet Hates!

    I was always allowed/told to call my granny's one by his full name. Apparently political correctness hasn't reached Banffshire. Does this mean I'm a "product of a different era"?
  4. calum

    Pet Hates!

    Presumably the admins have some kind of anti-ginger agenda.
  5. calum

    Pet Hates!

    People who calm down and patch things up instead of scratching and hair-pulling eachother to death.
  6. calum

    Pet Hates!

    Have the two of you considered some kind of civil rights movement?
  7. calum

    Pet Hates!

    To be honest, I think everyone deserves to get the piss taken out of them for their physical appearance. I've spent half my life being told I look like a heroin addict/zombie and I really couldn't care less. Life would be dull without constant hurtful remarks.
  8. calum

    Pet Hates!

    Depends - do you exacerbate your gingerness by having an outrageous amount of hair?
  9. The EPL is still, generally speaking, a more attacking league than Serie A IMO. Only Roma and Genoa play what you could describe as attacking football most weeks. I think the Milan derby the other night has misled a lot of people - Inter still played with 3 defensive midfielders and basically played hoofball for Ibrahimovic and Adriano. If they appeared to be playing positively it's purely because Milan's defence, particularly without Gattuso and Nesta, is pish. Milan probably looked more attacking than usual as well, because if Beckham's utterly inexplicable arrival hadn't happened and Gattuso wasn't injured, they would be playing the same system that people whined about when they won the Champions' League in '07.
  10. calum

    Pet Hates!

    You should do stand up. You're like a male Jo Brand. Also I'd like to add Jo Brand and all comediennes of her ilk to my pet hates.
  11. Yes. No. Maybe that's how he meant to come across, but as it happens, the defensiveness of his post meant it just came off as a bit of a "say it ti ma face! " internet hardman act. But I don't know the guy; I'm sure he's nae like that at all. Maybe I should phone him to find out, but let's face it, I don't have the balls*. *time or inclination
  12. Aye, you seem like just the type of guy who would react well to someone coming up to you/phoning you up with some constructive criticism. You can hide behind the "I'm a professional, what the fuck do you cunts know?" thing if you like, but as Captain America (hiding behind an internet moniker...coward!) said, not everyone has the technical knowledge but we can hear whether or not we like what we hear. Nah, it's really nae.
  13. Aright, that's decent then A smaller venue would be magnificent.
  14. Aye? Fair play then, was just that afterwards a couple of us were saying they didn't seem too chuffed with the reception they got. That's nae supposed to be a dig at the promotion or anything else, for the avoidance of doubt.
  15. TTNG were excellent. They seemed pretty unimpressed with Aberdeen though.
  16. calum

    Punk Rock

    Sorry about that, Mr. Elitist. You shouldn't interact with people.
  17. calum

    Punk Rock

    I honestly couldn't care less whether you or anyone else on here thinks I'm a moron. It's just that if someone's sad enough to care whether or not I know the difference between literal and figurative, I'm going to take the piss out of them, especially if they're a serial pedant with a superiority complex like yourself. I notice you've spelled figurative right in this post though, so at least I've taught you something Maybe. But given that you've met me I'm sure you're aware there's absolutely no way anyone, myself included, could possibly think I'm clever Just you go on telling it like it is though - the internet fears your wrath.
  18. calum

    Punk Rock

    Aye, the difference being that I intentionally misused a word, whereas you would appear to just be semi-literate. I'm sure there's a 15 year-old misplacing commas in another thread somewhere, so why don't you run along and direct your tedious pedantry elsewhere in future, eh? Besides, grammatical correctness ain't punk.
  19. calum

    Punk Rock

    Well, clearly I need to spend a few more years correcting other posters' grammar in a patronising fashion before I can make use of irony or Smashie & Nicie references.
  20. calum

    Punk Rock

    I was quite figuratively being ironical and speaking a heap of hyperbolics. Cheers for thinking I'm an imbecile though By the way: figuritive - Google Search You're nae very good at pedantry.
  21. I want names! D'you think the guy from our school that got caught stealing women's underwear from TK Max counts as an amusing theft story? I was definitely amused.
  22. I may just have to join you in looking a pap.
  23. calum

    Punk Rock

    Quite literally millions of great tunes. Here's one:
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