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The Sloth

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Everything posted by The Sloth

  1. Tool (totally forgot they had one coming!) Mastodon The Berzerker Devin Townsend Napalm Death Today Is The Day Im sure theres one major one im missing but I cant think right now... EDIT: Memory returned; Grind Finale by Nasum! I'll probably check out the Skitsysyem one too...
  2. This version sounds awesome! The intro is cool, the guitars sound nice and thick. I think that the 'clean' vocal part sounds much better too. Tony's vocals are awesome. Where did you record?
  3. Looking forward to playing the tunnels again! Whos coming along?
  4. Cheers to everyone who came along! I reckon It was one of the best gigs we've done and was awesome fun playing live again. The Band from Uncle were ace. Iomega are not my kind of music but I think they do what they do extremely well and have potential. They have really catchy songs and are a very tight band. I didnt really like moriarti at all.
  5. The thing with Electro Harmonix is quite different....They are imported from the states...Boss TU-2 was delayed because Boss dont make enough pedals quickly enough to cover their orders and so are always out of stock when we try to order them.....nothing to do with bulk discount (mostly to do with carraige charges)
  6. Vai playing on it is definately not a good thing! looking forward to the rest of the album though...
  7. Filthpact Strobing Goat Element106 The Band From Uncle Hot Mangu
  8. Mike has been found and is safe apparantley(check out the EYEHATEGOD board)!!!! Phew
  9. Dont know what your struggling to make sense of! Metal does have a certain dress code, but it's more diverse!? no?
  10. so you are saying you never get angry, wound up and feel the need to act aggresively? you strange, strange person..... some people just have a short fuse, bad temper, whatever, everyones is different. I see where your coming from though, because it is much more logical and a helluva lot easier to resolve an argument and talk to someone when they are not going mental, and not listening to reason! But when your arguing it's easy to get wound up by things that are said, the way the're said etc. There's no need for physical violence though...that doesnt really resolve the argument in most cases, and I would probably agree that using physical violence to solve an argument does show a lack of inteligence, a lack of ability to use words to express yourself and put your point across etc.
  11. Will you have t shirts at the moorings gig?
  12. Dont bring that shit in here! Atreyu are not a metal band! They desperately want to be, but thay are not, they fall in with all the bands that share the 'metalcore' tag. Who all want to be metal and steal each other's riffs, vocals, songs and clothes. That stuff goes hand in hand with Emo, the whole fashion dress code shit thats going on.
  13. I also have fucked up dreams.... i used to have lots of dreams that i can fly....recurring....(they feel good). not had one for a while. Ive had dreams where ive i done things that i had never done where the physical sensation is so real. dreams of people close to me dying where ive had to go and check that they're still alive when i wake up. There's definately something more to dreaming........
  14. M Bison, I wanted to be ryu...Bah!
  15. Work full time at R&B Music, it's a good laugh!
  16. I am 7% Emo. 'Okay... so you're not emo at all.. you're probably not even goth, because goths are just messed up emo kids... you're probably a metal head... or into boy bands...' very accurate, except I dont like boy bands....
  17. I dont know much theory, but the things i have learned(modes, chords) have provided me with cool things i probably wouldn't have found on my own, but now i know these shapes i have the annoying habit of 'defaulting' to them and becoming stuck...and in those cases i wish i could go back to not knowing anything.
  18. I'll be there! what do you guys sound like?
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