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steve corps

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Everything posted by steve corps

  1. was i so 'out there and pointless' when we cooked food at my good friend wilsons barbecue last summer? we had buger flipping duties over a few beers and talked a fair while. or how about that same night when i helped you guys out in a very decent way?
  2. false - i was eating lovely home made chilli and drinking wine with boss TPBM has a pet hippo
  3. pesthole definately electronic. PESTHOLE elements of... WEREWOLF CORPS
  4. aye, sounding affy good.think i'll hunt a cd down when my pays in.
  5. its not technically a jam as jam cant be defined exactly.its a preserve.that can be defined properly and fits the glory that is marmalade.
  6. i'm a big fan of romero, i've watched it twice, some cool touches but overall i'd say its poor and certainly not 'the greatest zombie film ever from the master of the genre'.its pretty shite.romero rips himself off badly, which is ridiculous when you think about it.
  7. we tried to watch it whilst tripping and promptly put it off with no hesitation.it could be worse(in a scary sense), but if you read into it a bit, its pretty grim.the description on the warp site doesnt fit the actual content.the 'mama' bit at start and end from baby and grown up johnny freaks me right out.great track as well.
  8. i used to listen to the tea party 10 odd years ago, gone pretty shit now imo.shame.'splendor solis' and 'edges of twilight' are such good records.did they play titp?!
  9. surprise surprise, a funny little PM confirms PoR is allsytemsfail, still flipping over his footwear and still sucking the life out of everything.who'd have guessed?!
  10. first track is grim.its boring, cliched metal.hate the geetar tone, riff is so unoriginal its painful.weak drums.yuck. second track i quite like, but thats down to the singer, kinda layne staleyesque.saves it for me. i'd say you were a bad metal band.
  11. no, please continue, you may just be correct.
  12. absolutely, fashioncore means way more than how a band looks, its the same as the monstrosity that third generation nu-metal became, except applied to hardcore/metalcore.i didnt say we shall be blessed were a bad band, just totally not what i look for in modern day hardcore/metalcore.i personally find them peddling wares that were getting tiresome and bland 4 years ago after a few inventive bands were ripped off wholesale by a slew of uninventive, bandwagon jumping bands.its waht happens i'm afraid.if they want to do that and you want to be impressed by that its cool beans, wipe off that nosebleed and go help that guy fix the guitar he broke in a rockstar fit. i've worn caps, army shirts and cut off shorts for over 12 years and i'm certainly not 'creating an image', i used to be in the army and wear all my surplus, gives me more time to drink beer and hunt buffalo etc.reckon i'll get another few decades out of my current wardrobe.there ya go. now have a bath, play some celine dion and chill.
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