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Laxton's Superb

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Everything posted by Laxton's Superb

  1. oh, i fell asleep thinking of you....... hahahahahaha..
  2. you are fast becoming an industrial strength irritant
  3. y'know Jake....the SNP has a greater chance of winning seats.....
  4. your pretty good at rallying the troops for footie maxwell, it should be left in his hands, haha
  5. avatar makes it apparent. an exciting, forward thinking party who dont spend all their time bickering about why the Tories failed to do this, and Labour illegally did that etc..they put Scotland first.
  6. surely the mistake concerning that CD was releasing it....FUCKYEAH!!!!
  7. this is the biggest problem the SNP have, not laying into anyone in particular, but general ignorance....the name may entail nationalism and independence etc, but look beyond it and there are very real issues, hardly a one policy party!
  8. as long as its only the word....
  9. as you can see, im in a band already....and not a bassist, im sure we'll hear each others material at some point though, happy hunting!
  10. ill be in 6 on the dot, and watch my pay packet BULGE.
  11. whats the somerfield policy in terms of pay Dayeth? time and a half?
  12. haha...port of saints isnt too bad, what are your influences?
  13. your inane comments are really quite tiresome, stop it.
  14. besides, it would be easy to raid their caravans for mayo and other BBQ enhancing sauces and spreads
  15. i think it would be more satisfying to see the big goon floundering after you meg 'im! haha
  16. gypsies have probably already made it their own
  17. his interviews arent bloody funny! his wit stretches as far as, so and so is a cunt....christ!
  18. haha..loads of it'll be animated probably....fuckin' weirdos
  19. take her to one of those weird Japanese hotels where the rooms consist only of a bed, then there can be no excuses made like, oh...whats on the telly? etc...just gettin' down n' dirty, oh yes.....
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