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Laxton's Superb

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Everything posted by Laxton's Superb

  1. Spencer - legend. best soundtrack? hmm...i dont own it but the soundtrack to The Edukators looks rather good
  2. oh yeah, that was with you wasnt it? haha.
  3. dont think he is deserving of celebrity status..... i think i may have encountered this guy before...he told me i would 'regret' not giving him the necessary money, he was just upset i refused his offer of weed though i reckon
  4. yeah..imagine being booked for a foul! jeez
  5. Tony Christie....jesus. DFA1979...may check 'em out
  6. Primal Scream...if you can really consider them Scottish.
  7. i heard he took a few of them out at an Aberdeen gig....awesome
  8. animals of farthing wood - YESSS!!!!! still on at 6am, dontcha know
  9. i was thinking of you throughout! haha
  10. im saddened, i think a Chelsea - Milan final would have been cracking, at least we can all look forward to Sheva banging a few in against 'Pool!
  11. the idea of a european state is quite exciting actually
  12. im missing this tonight cos i have to work, not happy! i cant see past Chelsea to be honest, too much for Liverpool.
  13. Roddy is a lovely man, ill bet he's slagging off the Aberdeen crowd to the Edinburgh folk though! bless 'im
  14. mmm.....just seeing the set list again has me all wet!
  15. cooperation is just an eaier to swallow pill...they were essentially occupied, in that they were subjects of the Reich
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