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Laxton's Superb

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Everything posted by Laxton's Superb

  1. the though of the Nazi's or anyone else occupying my country turns my stomach
  2. when people stop talking about it...and starting threads on websites about it.
  3. it was a headbutt, a particularly nasty one at that.
  4. these guys are honest, genuine athletes!
  5. haha, that was the most ridiculous thing i have ever seen on a football field!
  6. haha, i remember being at Ibrox for a european cup match, and seeing Delahunt in the studio, with fans banging on the windows throughout, he looked well nervous. how is that man in payed employment anyway?
  7. yeah well...one of your lot hit Fernando with a coin...unacceptable!
  8. what team does she support? she seems to be at Ibrox rather too much for my liking. ill bet she services Delahunt after every show.
  9. i missed the Gers highlights with trout gub Sarah O, dissapointing.
  10. the latest Idlewild album is probably their best, but for reckless guitar based abandon, get Captain...do it.
  11. they were called Foxface....hence the mask the drummer had.
  12. why not listen to them and then ask your shit question...gimp
  13. i thought they were nae bad.....i think they are playing the Lemon Tree soon, id go.
  14. Narcs help was essential in me fixing my jag, they are very flawed, but very pretty as well!
  15. nor i...... the new material tonight was superb, i reckon ill now buy a ticket to see them at the Isle of Skye festival as well, and couple it with a visit to grandmas, everyones a winner!
  16. aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh...............just got back, fantastic stuff. that ROCKed more than a geology field trip!
  17. good news, but you want some better news? HIBS 3-1 CELTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH GOD YES!!!!!!
  18. i cannot wait! ive been listening to Warnings....for the lasf few days, what a great album it is too!
  19. i remember finding that part quite funny as well...i forget why
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