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Everything posted by TR!ΔNGL€ T€€TH

  1. Val Verde Terror - Bastards escape your hell
  2. Angry Hammers - Face Facts (Nails in the Shin Bone)
  3. Chest of Beards - I left my fist in your face
  4. Interesting article, cheers for posting it. I still think a bit of social media advertising might boost members here, a couple of cheeky posts in Facebook groups now and then and a non dormant twitter account. What do the mods think about that idea, eh!?!?
  5. Bob Dylan - I'LL BE YOUR BABY TONIGHT (I thought the caps lock gave it some much needed extra menace, not present in this version)
  6. I am thinking of a strap with skulls, lightning bolts or bullets on it. Maybe one that is like police tape?
  7. Hmm, a badass strap is a good shout.
  8. Bluetooth only, so I can't sync it with my computer and have that output through my separates simultaneously. A downside, as I wanted to be able to play the same banging hits in the living room and the kitchen.
  9. I have one of these: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Bose-SoundLink-Mini-Bluetooth-Speaker/dp/B00D42A8J4/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1435659690&sr=8-2&keywords=bose+soundlink+mini The sound is so good from it, that the only reason I am keeping my separates is to play LPs. Blown away by how good a small speaker like this could sound. The battery lasts ages too, so charging isn't a problem.
  10. Hound - Kong Another Spotify recommendation. Just look at the artwork, it is lovely. These guys sound like a really pissed off version of Dead Meadow. I don't need to say any more than that. 12.56/15.7
  11. Perhaps Aberdeen-Music could promote itself on one of those social media sites that I've heard so much about...
  12. I doubt we'll ever get back to number back in the *sigh*, glory days. Since folk hear don't speak about music much, I can imagine that will put people off since the site is called Aberdeen-Music and football is probably the most popular topic. Plus the many instances of casual sexism & misogyny I'd hazard to guess has depleted posting members. There is a whole combination of things that have created a perfect storm to scare away forum members, new and old. Imagine you were new to this site today and ended up reading the brain farts from Cool Thinker or Young Adolescent? I should probably end this post on a positive note: I like it when people talk about bands that they have discovered that are good. This is a good thing.
  13. Yeah, lets get Stripey back, he was a great bunch of lads.
  14. Ugh, we'll be fighting an ideology with bombs then, that kind of thing always puts a fundamentalist over to your way of thinking. It is all quite tragic and depressing really, wars as an excuse to pay arms dealers. Probably just being a cynical Monday morning grumparoo though.
  15. Guys, this is more than just a music video, this is art.
  16. My pal wrote about it here: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/babb/11691493/Partick-Thistle-unveil-utterly-terrifying-new-mascot.html Who would have thought getting a modern conceptual artist to design A FOOTBALL MASCOT would end badly?! Fucking hell, I've read some wank online defending this malformed abomination against mascots, as if high art and family friendly characters should be commonplace. Nobody wants Tracy Emin coming up with children's TV shows, unless you want them spending a dark 20 minutes contemplating their own mortality. Anyway, Liverpool have spent lots of money so far. Celtic have not spent lots of money. How many days until the transfer window slams shut?
  17. I think it is when you buy one battery (your primary battery), then buy another (secondary) as a back up.
  18. In Switzerland as of 2008, C batteries totalled 5.4% of primary battery sales and 3.4% of secondary battery sales.
  19. There is a lot to be said for taking 99% of mainstream comedians, throwing them into a 8 foot deep pit, dousing them in petrol and setting fire to them. It could serve as a warning to aspiring comics, especially the kind that would like a sitcom which could be shown on ITV.
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